Wu Mengyao smiled and changed the color of nail polish for herself.

"What is my identity, what is Liu Meiyue's identity? I can make Liu Meiyue unable to stay in a word, why should I personally embarrass her by lowering my identity? She just couldn't get into my eyes.

"For people of her status, the university is her only springboard, and the highest and most powerful people she may have come into contact with in her life are in this university."

"If I were her, the first thing I would do when I was admitted to a prestigious university would be to have a good relationship with my classmates, study hard, make a good impression on the teachers, and then study for a Ph.D., strive to improve my education, expand my circle of friends, and find a good job after graduation, preferably staying in the local area, so that the starting point of her descendants will be much higher than hers."

"If you really don't want to work hard, just put it on the table, go back to your hometown for graduate school with a diploma, and then find a good job in the local area, you can also live comfortably for a lifetime."

"Instead of, follow a man, or a man who has an affair with other women, hum, not clear-headed, thinking that he is the heroine of the novel." Wu Mengyao said disdainfully.

The next day

, the bright three were sitting at a table of four.

At this moment, a timid voice sounded from the opposite side: "Hello three students, can I sit here?"

Mingmei raised her head and saw that it was the girl who followed behind Han Ziming yesterday.

Ming Mei glanced at the cafeteria, which was full of seats.

"Late for class?" Mingmei asked with a smile.

"Hmm..." Liu Meiyue snorted embarrassedly, "We have to sort out the equipment, so it's late for class, our dormitory is disinfected, it's not convenient for me to bring it back to eat, I'm sorry."

Ma Mingyue said that it was okay, and picked up the book that was placed in the last position.

Liu Meiyue sat down, lowered her head, and said sullenly, my name is Liu Meiyue.

Ming Mei snorted and didn't say much.

Liu Meiyue plucked up courage: "I'm sorry."

Ming Mei smiled: "What did you do to say sorry to me?" "

Han Ziming, it's my childhood sweetheart... Friend. He did not do the right thing yesterday, and I am sorry for him on his behalf.

Liu Meiyue whispered.

Ming Mei smiled: "What about Han Ziming?" Why didn't he come and say sorry to me?

Looking at Liu Meiyue, who had an embarrassed face, Ma Mingyue also smiled: "Mingmei, you don't know this, this is Liu Meiyue, alas, our school's well-known Han Ziming licks dogs." The

more Ma Mingyue thought about yesterday, the more angry she became, and Han Ziming's handsome and tall image in her heart was suddenly shattered, and she was inserted with countless annoying labels.

Liu Meiyue's head couldn't wait to stick into the bowl.

Mingmei looked at Liu Meiyue and suddenly asked, "You like him very much?"

Liu Meiyue nodded subconsciously, and then shook her head again.

"Do you like it or not?" Xu Xiaoning asked with a frown.

Liu Meiyue sighed: "I liked it before, but I don't like it now."

"I thought about it yesterday all night without rest... Maybe I was really blinded by his tall and handsome appearance and childhood sweetheart, but in fact, he is not as good as I thought..."

Liu Meiyue laughed miserably: "I better study hard now!" I don't want to love these things anymore.

Mingmei's eyes softened: "That's right, men will betray you, knowledge will not."

"Then your eyes are red, as if you are about to cry." Ma Mingyue asked curiously.

Liu Meiyue sobbed: "I'm sorry... I was just...... I've had a crush on him for almost ten years. The

three of them looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with the original.

Liu Meiyue's eyes turned red: "I'm just a little sad." I had a crush on him for so long, he was very good, for him, I learned to play basketball, learn to dance, be a cheerleader, study art, I did so much effort, but in the end I still got nothing.

Ming Mei sighed helplessly: "Who said you didn't get anything."

Looking at Liu Meiyue's rabbit-like eyes, Mingmei's heart softened: "First of all, you have to figure it out."

"You learned to play basketball, learn to dance, learn art, and be a cheerleader is not for Han Ziming."

"Did you bring any benefit to Han Ziming with so many things you learned?"

So, you have learned so many things just to satisfy your dream of "pursuing Han Ziming" and satisfy your own interests. You just learn for yourself.

"Now, you didn't pursue him, to put it badly, you fell out of love."

"However, your broken love did not take away your ability to play basketball, did not take away the figure you maintained in order to learn to dance, did not take away your art skills, and did not take away your title of cheerleader."

"In this relatively failed crush, you still gained a lot of things."

"You can keep playing basketball, you can keep dancing, you can keep drawing, you can keep being a cheerleader. You are nothing more than staying away from a man who makes you sad, and this is something to celebrate.

Liu Meiyue's eyes slowly lit up.

"Why don't you change your pursuit?"

Mingmei smiled: "Such as fighting for research quotas?"

After returning to the dormitory, Ma Mingyue sighed: "Our school's graduate school quota is not so easy to fight for."

Mingmei said: "Let her change her goal, people like her, if they can't reach the goal of Baoyan, they will change themselves to an easy goal, in short, she will always find a direction for herself to work for."

Xu Xiaoning slowly poked his head out of bed: "Mingmei, are you going back tomorrow?"

Ming Mei counted her time: "Almost, tomorrow morning after the closing ceremony of the exchange meeting I will pack my things and go home."

Xu Xiaoning said with some reluctance: "I still think you can stay for two more days, there are still a lot of delicious food in the canteen that you haven't eaten." Bright

rarely showed a soft smile.

"If I could, I would like to stay in school and spend more time with you." But as you know, I have several companies in my hands, and I am usually quite busy.

Xu Xiaoning sighed helplessly: "Okay."

At this moment, Ma Mingyue suddenly asked: "Mingmei, your company has been established for so long, have you encountered any competitors?"

"Competitors? That's a lot more. Bright said.

Ma Mingyue's eyes lit up: "Mingmei, tell me how you deal with them?"

Ming Mei thought about it: "How else can I deal with it?" Improve the capabilities of our employees, strive to reduce costs, provide quality services to customers, improve society's evaluation of us, and that's it.

Ma Mingyue was a little disappointed: "There is no such thing as in novels and TV series, what company has a particularly mysterious U disk and the like, this USB disk has hidden information of the whole company, as long as the opponent gets this USB disk company will go bankrupt?" "

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