Zhao Chen on the other side of the phone immediately blushed his ears, remembering the fox tail massage stick and fox ear headband that he treasured

He took two deep breaths, suppressed the agitation in his heart, and wanted to say something to ease the current atmosphere, but he really didn't know what kind of topic to provoke.

[Bright: Do you like it?] It's a color with the fox you used last time~]

Seeing the news of Mingmei, Zhao Chen suddenly put the mobile phone upside down on the bed, and after a while, he picked up the mobile phone with a red face, took two deep breaths, and replied seriously.

[Zhao Chen: I will ignore you if you do this again. Seeing

that Zhao Chen threatened people with a coquettish taste, Ming Mei smiled, chatted a few more words, and went to find An Mingyu.

[Bright: What is Xiao An doing? The

other party seconds back.

[An Mingyu: Bright ~ Today I made an appointment with a director to play a speech, are you having fun?

Ming Mei smiled and turned over, replying to him in a good mood.

[Bright: I'm very happy, just think that there is a little cat at home, and I miss it a little~]

The opposite side was silent for more than ten minutes.

Just when Mingmei thought that An Mingyu would not reply, Mian suddenly sent a photo.

It is An Mingyu wearing a cat maid costume.

Ming Mei felt a heat in front of her eyes, and subconsciously touched her nose - fortunately there was no blood, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing.

A few more minutes later, a short video was sent.

Bright clicked on the video.

I saw that the alluring cat made a bent over hooked arms, with its hips slightly upturned, and I could vaguely see a cat's tail behind her - the one she had used for An Mingyu.

"Meow meow~ Does the owner want to be a kitten?" The seductive cat took a pose, for men, some slender waist to straight buttocks to smooth thighs, the cat tightly confined An Mingyu's body.

Then he twisted his body again, and the beautiful cat's tail also had a small amplitude with the swing of his body, and he wanted to go up and rua.

"The little cat misses the owner very much~" An Mingyu winked at the camera, and Yan Hong's two points also had a small decoration sent by Mingmei, and her bright eyes were hot.

I can really play, bright and emotional.

[Bright: Where are you now?]

【An Mingyu: Hengcheng】

Mingmei looked at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Ming Mei calculated that Hengcheng was only an hour's flight from here.

It takes more than half an hour to apply for a temporary route with a privilege, which means that at eleven o'clock tonight at the latest, she can see An Mingyu.

Mingmei drank and sent a message.

[Bright: Now pack your things and wait for me at the airport before 9:40.] ]

Hengcheng, An Mingyu in the film and television city

looked at the message on his mobile phone, and his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

He removed the cat's tail and simply wore a casual sportswear to cover his cat outfit.

"Assistant, assistant come here!" An Mingyu opened his mouth and called the assistant arranged for him by the company.

The little assistant immediately ran over: "Brother An, what's wrong?"

An Mingyu's face was irrepressible with a smile: "Nothing happened, you and Xiao Wang worked overtime, give me a simple packing of toiletries, I have to leave for about two days." Calculated as overtime.

The little assistant immediately smiled: "Okay Brother An, I can clean you up in five minutes." "

The little assistant calculated, An Mingyu has always been one of the more generous stars, he helped pack up some things this time, I am afraid that he can get a small red envelope.

The little assistant carefully packed up his things, and then drove An Mingyu to the airport with another assistant, Xiao Wang.

"Brother An, I'm afraid there is no VIP class for the temporary ticket, only economy class, do you do it?"

Assistant Xiao Wang remembered that An Mingyu had just said that he was going to Haicheng, and he would look at the ticket at this time.

An Mingyu shook his head: "No need, you can send me to the airport." The

two assistants immediately put down their phones and stopped talking.

After An Mingyu arrived at the airport, the bright route was also applied, and the private jet had stopped at the airport.

As soon as An Mingyu arrived at the airport, he walked through the VIP channel, and the person in charge of the passage came out and bowed respectfully to An Mingyu: "Mr. An, the private plane is already waiting."

An Mingyu snorted, explained the events of the past two days to the two stunned assistants, turned around and got on the private plane.

Seeing An Mingyu out of the passage and onto the plane, the two assistants recovered their jaws.

"I'll go, Brother An has his own private jet?"

Xiao Wang asked incredulously.

They all think that stars earn a lot, in fact, when they really enter the industry, they do earn a lot, but those stars who do not have much background spend more for good works and in order to maintain popularity, and they have the ability to buy private jets on one hand.

The little assistant thought for a while, and replied in a low voice: "It shouldn't be Brother An's own private plane..." He glanced at Xiao Wang indifferently and said in a low voice: "You forgot, but we are standing behind Brother An..." Speaking of this, the little assistant closed his mouth and pointed his finger to the top of his head.

Xiao Wang's eyes widened: "Doesn't President Ming have a husband?" The children are so old..." The

little assistant glared at him with hatred: "How many times have I told you, those who do our business, you have to watch the six roads and listen to all directions, you don't know this news."

"We are just an agent."

"Our Ming's Entertainment Company, the real owner, is a young female boss, I heard that the game and all the logistics are under this female boss."

"Brother An, if nothing else, it should be one of the little lovers of this female boss."

Xiao Wang ate a mouthful of melon, and his eyes couldn't wait to pop out of his sockets: "I just said, Brother An's acting skills are good, and the long ones are good-looking, but the good looking acting skills in the entertainment industry are not good, why is it popular with our Brother An?" "

These people who take care of An Mingyu close to each other don't know anything else, one thing is very clear, An Mingyu said that if it is not open, it will not be open, and if he loses his temper, he will lose his temper, and how many directors can't stand it, but these directors are patiently coaxing him, and the bosses and agents in charge of star sales in the company also let An Mingyu be happy, some of them only know that An Mingyu must have a background, and for the first time I heard that An Mingyu actually backed the top boss.

"In other words, this big night, what is our big boss looking for Brother An?" Xiao Wang asked the assistant while walking outside the airport.

The little assistant snorted: "If you still want to continue to work, just eat melons, don't delve into it deeper, got it?" Hearing

the little assistant's words, Xiao Wang knew that he had asked some questions that he shouldn't ask, and quickly covered his mouth and nodded.

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