Bright smiled: "What are you talking about?" Of course not. How can the company's important documents be kept on a pen drive?

Ma Mingyue said with some reluctance: "Is there that kind of information that gathers the incriminating evidence of the whole company, or when you have a meeting, your video is suddenly replaced with some people's little secrets or something?"

Bright was helpless: "Of course not!" We're legitimate, okay? Large groups like us have long been in the official sight, and the official eyes on us are very tight, and we dare not evade taxes, let alone break the law?

"And the kind of video PPT that is transferred during the meeting, which is even more impossible, okay!" Not to mention, most of the PPT data can now be directly projected from the mobile phone to the screen, and it is not at all possible to change the USB disk and the like, besides, what is the use of changing it to some people's little secrets? We are a legal society, a legal company, a legal business, as long as the other party does not break the law, at most it is a little embarrassing.

Mingmei looked at Ma Mingyue, who was full of disappointment, and felt very funny: "Where do you see these strange things?"

Ma Mingyue handed her mobile phone to Mingmei: "It's this little collection!" A lot of people in it say it's interesting, but it's just a little disillusioned with me. It turns out that those business wars in novels and TV series do not exist. Ming

Mei took a look, it was a post.

[Never expected, the way to open the business war is like this] (B station search for the video of the same name, quite interesting)

On the first floor

, I originally thought that the business war was a very high-end way, that is, both sides hired hackers to buy the manpower of the other company, and so on, but you told me that the business war is like this? Business war in the literal sense? #某苏和某美互相砸店, the department manager exchanged hair, physical business battle #

second floor

hehe, working in the supermarket, the boss asked me to pretend to be a customer to inquire about the price of pork in the opponent's supermarket.

On the third floor

, we went to talk to our boss about business, and the opponent changed our menu to ten cucumbers.

The fourth floor

please big brothers and sisters, the kind of business war in the TV series is going to jail

... On the fifth floor

, the boss of our company and the boss of the company next door wrote small essays on the Internet and scolded each other, and they were also restricted from flowing.

On the sixth floor

, I went to the supermarket yogurt counter part-time during the winter vacation, watching the two brands of yogurt salesmen grab customers to fight, beat up and sit on the yogurt, and couldn't pull it open.

The method of a shared yellow car manager on the seventh floor to deal with the opponent is to secretly scratch the other party's shared bicycle cushion.

Didn't the eighth floor

say before that a company was hacked? That's pretty high-end, huh?

The ninth

floor replied to the eighth floor, and later found out that people bought the company's cleaning aunt, turned off the electric gate every 15 minutes, and the whole computer was powered off, thinking it was a high-end hacker.


Mingmei couldn't help but return the phone to Ma Mingyue.

"It's all a bunch of geniuses." After holding it for a long time, Ming Mei held out such a sentence.

Ma Mingyue forwarded the post to Xu Xiaoning, and Xu Xiaoning laughed after reading it.

"In other words, is business warfare really like this?"

Xu Xiaoning asked curiously.

Ming Mei rubbed the corners of her sour mouth: "Almost, no matter how serious it is, you will go to jail." The

three were chatting when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Ma Mingyue got up and opened the door, it was a strange young woman with a counselor's sign on her chest.

"That... Good evening students, is Mingmei in this dormitory?

Mingmei glanced at the young woman: "I am Mingmei, may I ask you?"

The woman was a little nervous: "Hello Mingmei, I am a counselor in the biology department, and my surname is Lin."

"Teacher Lin, is there something wrong?"

Bright asked.

Ma Mingyue moved a chair for Teacher Lin, and Teacher Lin said thank you a little and sat on the chair.

"That's right, Mingmei," Teacher Lin said a little nervously, "I'm very sorry to bother you presumably, but I heard that you have a similar experience, so I want to ask for a solution, I'm very sorry."

Ming Mei became serious: "You can tell me what happened?" Teacher

Lin said, "Do you remember Liu Hao?

Ming Mei found this person from her mind: "Remember, isn't he in prison?" "

It's not time to come out yet, is it?

Teacher Lin said again: "I would like to consult your process of handling this matter at that time... I'm a new counselor this year, and one of my students was hurt a lot when something very similar to yours was and now doesn't know what to do. Bright

eyes sharpened: "Your students have also made yellow rumors?" Teacher

Lin smiled bitterly: "It's not just that.

After that, Teacher Lin began to speak slowly.

So it was.

In the class that Teacher Lin just led, there was a girl who was in a trance every day in class, and she held her mobile phone after class and didn't know what she was doing.

Teacher Lin was a little worried, and through understanding, he finally knew what this girl had suffered.

This girl received a screenshot from someone else some time ago, and the person asked in surprise isn't this you?

When the girl saw it, it turned out to be a small yellow website, and the selfie she sent when she bought new clothes a few days ago was p-turned into Seqin and Ming to remove and ming, and there was a yellow advertisement underneath.

There are also many people who comment, the filth of the speech is disgusting.

The girl was directly stunned.

After that, the girl quickly calmed down, followed the vine to touch the melon, and found that not only one of her girl's friend circle selfies was P into this kind of picture, there were many other girls' selfies were P into yellow pictures, and even some were school students, the two knew each other.

The girls found these girls who were pictured by P, checked each other's circle of friends, and finally found a suspected suspect - Zhao Zifeng, a good student, party member, a good class leader in the eyes of teachers and classmates, and even took bonuses.

The girl couldn't believe it, but still chose to experiment - the girl sent a selfie, which was only visible to Zhao Zifeng.

Within days, the selfie appeared on pornographic websites.

This is a real hammer.

The girl was angry and took the other girls to ask Zhao Zifeng for an explanation.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zhao Zifeng actually admitted that he did it himself not take long, and rightly asked the girls not to post this matter on the Internet, and he also had to enter graduate school.

The girl was depressed, but she didn't know how to solve it.

"At my request, the girl has already called the police," Teacher Lin sighed, "but it is of no use at all, the police said that Zhao Zifeng spread obscene pornography, and only used ten days of detention." Ten days of detention! My students and other girls were criticized by this scum to spread rumors, and it took six months to find evidence, and in these six months, countless people saw those disgusting pictures, and my students and these girls lived in dire straits, only in exchange for ten days of detention for this scum! "

Bright eyes, extremely cold.

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