"The most important thing is that this scum has already been admitted to graduate school!"

"Not expelled from school, jailed and even changed the time to summer vacation, and it was only ten days!" Teacher Lin's face was full of grief: "Ten days to change my student for a full six months, he can still join the party to study for graduate school, this is not fair!" Bright

looked cold.

"Teacher Lin, is it convenient for me to meet with that classmate?" Bright said.

Teacher Lin was a little hesitant: "I want to inform that classmate and let her come to the school."

Ming Mei asked suspiciously, "Isn't that classmate at school?" After speaking, Mingmei reacted to asking a stupid question herself, a little annoyed.

After experiencing this kind of thing, the mood is already bad, and not everyone is like her, there are countless people working for her under a phone call, this girl probably hit a wall one after another.

"Classmate Chen Ting is temporarily suspended." Teacher Lin sighed: "Since this incident, many people in the school have followed suit, and the roommates of that scum also threatened several female classmates who were victimized, saying on the Internet what delayed that scumbag entrance examination... Chen Ting couldn't stand the blow and had been suspended from school for more than half a month. Ming

Mei searched for this news on the Internet, as well as the notice sent by the school. There are very few people who follow and comment, and they are not even on the hot search.

More than a dozen girls were rumored, and one girl was suspended from school... In this case, the school only said that the boy had made some small mistakes, and the news reported by the police only spread obscene pornography, without mentioning the injured female classmates....

The same question was raised below, and some replied to protect the victims.

Bright sneered.

There are many ways to protect the victim, and the best way is to keep the perpetrator in custody for a longer period of time.

If the perpetrator cannot get out, the victim is the safest.

Thinking of this, Ming Mei sighed.

It seems that no matter what world, the control of rumors and public opinion and the attention of the law are not good.

Mingmei held back her anger and smiled at Teacher Lin: "Teacher Lin, give me the contact information of that classmate, I will contact her in three days." Sitting

in the car home, Mingmei let out a long breath and sent the news to the housekeeper, so that the housekeeper could investigate the cause and effect of this matter.

Although she sympathized with the classmate's experience, she would not listen to one side of the story.

She wants to investigate the cause and effect of this matter.

This investigation is mainly to confirm whether what Mr. Lin said is true, and is there any subjective assumption?

If it is not true, Mingmei will naturally not care about this matter, and will slightly "punish" this so-called Teacher Lin

, if it is true, that classmate Chen Ting has limited ability, there must be many things that have not been investigated, and it is too light to detain scum for ten days on the grounds of "spreading obscene pornography".

And more evidence is also convenient for Li Mingkang to play.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the door was opened, and Rosita pounced on Mingmei like a big cat.

"Bright and bright~" Rosita's golden head rubbed around Mingmei's neck: "Have you been having fun these three days?"

Rosita stared at her beautiful blue eyes, looked up and down, left and right, and after confirming that only the butler and Bright came back, her back seemed to bloom with small flowers.

"Pretty happy." Ming Mei patted Rosita's back and said soothingly.

Rosita let go of Mingmei, took Mingmei's luggage from the butler with one hand, and pulled Mingmei into the house with the other.

The people in the room were very crowded, Wei Hang and Zhao Chen sat on the sofa and didn't know what they were talking about, Chi Rui sat on the single sofa on the side to read a sports magazine, there was movement in the kitchen, it should be An Mingyu baking a small cake inside.

Seeing Mingmei come back, several people stood up, Chi Rui was the fastest at the top, and he arrived next to Mingmei in a few steps, and took Mingmei's free hand: "Mingmei, you are back?" Tired or not? Do you want me to give you a massage and rest for a while?

Wei Hang lowered his raised hand with some loss.

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

Ming Mei let go of Rosita's hand and brushed her hair: "It's rare."

After that, Ming Mei sat in the position where Wei Hang had just sat down.

Wei Hang's eyes lit up, and Zhao Chenyi sat next to Mingmei left and right, Rosita took a step late, hummed gently, and sat on the single sofa on the side.

Chi Rui was one step late this time and had no choice but to sit next to Zhao Chen.

At this time, An Mingyu came out with a plate of small cakes, and his eyes lit up when he saw Mingmei.

"You're back, Bright, try the little cake I made!"

After speaking, put a plate of small cakes in front of Mingmei.

Bright is very face-saving, sweet and soft, not top-notch, but not bad.

"Are your crew all right?" Bright asked.

An Mingyu's face blushed and remembered the cat's tail: "My separate scene has been completed, and now I am waiting for the entire crew to finish."

Mingmei nodded and finished the small cake in her hand.

"That, Mingmei..." An Mingyu blushed a little: "I learned to dance with the video, and I will dance it for you later." Mingmei

nodded with a smile, and as soon as he wanted to say something with his mouth, Wei Hang crushed a peeled grape with his fingers and fed it to Mingmei's mouth.

"I've frozen in the refrigerator," Wei Hang said with a smile, his voice very gentle: "You just came back, you haven't drunk any water, eat a grape."

Mingmei swallowed the grapes and waved her hand: "Okay, okay, don't gather here with me." Pack up and get ready to eat. Several

people glanced at each other and dispersed.

Bright went back to the bedroom and wanted to change into a nightdress.

As soon as she took off her shirt, leaving only a thin suspender, Ming Mei heard the sound of the door lock, and then walked into the cloakroom with a gentle footstep.

Ming Mei was about to turn around, and a body was covered behind her.

...... It was Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen only wore a thin shirt, and at this time, the warmth of the flesh was transmitted to Mingmei through the shirt.

At the moment, Ming Mei is wearing only a small suspender on her upper body and a pair of jeans on her lower body.

Zhao Chen wrapped his hands around Mingmei's slender waist, put his head on Mingmei's shoulders, and softly shouted flattery, and then raised his head to smell Mingmei's slender neck.

Zhao Chen's eyelash spikes were bright and his neck was a little itchy.

"What's wrong?" Mingmei asked while raising her hand and rubbing Zhao Chen's head.

Zhao Chen spoke a little depressed: "I heard that someone confessed to you when you went back to school?"

Ming Mei burst out laughing.

...... No wonder it's so abnormal today.

"Yes," Ming Mei said with a smile, "that person is quite good-looking, tall, and has great muscle lines when playing."

Zhao Chen felt a little aggrieved in his heart, pursed his mouth, buried his head in Mingmei's shoulder, and didn't want to lift up.

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