Hearing Mingmei's words, Ms. Zhang's eyes widened.

“...... Chance for revenge? Can I have this opportunity?

She muttered.

"Of course you have, you not only have this opportunity, but also this right." Bright and gentle said, "I can help you." A

week later

, Ms. Zhang, who had changed her mental outlook, knocked on the door of the seaside villa in a black casual outfit.

Along with Ms. Zhang came several other women.

These women have different appearances and heights, but they have only one similarity - that is, their eyes are full of flames of revenge.

Ming Mei opened the door and smiled at several women: "Not bad, it looks much better now." "

Miss Ming," Ms. Zhang overcame her fear of communicating with people in her heart, and said with a stiff smile on her face, "Is he here?"

Ming Mei nodded, personally locked the door, and smiled at several people: "Come with me!" Several

people followed Ming Mei to a bedroom, and after entering the bedroom, Ming Mei didn't know what switch to press, and the tiles on the floor opened like a door, revealing an underground passage.

[Virtual basement: Fictional 4mx4mx3m basement under the floor of a random room, and the basement can be modified within the system panel. It can exist for a week and disappear naturally after a week.

Ming Mei smiled.

The system is really a good thing.

In the basement, Li Guo, who was tied up by five flowers and looked at the person in front of him.

Ming Mei gave a few people a look, left the basement, and closed the door by the way.

Ms. Zhang smiled, and she could see that if it weren't for the plastic surgery on her face, she would be a very beautiful girl.

Unfortunately, Ms. Zhang was caught by Li Guo in the clubhouse, her teeth were knocked on the marble table and hit her head hard, all her teeth were knocked out, and there was even more terrifying torture....

They, want revenge.

Ms. Zhang ripped off the contents of Li Guo's mouth.

"Who are you?" Li Guo, who was finally able to speak, took a breath and asked in horror: "What is your purpose?" Why arrest me?

Ms. Zhang smiled stiffly.

"Remember me? Li Guo.

"No, your name is Sun Chen now."

By the time Ms. Zhang and the others came out, it was already evening.

Each of them felt a sense of relief in them, as if the burden they had carried for decades was suddenly gone.

These people are all people that Li Guo hurt back then.

Before sending off a few people, Ming Mei handed Chen Ting's (Chapter 180) business card to several people.

These people should become the first employees of the association.

Ming Mei walked into the basement slowly, Li Guo was no longer human, lying on the ground with a sigh.

His face was blue and swollen, and his teeth were broken off one by one.

The fingernails were also peeled off.

Judging from this bloody scene, Mingmei could feel the anger of these women.

Ming Mei clapped her hands, and behind Ming Mei, Ming Lun walked down with a gentle smile.

"Miss, I am willing to serve you." He said so.

Two days later, after finally finishing the day's class, the Ma Mingyue sisters returned to the dormitory and couldn't wait to lie in bed.

As soon as Xu Xiaoning opened Weibo and brushed, he saw a new hot search being topped.

#恶魔李果在监狱外被人发现!!! #

Xu Xiaoning quickly clicked into the hot search.

It turned out that in an unknown alley in Haicheng, a cleaner went to clean up the garbage in the morning and saw a bloody person lying outside the garbage can, so frightened that he quickly called the police.

The police soon arrived, and the media heard the news.

I was surprised that this flesh-and-blood man was still alive.

What was even more surprising was that this bloody person turned out to be the demon Li Guo, who should have served his sentence in prison.

Looking at the online posts arguing and asking the police to give an explanation, Xu Xiaoning and her sister, who also saw this hot search, glanced at each other and turned off their mobile phones.

On the other side, Haicheng Villa

Bright also saw this hot search.

Bright was in a good mood and hooked her lips.

Then called Lan Lan.

On the other side, Lan Lan quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, Mingmei~" Lan Lan said gently: "I haven't contacted me for a long time, what's the matter?" Originally

just an ordinary greeting, Ming Mei said seriously: "I have something to ask you."

Lan Lan was silent for a moment and said that you wait.

After a few more minutes, Lan Lan spoke again: "I've already arrived in the bedroom, and the door is locked, you say, what's the matter?"

Mingmei spoke: "Have you seen today's hot search?" That plum fruit.

Lan Lan replied in a low voice: "Wait a minute, I'll search it... I see it.

After about two minutes, Lan Lan cursed a dirty word, and then reacted that she was still on the phone, and quickly explained: "Mingmei, I'm scolding that scum, not you." Ming

Mei said I know, and then before Lan Lan could react, Ming Mei said that I did it.

Lan Lan was silent again all of a sudden.

Ming Mei first used the detector she had exchanged before to detect that Lan Lan was indeed the only one and did not have any voice recorders, monitors and other things, and then picked and chose what she had done in the past two weeks to Lan Lan.

"Anyway," Ming Mei said, "they may find out on my side."

"I see." Lan Lan said, "As long as you clean up that basement, I can help you settle this matter."

Ming Mei smiled and said thank you.

"No thanks!" Lan Lan said: "You also helped me, I thought we were friends."

Mingmei couldn't help but purse her lips and smile.

"Of course we are friends."

Sure enough, two days later, suddenly a call for floor heating inspection called Mingmei.

Ming Mei agreed to the other party's inspection, and then sent the news to Ming Lun.

Two plainclothes disguised as floor heating inspectors were stunned when they saw that it was a middle-aged man who opened the door instead of the young girl in the record, and then showed a specially trained smile: "Hello, we are the xx floor heating company to check, and we have called Miss Ming to make an appointment before."

Ming Lun nodded: "I know, our young lady asked me to assist you in checking."

After speaking, Ming Lun let go of his body.

The younger plainclothes secretly said in his heart, and the feelings still lived a big miss!

But also, such a big seaside villa, there are not tens of millions can not come down, can afford this kind of large villa, isn't the eldest lady what?

Two plainclothes people came in with instruments, checked each room one by one, then glanced at each other, told Ming Lun that their floor heating here was fine, and left.

As if he didn't know that the floor heating of this house would have a fixed person to check and repair at a fixed time every year, Ming Lun glanced at the detector held by the two plainclothes hands and sent the two away.

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