So the bright three turned around and followed the lobby manager to the private room.

After ordering the bottom of the pot and the dishes, the three of them waited to serve the dishes.

After eating, Xu Xiaoning went to the bathroom.

When he came back, his face was a little strange.

"What's wrong?" Bright asked.

Xu Xiaoning closed the door of the private room and lowered his voice: "Mingmei, do you know Li Guo?"

Mentioning this name, Mingmei was a little strange, but Ma Mingyue nodded and said that he knew.

"Who is Li Guo?" Bright asked curiously.

Ma Mingyue clicked on the mobile phone to operate, and then handed the mobile phone to Mingmei.

Mingmei took the mobile phone, which is the interface of Baidu Encyclopedia.

[Li Guo, male, Han nationality, formerly known as Chen Guo, Li Linchen, a native of Yuncheng, about 1.9 meters tall, enlisted in the army in December 1992, was an armed policeman...]

After reading this person's news, Mingmei frowned.

This is a criminal whose death sentence was commuted to a suspended death sentence and a fixed-term imprisonment of 20 years.

is a typical scumbag.

However, what did Xu Xiaoning mention this person for?

"Now I know... What's wrong with this person?

Xu Xiaoning called up Li Guo's photo from his mobile phone and said to the two: "I seem to have seen Li Guo just now..."

Ma Mingyue exclaimed: "How is it possible?"

Mingmei also frowned, feeling that it was probably Xu Xiaoning's eyes.

It stands to reason that Li Guo should be serving his sentence in prison now.

How could he be seen outside the prison?

After all, Li Guo was sent to prison in front of countless media.

"You're blind, aren't you?" Ma Mingyue spoke her bright heart: "Isn't this scum serving his sentence in prison?" It's still six or seven years away, right?

Xu Xiaoning also scratched his head: "What you said is the same, I may have seen the eyes." This

topic was revealed, the three of them ate almost the same, Ming Mei wiped her mouth and made up for it, and the three looked at each other and got up to leave.

As soon as he walked out of the private room, the person in charge of the private room next door saw the three people, and immediately greeted them with a smile: "Is Miss Ming ready to leave?"

Ming Mei replied with a smile: "Yes, thank you for the treat, this shop tastes good."

The person in charge replied with an honored smile: "It is the honor of this store to be liked by you." The

two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Ming Mei inadvertently glanced behind the person in charge, his eyes paused slightly, and then returned to the original state.

After saying some digressions casually, Ming Mei said goodbye to the person in charge, and the three left the hot pot restaurant.

Sitting in the car, Mingmei took a deep breath and smiled at Xu Xiaoning, who was sitting behind.

"Xiaoning." Ming Mei exclaimed.

Xu Xiaoning snorted while touching up his makeup.

"You are not dazzled, that person is indeed Li Guo."

Bright said.

Xu Xiaoning's hand shook, and there was an extra lipstick mark on his chin.

"What did you say?" Xu Xiaoning was taken aback, and regardless of the mark on his chin, he quickly asked, "What did you say?" Why don't you dazzle me? Is that person really Li Guo?

Xu Xiaoning asked incredulously, and Ma Mingyue also widened his eyes.

Bright nodded.

Although compared to Li Guo in the photos on the Internet, Li Guo, who was sitting in the same room with the person in charge just now, is fatter, and even looks a little amiable.

However, no matter how a person changes, the eyebrow spacing, eye shape, and eye spacing cannot change.

There is not such a sophisticated technology now.

She was sure that that person was definitely Li Guo.

Xu Xiaoning gasped, and only after a long time did he find his voice: "No, isn't Li Guo in prison?" Wasn't it sentenced to 20 years? How did you come outside now? The

Xu Xiaoning sisters are not stupid, and when they look at each other, their hearts are clear.

Someone is cheating.

Mingmei closed her eyes and pondered for a while.

This Li Guo is a complete scumbag.

At that time, Li Guo, a student at the Armed Police Academy, and another student roamed with four unemployed vagrants in society, forcibly pulled two young women returning home from work into their cars on the road, and then drove them into their cars.

Later, the two girls called the police, and Li Guo entered the bureau and was sentenced to two years in prison.

The two girls thought that this was the end, that they had been wronged, but the nightmare had just begun.

Li Guo's parents, who were officials, not only reduced their son's punishment, but also found someone to replace his son in prison.

While the two girls thought that the wicked man was already in prison, the wicked man was actually spending time in the bar, discussing how to take revenge on them.

Later, Li Guo not only QJ the innocent girl he snatched in the hotel, but also QJ another girl in public, and even planned to attack teenage girls.

The teenage girl was tortured by Li Guo and his accomplices in anger.

...... Later, for various reasons, the police discovered that Li Guo, who should have been in prison, was still doing evil and arrested him again.

It's just that what makes people feel outrageous is that Li Guo, a scumbag with many women including young girls, actually had the death sentence reduced from the beginning to the current 20-year prison sentence.

Ming Mei tugged at the corners of her mouth, feeling quite ironic.

What's even more ironic is that Li Guo doesn't know where to get a patent, which means that according to the law, he only needs to go to prison for thirteen years now.

Bright sneered.

How many girls tortured day and night, in exchange for only thirteen years?

Why not the death penalty?

Ironically, he is still outside.

Ming Mei took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

Don't be angry, calm down.

Bright comforts herself.

Such scum has already been known by himself, and he will not be able to come up with any tricks.

Bright eyes are cold.

"What should I do? Bright? Xu Xiaoning asked, "Are we going to call the police?" "

Call the police?" Ma Mingyue snorted coldly: "After calling the police, will you let people go to jail for him?"

Ming Mei was silent for a moment and said, "You don't have to worry about this, just if you haven't heard of it, I'll handle it, you know?"

Mingmei smiled and said.

The Xu Xiaoning sisters looked at each other and snorted.

There was some silence in today's car.

After waiting for the three of them to arrive at the seaside villa, An Mingyu had already prepared the yogurt fruit fishing.

He was still wearing a turtleneck T-shirt, covered tightly from bottom to bottom.

Mingmei kissed his face: "I have something to do, you can go back tomorrow."

An Mingyu said yes obediently, turned around and went upstairs again.

After washing, Ming Mei returned to her bedroom.

Mingmei sent the news to the housekeeper and asked the housekeeper to check the relevant information of Li Guo.

She can't wronged the good guys, and she doesn't want to let the bad guys go.

After An Mingyu washed up, she saw Mingmei leaning on the bed with a cold face and looking at her mobile phone.

An Mingyu took off his bathrobe jacket, leaving only a thin layer, almost transparent bath veil covering his body.

He gently hugged Mingmei's body from behind, and asked in a soft voice: "What's wrong, Mingmei, has something happened?" "

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