Most importantly, who is this new student called Mingmei? Can you please Li Mingkang?

Li Mingkang is a well-known legal and political figure in Erdu Yicheng (Kyoto's magic capital Flower City), and the consultation fee for an hour alone is tens of thousands, and there is no family background, who can invite him out of the mountain?

What's more, such a rumor-mongering trifle?

Wang Jianguo carefully read the lawyer's letter again, raised his head, and asked with some hesitation: "Lawyer Li, this bright is..." "

Ah, I haven't introduced you yet, have I?" Li Mingkang made an embarrassed look and said, "Ms. Ming is the new boss of our Mingkang Law Firm. Li Mingkang said with a smile, "She hired our entire team of lawyers at Mingkang Law Firm, including me, to serve her alone with a salary of 100 million dragon dollars a year."

Wang Jianguo lowered his eyes to cover the shock in his eyes, knowing that this matter could not be private today.

With such a student, how can the family be an ordinary person?

That's a lot of hard work.

Li Mingkang raised his chin and said, "Isn't Dean Wang going to look at the evidence?"

Wang Jianguo smiled faintly: "This looks." After

speaking, he opened the sorted evidence and looked at it page by page.

After reading it, Wang Jianguo's face darkened.

Before the student would apply for what to make a confession wall, he did not agree, feeling that this thing was not serious.

However, the president of the student union wrote an application again, and even a few young teachers came to persuade, saying that other schools have confession walls, but their schools do not, it seems very outdated, and what confession walls can increase the cohesion of students, he loosened his mouth and agreed.

Now look, what kind of broken thing is this confession wall?

A group of people who don't know where to come from publish these disgusting words in the name of their school students, look at these words, can a college student with a senior education say them?

Wang Jianguo's liver hurt with anger.

Originally, I thought that the person named Liu Hao was just a little pitiful to be targeted like this after just saying two words casually, but now it seems that what is pitiful and not pitiful, he deserves it!

Wang Jianguo forced a smile at Li Mingkang: "Please Lawyer Li wait a moment, I'll call this counselor of Liu Hao." Saying

that, he found the contact information of the counselor of the second class of electronic information from his mobile phone, and called him directly.

It was quickly picked up over there.

"Dean Wang!" Someone over there quickly picked up the phone, and a man's voice came.

"Xiao Liu, where are you now?" Wang Jianguo asked.

"Just finished eating and prepared to return to the faculty dormitory, is there anything wrong with the dean?" The man over there asked.

Wang Jianguo said: "Don't go back to the dormitory, come to my office!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party's reaction.

Liu Zhicheng over there was hung up the phone and looked at the meeting with a look of inexplicability.

"What's going on?" He muttered and turned to walk towards the office.

About ten minutes later, Liu Zhicheng arrived at Wang Jianguo's office.

"Dean Wang, you call me?" Liu Zhicheng pushed the door and entered.

"Here, Xiao Liu," Wang Jianguo's expression was flat, and he did not politely give up his seat, but asked coldly: "Do you know Liu Hao, this student?"

Liu Zhicheng said: "Yes, Dean, what's wrong?"

Wang Jianguo snorted coldly and said, "I'm afraid it's not just about acquaintance!"

Liu Zhicheng said a little embarrassed: "Dean, you are really a fire-eyed golden eye, hahaha, Liu Hao is my nephew, but Liu Hao was admitted to our magic capital university completely by his own efforts, but I happened to bring the electronic information class, so I let him report the electronic information." Liu Zhicheng explained.

Wang Jianguo's face improved a little.

He knows Liu Zhicheng, the Liu family was the first batch of demolition households in the magic capital, and Liu Zhicheng's eldest brother learned some stock speculation, so he is very rich, but he does not have much energy in addition to being rich, nor does he have the ability to tamper with other people's college entrance examination results, nor will he lie on such an easy thing to be exposed.

Liu Zhicheng has the ability to teach.

Thinking of this, Wang Jianguo frowned and asked, "Do you know about this nephew of yours?"

Liu Zhicheng was even more inexplicable, and spoke: "Dean, what you said is this, this is my own nephew, can I not understand?" After speaking, he looked at Li Mingkang carefully, wondering why this person was so familiar.

Wang Jianguo slapped the file bag on Liu Zhicheng and said, "If you understand, explain how your nephew did this!"

Liu Zhicheng held the file bag, took out the lawyer's letter from it, and his face became bluer the more he looked at it.

Finally, I looked at the evidence, and my face turned even more blue and purple.

Finally, Liu Zhicheng loaded up the information with a sweaty head and said to Wang Jianguo: "I'm really sorry, Dean!" Liu Hao is the eldest grandson of our family, the old man has loved him since he was a child, I thought he was just a little stubborn, but I didn't expect him to have..." Liu Zhicheng said unspeakably: "I didn't expect him to have character problems!" It's a problem with our education, I'm really sorry for this classmate named Mingmei, I will definitely let Liu Hao personally apologize to Mingmei!

Wang Jianguo sneered: "Apologize? If the apology is useful, I directly called Liu Hao over, what are you doing? After speaking, he pointed to Li Mingkang, who was watching the play on the side, and said: "This is Li Mingkang and Li Lawyer, the lawyer representing Mingmei's classmate, you happen to be Liu Hao's elder, if you have anything, just tell him!"

Liu Zhicheng looked over and finally remembered why this person in front of him felt familiar.

Isn't this Li Mingkang, a well-known lawyer in their magic capital?

Thinking of this, Liu Zhicheng's eyes darkened, and he knew that this matter could not be good today.

But he still gritted his teeth and said, "Hello, Lawyer Li."

Li Mingkang had seen enough of the play, stood up, and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Liu Zhicheng." I am the lawyer representing Ms. Ming Meiming, and I will speak in place of Ms. Ming throughout this defamation incident, and you can tell me anything you want to say.

Liu Zhicheng said sincerely: "I am very sorry for Liu Hao for doing this, and I am very sorry for Mingmei!" I can ask Liu Hao to write an apology letter to Mingmei, and I can let Liu Hao apologize in person, is it okay?

Li Mingkang looked at Liu Zhicheng's eyes and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, you must be clear that Liu Hao has broken the law. Moreover, we have already warned Liu Hao's defamatory behavior once, Liu Hao not only did not delete the apology, but also intensified his slander against us, and we were very angry about this and submitted the complaint to the court for approval. Let me be honest, I have not come here to hear your apology, but to inform you that the trial will begin this Friday.

Wang Jianguo was also stunned for a moment, and Liu Zhicheng was even more nervous: "No, why is the trial about to start?" Is it okay for me to make Liu Hao apologize? I asked Liu Hao to apologize to Mingmei, we will lose money to Mingmei, and we can lose as much as we want! As long as Mingmei is willing to forgive Liu Hao, I can let Liu Hao kneel and apologize! Why is there going to trial?

Looking at Liu Zhicheng, who was puzzled in front of him, Li Mingkang withdrew some smile and said: "Mr. Liu, I hope you know that what your nephew Liu Hao did violated the criminal law, and our side just took Liu Hao to court according to law. "

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