When the person in charge walked out of the gate, he just turned around and wanted to say that the butler didn't need to send it, but who knew that the next one under his feet did not stand firmly, and his steps slipped.

The person in charge subconsciously reached out and held the handle on the side, and the other hand was not stable, and accidentally smashed the slender neck vase decorated at the door.

With a crack, the vase shattered.

The person in charge also stabilized himself, saw the broken vase, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't stand firm just now, I broke your vase, how much money, I will compensate you!"

The housekeeper glanced at the vase and said to the person in charge with a smile: "It's okay, just replace it if it's broken."

After that, he called the nanny: "Clean up here, go to the warehouse to get that cloud-patterned vase." The

nanny bent down and said yes, then turned and went to the cleaning room.

The housekeeper turned to the person in charge and smiled: "It's not a valuable thing, just change it if it's broken." Don't take it to heart. The

person in charge was a little embarrassed: "No, no, no, I'd better buy a new one for you to lose, right?" It was I who walked too fast and did not stand firm. The

butler said no, so he sent a few people out.

"A small vase of more than two hundred thousand, not a valuable thing, don't take it to heart."

The butler said with a smile.

The person in charge was silent for a moment, and no longer said that I must pay or something, but it was more embarrassing.

When he got to the car, the person in charge let out a long sigh.

The staff on the side were shocked: "My mother, more than 200,000 vases, if I have such a vase, I will definitely supply it, and I can still put it at the door?"

Another staff member on the side who had never spoken suddenly said, "Because people have money." "

The person in charge and the staff looked over.

The staff member said: "The set of tea set that the nanny poured us tea today, I know, is a classic work of a tea set master, that set is about 600,000."

The staff looked at his stunned colleagues and smiled: "Did you see the carpet that just entered the door?" Imported from country F, 50% spider silk, that carpet is about the price of two sets of tea sets.

"Did you see the hanging painting when you walked in the door?" The proud work of the artist of country F was once auctioned at the gallery for 400,000 euros, and according to the signature, it is genuine.

"Did you see the ornament dolls on the coffee table in the living room?" The proud works of the masters of Northwest national art, patented, those three ornaments are also millions. The

staff's words fell, and the person in charge swallowed his saliva.

"That one vase is enough for my salary for half a year, I originally thought it was already very luxurious, and the vase together is the cheapest one?"

The staff nodded: "So people don't care." "

The van left with a cart of fast-sounding employees with different minds.

After the housekeeper saw off the person in charge and the group, Mingmei came out of the room with a yawn.

Ming's game has a new mobile game, Ming Mei is having fun, staying up late last night through the plot, and only fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Ming Mei stretched and went downstairs to sit on the sofa.

Rosita also came out of the bedroom next to Mingmei's bedroom, sat next to Mingmei, and peeled an orange for Mingmei.

Mingmei took the orange and ate it, leaning on the sofa and looking at the message on her mobile phone.

The few entries related to the Ming clan are still hot, most of them are to pick up her identity and seek rich women.

Scanning the hot search, she suddenly saw the person in charge of the Weibo hot search send her a message.

It turned out that someone dug up the sunny account on her fast voice and asked her if she needed to remove this hot search.

Ming Mei glanced at the revelation, the whistleblower was obviously very brainy, just simply pulled out her account identity, and the rest was all boastful.

Mingmei looked at it, and there was nothing bad, so she let the person in charge of Weibo release the hot search.

After playing two games, suddenly someone was bright in the WeChat group.

Mingmei frowned and finished the game, then quit the game and clicked on WeChat.

It was the Bright King exchange group (Chapter 27) who hadn't spoken for a long time, and someone had picked her up.

More than one person.

【Kuaiyin King Exchange Group】

【Fenghua Film and Television xx:@阳光明媚 (screenshot)(screenshot) Mr. Ming, is it you? [

Blu-ray Game XX: It must be ah, the full fast sound platform is called the sunny king. @阳光明媚 Big guy, the little brother is also a gamer, kneeling and begging for soup! 】

【Flying Logistics xx:@阳光明媚 Big guy, the little brother is also a logistics business, don't ask for a bowl of soup, can you let me lick the bowl after eating meat and drinking soup? 】

【Light and Shadow Entertainment xx:@阳光明媚 Big guy, you are a real big guy, please tell Ming Suming that our trainee really accidentally splashed your trainee with water, without any intentional factors, please, my trainee hasn't appeared in the photo for almost two months (crying) (crying)]

[Wang's Catering xx:@阳光明媚 Big guy, when will Ming's private dishes come to Flower City? The leaders of the catering industry here in Huacheng are too arrogant and urgently need the big guys to parachute and suppress. Seeing

these news, Mingmei frowned, how could she forget this group.

No way, most of them have some business dealings, it's hard not to answer.

[Bright: @风华影视xx it's me. 【

Bright: @蓝光游戏xx is not a big guy, everyone is encouraged. 【

Bright: @飞翔物流xx It's not a big guy, you and I are together. 【

Bright:@光影娱乐xx You can explain to Ming Su and our trainees who were inexplicably splashed with water by the trainees under your hand. 【

Bright:@王氏餐饮xx At present, there are plans to expand outward, but there is no specific charter, so let's encourage it. After

chatting in the group for a while, Mingmei felt a little hungry, stretched, and turned her head to see the chef walking in with a large bag of ingredients, ready to go to the kitchen.

Mingmei saw what the ingredients were at a glance, and immediately made a bitter face: "Butler, eat something vegetarian today." "

Every day there is a big fish and meat, yesterday the chef made more vegetarian dishes, and the result was broth stew, the taste was very good, but the brightness instantly lost interest.

The chef's cooking tastes great! But the chef treats her like a little pitiful who has been ravaged and abused for decades without eating a bite of food or drinking a mouthful of hot soup, to borrow the metaphor of a certain building dream, an eggplant can't wait for dozens of chickens to simmer, no matter how much it is tired of eating.

However, whenever Ming Mei proposed that the chef made a little too much meat dishes, the chef's eyes would flash with loss, and Ming Mei had a very firm heart and was a little embarrassed at the moment, so she could only eat well.

>Today the chef purchased a bunch of fish meat, looking at the top shrimp for thousands of dollars, Bright had no appetite at all.

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