Looking at a toilet nearby, Xiao Wang said: "Brother, wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom."

After that, Xiao Wang walked into the bathroom.

The little assistant waited at the door, and after a while, Xiao Wang came out wiping his hands with toilet paper.

The two were about to leave, but they heard a faint voice coming from the cleaning room next door.

"Hey, Sister Shuxia, do you know that little star An Mingyu?"

A younger girl said in a melon-eating tone.

Xiao Wang and the assistant looked at each other, and at the same time stopped and leaned against the wall.

Another slightly older woman replied: "You know, didn't I act in a TV series before, it's quite popular, what's wrong?"

The young woman said: "We are working overtime in this passage tonight because of him, Sister Shuxia, although I have been working in this passage for a few months, it is the first time I have seen such a large private jet!"

"No," said the woman named Shuxia, "I also saw it for the first time, and when I followed the person in charge to check it, I didn't dare to put my hand on someone's handle, for fear that if I was dirty, I wouldn't be enough to compensate for selling me."

The young woman asked curiously, "Sister Shuxia, how much do you say such a private jet costs?"

The woman named Shuxia seemed to turn on the faucet and wash her hands: "I don't know, I only know that it costs hundreds of thousands to use the passage once, good guy, I work for two or three years to be enough for people to stop a plane and drive a passage."

The young woman sighed with a sigh: "When can I live such a life?" The

woman named Shuxia didn't answer, turned off the faucet, and used the dryer to hear the sound.

Suddenly, the young woman said in a gossipy tone: "Sister Shuxia, do you know what that An Mingyu is for?"

The woman named Shuxia asked curiously: "I don't know, maybe it's in time to catch the announcement?" On such a big night, the star is also busy~

" The young woman smiled: "You don't know this, Sister Shuxia, when I sorted out the passage, I heard a few words from the person in charge and people, it seems that a particularly rich female boss directly applied for a route and flew to the airport on our side to pick him up!"

"Before the news of An Mingyu's girlfriend was spread on the Internet, and the hot search was removed in a few hours, I only knew that he had a girlfriend, I didn't expect such a big one!" Our person in charge nodded to the flight attendant, gee, not at all majestic on weekdays!

The woman named Shuxia seemed to pat the young woman next to her: "You girl, do you know if you keep your mouth shut on weekdays?" Don't talk nonsense what you shouldn't say, don't listen to what you shouldn't hear!

The young woman snorted: "Don't worry, Sister Shuxia, but I'm really curious who An Mingyu's girlfriend is?"

The woman named Shuxia lowered her voice: "I tell you, don't spread it out, I heard someone say that several fixed parking positions and channels and passages in major airports across the country have been long-term covered by a person surnamed Ming, good guy, I calculate, hundreds of millions every month!" Oh, how rich that is! Today, this private jet is parked at the location of the big man surnamed Ming..."

The two talked and gradually drifted apart.

In the men's bathroom, the little assistant and Xiao Wang looked at each other.

The little assistant's eyes narrowed, and Xiao Wang quickly made a zipper pulling motion from his mouth: "Brother, don't worry, I didn't do anything today, I didn't know anything, I didn't hear anything, I didn't say a word!"

The little assistant snorted softly: "Just so you know."

Here, Mingmei turned on the soundproofing system in the bedroom of the Ma Mingyue sisters while preparing some small things.

Around eleven o'clock, someone knocked on the door of the seaside villa.

Ming Mei opened the door, An Mingyu was wearing a gray casual sportswear, with some expectation in her smile.

Without saying a word, Mingmei pulled An Mingyu into her arms and kissed him on the lips.

The two kissed all the way to the bathroom, and Minglun, who sent An Mingyu over, only then opened his eyes, sighed helplessly, cleaned up the traces in the living room according to the instructions of the housekeeper in the system, and then left quietly.

All the way to the bedroom, Mingmei looked at the cat outfit under An Mingyu's clothes, and her eyes became deeper.

The next morning, Ming Mei opened her eyes and looked at the watch next to the bed.

It's already ten o'clock.

Mingmei yawned and sat up, and An Mingyu on the side was green and red, looking pitiful.

The cat's clothes had long been tattered and thrown on the ground.

Mingmei touched An Mingyu's bare shoulders, got up and washed simply, and walked out of the bedroom with still a little damp hair.

Ma Mingyue was making breakfast in the kitchen, and Xu Xiaoning was cleaning up the restaurant they had messed up when they came back yesterday.

"It's bright!" Ma Mingyue poked out a head in her busy schedule and said, "You wait, breakfast will be ready soon!"

Xu Xiaoning looked at her sister who was in a hurry, helpless, so she had to personally go into battle to explain to Mingmei: "We got up early this morning, see that you haven't woken up yet, I want to make you breakfast, the housekeeper who originally made breakfast for us we invited him to go back, don't worry, my sister has no other skills, cooking skills are first-class good!"

Ming Mei couldn't help but look forward to it after hearing this, and sat down at the dining table: "Then I have to taste it well." But

after a while, Ma Mingyue came out with a few plates.

She grinded the minced meat early in the morning, wrapped a few large meat buns, boiled shiitake porridge, and made a few custard wrappeds and shrimp dumplings spring rolls and other things.

The appearance is average, but it smells good.

Bright index finger moved, and sent a fried golden shrimp dumpling into his mouth.

"Uh-huh!" Ma Mingyue's craftsmanship is indeed good, and he can catch up with the chef who exchanged it in the system, and Mingmei quickly gave Ma Mingyue a thumbs up.

Ma Mingyue immediately smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

The three were eating breakfast when they heard a noise on the stairs.

Ma Mingyue turned his head and saw a well-dressed young man with a handsome appearance coming from the direction of the bright bedroom.

"I'll go, you're not that Ann... An..."

Ma Mingyue opened her mouth wide and stammered.

An Mingyu smiled coyly at the two: "Hello two young sisters, I am one of Mingmei's boyfriends, it's nice to meet the two~

" Mingmei swallowed the custard bag in her mouth and patted the position next to her: "Come and sit."

An Mingyu sat down obediently.

He wore a high-necked dress today, covering all the red dots around his neck.

He didn't want anyone other than Bright to see the marks on his body.

"Let me introduce you, one of my boyfriends, An Mingyu."

Bright said with a smile.

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