After Li Mingkang finished speaking, Liu Zhicheng was even more anxious: "Mr. Li, Lawyer Li, can you let Mingmei come out and say something?" Isn't it okay for me to let Liu Hao and his parents apologize to Mingmei?

Li Mingkang smiled and lowered his head to pull out a screenshot from the pile of evidence, and said: "Mr. Liu Zhicheng, after seeing the warning we issued, your nephew Liu Hao not only did not delete his slanderous and rumor-mongering posts, but also intensified his rhythm, please see this account."

Li Mingkang found another screenshot and put it in front of Liu Zhicheng's eyes: "After our verification, this account is Liu Hao's trumpet, after seeing the warning, Liu Hao not only did not delete the post but also used the trumpet to insult my client, which has seriously violated the criminal law, and we have no other way to solve this matter except to sue Liu Hao to the court."

After that, Li Mingkang stood up, sorted out the file on the table and handed it to Wang Jianguo: "Dean Wang, I hope you will take a closer look at this file." Within these three days, the court summons will be sent to the school and Liu Hao.

Wang Jianguo, who was originally drinking tea, was suddenly stunned: "No, Lawyer Li, why do you still need to give a summons to the school?"

Li Mingkang explained with a smile: "You don't know something, such as the QQ number and sticker bar number of the confession wall, generally default to the school's publicity channel, so in addition to the QQ number of the confession wall and the administrator of the sticker bar number, Liu Hao, the school is also responsible for this matter." At that time, our reprimand paper will be sent to the school along with the summons, because this confession wall is opened at your behest to open, so if there is no accident, the school will handle this matter, please be prepared.

After Li Mingkang finished speaking, he left the office with Li Da despite Wang Jianguo and Liu Zhicheng's retention.

Wang Jianguo and Liu Zhicheng in the office looked like they had been struck by lightning.

Wang Jianguo sent Li Mingkang away with a stiff smile, and then snapped the door shut, full of anger, and rushed to Liu Zhicheng: "Teacher Liu, Teacher Liu, your family is really a good boy!"

Liu Zhicheng's face was a little dissatisfied at this time: "Dean, this is also too deceitful for Li Mingkang, right?" Liu Hao will definitely apologize to this classmate named Mingmei, and we are even willing to make up for each other's money, so we still refuse to let Liu Hao go? "

Make up for money?" Wang Jianguo sneered: "Do you know who the other party is?" Do you know who Bright is? You dare to say that you will make up for it with money? Do you know how many people in the entire demon capital are richer than your Liu family? After speaking, Wang Jianguo pulled out a screenshot from the data: "Do you know what kind of car this is?"

Liu Zhicheng looked at the car in the screenshot and was a little unimpressed: "I know, Ferrari." Our family is not without it.

Wang Jianguo sneered again: "Ferrari? No, no, no, the full name of this car is Ferrari Rafael! Ferrari Rafael was limited to 499 units worldwide when it first had the concept, and after these 499 units were sold out, Ferrari Rafael was released for a total of ten years, and less than 20 units were sold every year! There are two in total! One is in the hands of that Qin Shao, and the owner of the other car originally planned to be publicly sold at the international auto show in a few months, and the pre-sale price reached 80 million! This car is at least 90 million more! Just a few days ago it was bought by a mystery buyer!

"There is still a big boss to raise the mistress, you go and ask the prince if he is willing to spend 90 million yuan to support others?" Dare to create such a person, this nephew of yours is too long?

Liu Zhicheng's face became more and more pale, and when he heard the car at least 90 million, his head banged, his hands on the table, and he couldn't stand up at all.

90 million? That is, they emptied half of the family's assets to afford the car?

This half of the assets also include real estate!

Liu Zhicheng pouted, his pale face and asked, "How can such a person care what a little person like us does?" Is there some misunderstanding in this?

Wang Jianguo looked at the person in front of him disappointed: "Misunderstanding? What is the misunderstanding? The information and evidence are here, waiting for the subpoena! After

Wang Jianguo finished scolding, he remembered that he also wanted to take the summons, and his heart was troubled.

Suddenly, Wang Jianguo thought of something, glanced at Liu Zhicheng coldly, and slowly spoke: "Xiao Liu, I remember that Liu Hao is the eldest grandson of your family, right?"

Liu Zhicheng nodded with a miserable face.

Wang Jianguo suddenly smiled kindly: "Xiao Liu, you may not know that my husband works in the Education Bureau and has a very high position.

Liu Zhicheng's whole person stiffened, and after a long while, he stammered: "Dean, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" I'm not very interesting. Wang Jianguo said with a smile: "Liu Hao released false information about Mingmei without the school's review, insulted Mingmei's personality, violated the law, and after verification by the school, Liu Hao was withdrawn from school." Wang Jianguo looked at Liu Zhicheng: "All this was done by Liu Hao alone, we have reviewed the speech of this kind of public account, do you understand?"

Liu Zhicheng looked at him in shock.

After a long while, he pursed his lips and spoke: "Yes, Dean Wang, I understand." Two

hours later

, an old couple in the villa of the Liu family were drinking tea and playing chess in the villa, and Liu Hao's parents were sitting next to Liu Hao's grandparents playing chess.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"It is estimated that Haohao is back, dad, mom, I'll open the door." Liu Hao's mother stood up and prepared to open the door.

I opened the door, but I was stunned for a moment.

At the door stood a man in a suit and gold wire glasses carrying a briefcase, and the man also had a certificate hanging in front of him.

"Hello, are you a relative of Liu Hao, the second class of electronic information in the third year of Modu University?"

Liu Hao's mother was stunned for a moment and said, "Hello, I am Liu Hao's mother. Is there anything going on with you?

After hearing Liu Hao's mother's words, the man took out an envelope from his briefcase and handed it to Liu Hao's mother: "Hello madam, I am a summons from the Modu High People's Court, this is a summons from the court to your son Liu Hao, I hope you can sign it on his behalf." Here is my ID and can be checked by you. Hearing

the sound at the door, Liu Hao's father got up and walked over: "What's wrong wife?" Is Hoho back?

Liu Hao's mother turned her head incredulously and said to her husband: "Husband, this person said that he is a summons of the court, and there is a summons for our son!" "

What?" Liu Hao's father was stunned for a moment and stepped forward: "Hello, I am Liu Hao's father, what is this summons?" The

summoner pushed his glasses: "Hello Mr. Liu, I am a summoner of the Modu High People's Court, this is my work ID, you can check it." We have a summons here about your son Liu Hao, your son is suspected of spreading rumors to frame others, and after being warned by the other party, he also used a trumpet to slander the other party, and the other party took your son to court, which began this Friday.

Liu Hao's mother was even more incredulous: "Sir, did you send it by mistake?" We Haohao are very well-behaved, how can we do such a thing? The

summoner was a little impatient: "There is a photo of Liu Hao on the summons, whether it is sent by mistake, you can see if it is sent wrong." "

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