Ming Mei shook her head and turned over to put her arms around him: "I'm fine, don't worry." A

moment later, there was a sound in the room that made my face blush.

While enduring some painful pleasure, An Mingyu couldn't help but think, is this like it's okay?

The next day, Mingmei looked at the news in her hand, and her face was like ice.

After a few days, the three of Mingmei played Haicheng all over the place, seeing that it was about to arrive in the new week, Mingmei asked the private plane to send the Ma Mingyue sisters back.

"I still have some things to deal with."

Bright said with a smile.

The Ma Mingyue sisters looked at each other and understood in their hearts what was going on.

When Ming Mei returned to the seaside villa, there was already a woman sitting in it waiting.

The woman looked very restrained, her eyes cautious, her shoulders shrunk, and her hands clasped together.

The woman's face is a little strange, as if the plastic surgery has not been successful.

The woman's body exuded an air of haggardness and decadence.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and bright footsteps, the woman shrunk like a quail.

The woman turned her head to see that a young and beautiful girl came in, which revealed some relaxation.

"Hello," Ming Mei showed a gentle smile to the woman: "Ms. Zhang, huh?"

The woman seemed to have not spoken to anyone for a long time, and when she heard Ming Mei call her name, she couldn't help but shrink her shoulders: "Ah, yes, my surname is Zhang."

Mingmei tried to make herself more gentle, gently sat opposite Ms. Zhang, and personally poured Ms. Zhang a cup of hot water.

"Ms. Zhang, drink some water, don't be nervous," Ming Mei said gently, "I won't hurt you."

Ms. Zhang's fingers shook, and she couldn't wait to bury her head in her chest.

Today, someone told her that Li Guo, who hurt her, is not only not in prison now, but even runs a company outside as a boss, asking her if she wants to see Li Guo's fate.

At that moment, boundless anger and grievances overwhelmed her, and she followed the man here without thinking.

When she did this, Ms. Zhang calmed down.

She was starting to get scared again.

Since being hurt by that demon, Ms. Zhang felt uncontrollable palpitations and fear as soon as she went outside the house, and nothing could be changed.

Mingmei slowly spoke: "Do you remember Li Guo?"

Hearing these two words, Ms. Zhang trembled again, and her hands clasped tightly together, and only after a long time stammered.

"I remember."

Each of these three words was pronounced with a long time away from the other, and Ms. Zhang gritted her teeth when she read them.

After speaking, Ms. Zhang raised her head and looked directly into her bright eyes.

"That scumbag ... That Li Guo, really, is not in prison?

Mingmei sighed, nodded slowly, called up a video from her mobile phone, and then handed the mobile phone to Ms. Zhang.

Ms. Zhang plucked up enough courage to take the mobile phone and looked at the picture in the mobile phone.

The nightmare she could never forget for the rest of her life, the scum who should have been in prison, dressed in a high-end brand that she could not afford in her life, put on a kind smile in a luxuriously decorated hotel, shook hands and talked with another person who looked like a boss, and then was respectfully invited to the private room.

Ms. Zhang's hands trembled.

It shouldn't be....

It shouldn't be like this....

That's not how it should be....

This scum should be tortured in prison, and not live such a human life!

At this moment, Ms. Zhang's hand is like an eagle's claw, bright quality, and the excellent mobile phone is a little unable to withstand her grip.

Ming Mei looked at the woman in front of her, and there was some distress in her eyes.

This woman is a victim of being harmed by demons.

Her original life trajectory should be to go to school well, get admitted to a university, and then find a job she likes, and simply live happily for a lifetime.

Her academic performance is not top, but it is not bad, her parents are not rich but can provide her with good conditions, she was originally cheerful, kind, lively and cute.

If there is no Li Guo, the most terrifying thing this woman has encountered in her life is probably to give birth, right?

If there were no plum fruits....

If there is no plum fruit.

Bright eyes dark.

A moment later, Ms. Zhang returned the phone to Mingmei, and a hoarse and low laugh came out of her throat.

Then the laughter grew louder, more and more husky, more and more sarcastic.

At the end of the laugh, Ms. Zhang gasped and coughed.

"This is his fate..." Ms. Zhang rubbed the corners of her eyes, stroking her tears that she didn't know whether they were anger or acne.

"This is what they say, the wicked have their own evil retribution..."

Ms. Zhang gritted her teeth with every word, and her eyes were full of hatred.

Mingmei sighed and made a glass of light honey water for Ms. Zhang.

"Moisten your throat, you broke your voice, if you don't drink some honey water, your throat will hurt tomorrow."

Ms. Zhang finally laughed enough and cried enough, and took a sip of the still warm honey water.

"What are you going to do?" Bright asked.

"How to do it..." Ms. Zhang pondered to say these three words, her eyes fierce: "I can't wait to peel his skin, pump his muscles, and gnaw his bones!"

"But, I can't help it..." Ms. Zhang shrunk tightly, grabbing her hair fiercely: "I can't help, my parents are just ordinary wage earners, I can't work now, and I'm still raised by my parents, I don't know what to do, I can't help..."

Ms. Zhang muttered that I had no way, while scratching her skin with her nails like crazy.

Mingmei stretched out her hand and held one of Ms. Zhang's hands fiercely.

"Don't hurt yourself," Ming Mei said, "Although I know that it may be thin to say this, I have not experienced your pain and cannot empathize with you, but I still want to say, don't hurt yourself."

Ms. Zhang raised her head stunned and looked at the beautiful face in front of her, and the more she looked at it, the more blurry it became—because her eyes were filled with tears again.

"I don't want to hurt myself either..." Ms. Zhang clenched her hands into fists, and her nails were fiercely embedded in the flesh: "It's just that I can't stand it, I can't control it, I want to kill Li Guo, I want to take revenge on him, but I can't even travel normally now... I can only pick myself hard, feel the pain in my body, I feel that I am still alive..." Looking

at the poor woman in front of her, Ming Mei suppressed his pity for her, and gently held her in his arms.

Ms. Zhang was stunned for a moment, her fingers trembled, and she subconsciously held her bright arm and reflexively wanted to grab it, but immediately stopped, just holding her wrist vainly.

"I know."

Bright said.

"I know your sadness, I know your anger, and I know your grievances - so, I want to give you a chance to take revenge."

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