The convoy drove all the way on the road, and Ma Mingyue was excited: "Mingmei, who was that person just now?"

Mingmei replied without care: "It's the bodyguard arranged for me by my family."

Ma Mingyue snorted, looking at the car next to him through the window, his eyes shining: "Is this the rumored bodyguard?" The

car quickly drove to the entrance of the Sun Moon Hotel.

The three walked into the hotel lobby, and the hotel manager quickly greeted them: "Good evening miss, good evening manager." After the question was completed, the hotel manager asked with a smile: "Miss, your room has always been reserved for you, do your two companions live with you or open a room alone?"

"Let's open a room alone, the two of them live in one." Bright said.

The three entered the elevator, and Ma Mingyue asked curiously: "Mingmei, do you have a fixed suite here?" Just like in the novel and TV series, every rich person has a fixed room in the hotel and so on..."

Ming Mei replied: "It's true that I have fixed rooms in many hotels, but this Sun Moon Hotel is my own hotel."

Xu Xiaoning's eyes showed surprise: "Is the Sun Moon Hotel actually your hotel?" This hotel has a history of several decades and is a famous landmark of Haicheng, is it actually your home?

After speaking, she reacted again: "Also, the sun and the moon are bright." "

Mingmei's room is in the presidential suite on the top floor, and Mingmei specially asked people to put the room of the Ma Mingyue sisters next to her.

"If you have anything to eat or drink, just ring the bell and tell the front desk, and they will solve it for you." Bright settled down.

Soon came the next day, Mingmei got up and washed and called the Ma Mingyue sisters to breakfast.

Breakfast for three is arranged in the dining area on the top floor by the window, overlooking the tall buildings in the distance, the commercial area and the beach coast in the distance.

"It's a great view!" Ma Mingyue sighed: "We can even see the sunrise in our room!"

Ming Mei smiled and recalled the information she had read yesterday: "It's right to see the sunrise, after all, the row we live in is named Sunrise Room on the Internet."

"Sunrise room? It sounds so romantic!

Xu Xiaoning said with yearning and longing: "Before I opened my eyes in the morning, the warm sunlight fell on my body through the curtains, neither dazzling, nor particularly sunny, stretch out, open the curtains to see the sunrise, how happy!" I wish I could buy a house like this before I retire!

However, Xu Xiaoning knew that he had said this.

In Haicheng, such a house is tens of millions less.

Their family's assets are only a few million.

"I've heard that the sunset here in the evening is beautiful," Ma Mingyue was also full of longing: "I wonder if I can catch up tonight?"

Ming Mei counted the days and said: "Today is no sunset, tomorrow should be, you can rest assured, I will let people keep the place."

"By the way, I have a private beach here, and when I come back from playing in the afternoon, I can go to the beach to bask in the sun, and there is my villa on the beach." Bright said without caring.

Ma Mingyue was silent for a moment: "The WC concubine has already said that she is tired.

Xu Xiaoning nodded silently.

Bright smiled helplessly.

The three of them slowly ate breakfast with the sunrise, and Ming Lun drove the three to the zoo in a four-seater sports car.

It was a weekday and there were very few people at the zoo, so there was no charter in the bright sky, so I went in without queuing.

After seeing all kinds of strange animals and even stroking a few furry birds with their own hands, the three of them had a pleasant day like this.

Seeing that it was evening, Ming Mei stretched, and the three of them got into the car until they reached Bright Private Beach.

The private beach covers an area of more than 1,500 acres, which is a high-quality tropical coastal private scenic spot in Haicheng, with gentle and open sand, white and soft sand, and clear water.

It is more than ten kilometers away from the city center, and it is open to the outside when it is not bright, and it is a well-known golden holiday leisure resort in Haicheng.

There are several kilometers of silver-white beach, and every week the sand is sifted by special tools by staff, so the sand here is as white as snow.

The sea surface here is not polluted at all, the sea is clean and transparent, from a distance, it shows several different blues, various blue layers are stacked, and the private beach also contains a private sea area, the sea is rich in coral species, you can also dive to watch corals, there are special instructors.

After Ma Mingyue and the sisters got off the car, they were amazed again.

The temperature here is about 27 degrees at this time, the sun is warm, Mingmei directly took off her shoes, stepped on the white sand beach with bare feet, Ma Mingyue sisters have a kind of learning, walking for a day, some sore feet stepped on the fine soft sand, and they all showed a comfortable expression.

The three walked to the relaxation area, where someone had already set up beach chairs for them.

The three sat down, Mingmei picked up a cold coconut from the table next to it, held it directly in her arms, pressed the opener, and inserted the straw into it to drink.

Taking a sip of cold coconut water, feeling the warm sunshine on the body, the three people who walked for a day were a little drowsy, and almost slept after drinking one or two coconuts one after another.

Ma Mingyue even held a coconut in her arms when she fell asleep.

When the three woke up one after another, they were surprised to find that the sky had darkened, and there were already stars above their heads.

Looking closely, they were all covered with thin blankets, and the coconut in Ma Mingyue's arms was also removed, and there was a transparent cover on the top of the head, and the temperature had dropped a little at this time, but several people did not feel cold at all.

Ming Mei stretched out fiercely, got off the beach chair, draped the blanket over her body, and took the Ma Mingyue sisters to the seaside villa.

Walking into the villa, the air conditioning and ventilation have been turned on, the bedroom has been cleaned up, Mingmei yawned in confusion, and after saying goodnight to the Ma Mingyue sisters, they walked into the bedroom, and lay on the bed after a simple wash.

Maybe it's that I have slept enough in the afternoon, and after washing, I am not so sleepy.

What to do? Bright thought.

Mingmei took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Weihang.

[Bright: What are you doing?] [

Wei Hang: I'm thinking of you. Ming

Mei rarely blushed.

It's true, a shy man like Wei Hang occasionally plays a straight ball, which is quite heartwarming.

[Bright: What do you think of me?] [

Wei Hang: I just miss you. Ming

Mei smiled, sent a kiss to Wei Hang, and then went to harass Zhao Chen.

[Bright: What are you doing?] 【

Zhao Chen: Deal with some work matters. What about you? Have fun? 【

Bright: Of course happy.

After that, Mingmei sent Zhao Chen a hair ornament that she had photographed at a small stall during the day.

It was a fox-like hairpin.

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