Hearing the bright words, the Ma Mingyue sisters couldn't help but be shocked.

Is this banknote capability?

"I remember private jets need to apply for routes, right?" Xu Xiaoning asked, "Is it too late to apply for a route?" Ming

Mei nodded and said, "Of course, it's time, and I won't mention this matter before it's too late." I've already ordered people to raise the course, I can get it up in a few hours, so play with peace of mind! The

Ma Mingyue sisters looked at each other, and the shock and envy in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

Is this the day of the rich?

The three enjoyed the services of various male beauties until the afternoon, when Mingmei took Ma Mingyue and the two sisters to leave.

Getting into the car, Ma Mingyue felt that something was wrong: "Where are we going?" Bright

said about the airport.

"I'll go," Xu Xiaoning was shocked: "Shall we go to the airport?" Don't have to go back and get something?

Ming Mei said, "Of course not. The

housekeeper drove to the airport, Mingmei got out of the car directly, and took the Ma Mingyue sisters into the VIP passage and boarded the plane.

In the morning, the route has been applied, the plane has also passed the inspection and can take off directly.

"I'm going... This is a private jet? Ma Mingyue looked forward and backward after stepping onto the plane, her face full of novelty: "This is a private flying hotel, right?" With such a large space, is there a chess and card room over there? What do I think there is a mahjong table inside?

Mingmei nodded: "That's right, there is a chess and card room, next to it is a small bar, if you want to drink, you can tell the flight attendant."

Xu Xiaoning said WC in his heart: "This is bigger than our family, how much does such a private jet cost?"

Ming Mei thought for a while and said, "A few hundred million, right? I don't know exactly how much, my family gave me a bar mitzvah, I didn't ask carefully.

Ma Mingyue thought about her bar mitzvah, a laptop, and couldn't help but feel a little sour, but soon wanted to open it.

Their own family is more than enough than the top, why should ordinary people compare with the rich? It will only be yourself who is uncomfortable than comparing.

After getting on the plane, the flight attendant brought a small blanket and a charging treasure for several people, and the three slept and read novels.

More than two hours later, Mingmei put down the mobile phone in her hand, and the system in her mind clicked.

[Congratulations to the host for opening up a new map - Haicheng! ] Please keep up the good work~

】【Host gets the following rewards for opening up maps-】【

Haicheng City Center Apartment Building x2】【Haicheng

Seaside Villa x1】【Private Beach x1】【Sun Moon Hotel Contract x1 (with Gold Manager

x1)】【Private Island Title Deed Contract

x1】【Bugatti Veyron Convertible Edition (Blue)


Rolls-Royce Silver Charm (Collector's Edition) x1

] [Volkswagen Group 19% Share Contract]

When I saw the last reward, my eyes lit up.

Volkswagen Group!

It turned out to be a share of this!

Many people have a serious misunderstanding of the Volkswagen Group, thinking that it is a domestic brand, but in fact it is not, the Volkswagen Group is a domestic brand, and it only entered the Dragon Country in the early days of the founding of the Dragon Kingdom.

Some people know something about the Volkswagen Group, knowing that it is a foreign brand, but they do not know that it has many well-known luxury car brands:

such as Audi, Seat, Lamborghini, Ducati, Skoda, Bentley, Bugatti, Porsche and so on.

These are all sub-brands of Volkswagen.

As for the 19% stake... If Ming Mei remembers correctly, in last year's report, the highest privately held shares of the Volkswagen Group now are only 17%, right?

In other words, she jumped to become the highest private shareholder of Volkswagen and the majority shareholder of Volkswagen.

The system is powerful! Ming Mei praised the system.

Three hours later, in the pleasant voice of the captain of the plane, the plane landed steadily at Haicheng Airport.

"Okay babies," Ming Mei clapped her hands, "It's time to decide, go to the park or the zoo?" "

In the end, I decided to go to the zoo first.

Ming Mei named the manager of the Sun Moon Hotel Ming Lun, and then notified Ming Lun with a message to pick them up.

It's getting late, so go to the zoo early tomorrow morning.

The three walked out of the VIP passage and waited at the airport parking lot.

Just then, the sound of a tire brake sounded.

Ming Mei looked up, and an off-road vehicle stopped next to the three people.

"Hey, beauties," the window rolled down, and a handsome man with sharp muscles stopped next to the three: "Are you waiting for the car?"

Ming Mei didn't feel malice, so she snorted.

The man smiled, showing a row of large teeth, and pointed to his mobile phone that was only in the car.

Bright look, actually live broadcast.

"Three beauties, I am an Internet celebrity of station A "driving an off-road vehicle to travel", I am conducting an unscripted live broadcast, randomly looking for three people on the street to travel all over Haicheng, are the three beauties interested in joining? The time is about tomorrow, if you are interested, let's leave a contact information, I will pick you up tomorrow! I am responsible for the cost!

The Internet celebrity saw that Mingmei's face staring at the camera was not very good, and quickly explained: "Three beauties, please rest assured, I switched the camera when I parked the car just now, and you won't let you into the camera if you don't promise me to shoot."

Mingmei turned her head to look at the two people beside her, and both Ma Mingyue sisters shook their heads gently.

Mingmei smiled at the Internet celebrity: "I'm sorry, we still have business, so I won't participate in your live broadcast." The

Internet celebrity was a little disappointed, but the three refused, and he didn't want to say anything more, so he had to say goodbye.

The influencer was about to drive away, but his eyes widened.

I saw a Bentley driving in the distance.

And that's not the most shocking, shocking that the Bentley was followed by a Lamborghini four-seater.

The sports car follows a Bentley on the left and right to form a small fleet.

The car drove to a stop near the three people, and the Bentley at the head came down a middle-aged man with a gentle face and a young man with an ordinary appearance and a fierce temperament.

Several other Bentleys got out of each car and four young men, all tall, muscular and sharp-eyed.

After the young man got out of the car, he immediately stood at the door with his back to his back, and the middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed slightly to the three of fame and fortune: "Miss, I'm coming to pick you up." As

soon as the middle-aged man's words fell, the driver of the Lamborghini four-seater sports car in the middle, a middle-aged woman with the same ordinary face, got out of the car and bowed slightly to the three.

Mingmei nodded, and took the Ma Mingyue sisters to the four-seater sports car in the middle.

The middle-aged man personally stepped forward to open the car door for Ming Mei and the others, closed the door after confirming that the three were ready, returned to his Bentley, scanned left and right to confirm that there was no problem, and returned to the car, and the rest of the young men also returned to their car.

After that, the convoy flew away.

The Internet celebrity was stunned: "I'll go, what kind of big lady have I met?" "

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