The next day, formal military training began.

After the military training in the morning, Ming Mei returned to the dormitory full of exhaustion, fortunately, most of the people in this session were cross military training, otherwise Ming Mei would be tired in the afternoon.

There was nothing to do before the whole afternoon to the evening self-study, Mingmei lay on the bed and slowed down, and after sleeping for a while, she woke up and saw that it was already past three o'clock.

On the table were pancake fruits that Ma Mingyue had brought her.

Mingmei stretched out and climbed down from the bed, finished nibbling on the pancake fruit, and felt bored, looked at the time, and clicked on Xu Mu's live broadcast room.

Xu Mu saw the bright name come in, and smiled gently: "Welcome Sister Sunshine to my live broadcast room~"

A large number of welcome rich women in the comment area.

Mingmei smiled.

Sure enough, having money can solve most of your troubles.

He brushed another 2 million gifts for Xu Mu, and Ming Mei quietly listened to Xu Mu's voice.

It's so nice, Bright thought.

How good would it be if Xu Mu could be hired to coax himself to sleep?

Bright eyes lit up.

This works!

Just thinking about it, suddenly Xu Mu's live broadcast room was stuck, and a line of words was displayed on it: "The anchor has been ranked with the entertainment area anchor [MC Long Ge] Lian Mai, please come on!" Ming

Mei was stunned for a moment, and Xu Mu on the screen was also stunned for a moment.

The barrage was also quiet for a moment, and someone asked, "Anchor, after the 5 million backstage of the tip, the Lianmai PK will be automatically opened, are you not turned off?"

Xu Mu was stunned for a moment and replied: "I'm sorry, I don't know this thing!" The

live broadcast room on the screen was divided into two halves, and Xu Mu's live broadcast room border on the left turned red, and the black live broadcast room border on the right turned blue.

Suddenly, the blue live broadcast room lit up, and a spirit guy who was dyed and dyed and wearing jacket beanie shoes stood in the room live broadcasting, with a microphone in front of him, and the barrage on the opposite side was instantly full.

"Brother Long, I'm coming!"

"Brother Long, Long Jiajun came to report!"

"Are we Brother Long going to fight PK too? Brother Long, we all support it! The Long Family Army will definitely not lose! "

..." The

anchor on the opposite side, Brother Long, saw Xu Mu's appearance here, and the jealousy flashed in his eyes, and then deliberately suppressed the smoke and asked: "This anchor on the other side, is it you going to fight with me?"

Xu Mu scratched his head embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, this friend, I just broadcast live in the past two months, I don't know that there is an automatic microphone PK button, I'm really sorry, I just explain dolphins, I can't sing, I can't dance, I may not be able to PK with you, I'm really sorry!"

Anchor Brother Long's look of disappointment flashed, but he reacted immediately.

Kuaiyin Live Link's PK is not available at the beginning, it needs to be applied.

Only if you accept more than 5 million tips at one time, it is possible to automatically open the PK of Lianmai.

In other words, this anchor on the opposite side is definitely a big guy!

Brother Long's eyes lit up.

He has 150,000 fans, and the other party also has hundreds of thousands of fans, but it seems that the other party's fans are not live fans.

Most of their fans are live fans, and they have the ability to freely dispose of funds, not to mention that they still have gold owners.

The other party's big guy is not necessarily better than his own big guy, otherwise why did the other party live broadcast this traffic in the past few months?

He has only been live broadcast for two weeks and has more than 100,000 fans, in comparison, the other party's big guy is very low.

Brother Long's eyes were brighter.

If Lian Mai PK defeats the other party, then will the other party's big guy take a fancy to himself?

How likely are the other party's fans to switch to their side?

An almost overwhelming victory on his side!

Over there, Xu Mu said: "I'm really sorry, this friend, can this be lifted?" Brother

Long hurriedly sent a message to his big brother.

The eldest brother replied: "The main player plays the heart!" I'm here to crush you! Beat the little white face on the opposite side so that he can't get up! A

look of satisfaction flashed on Brother Long's face, and he smiled handsomely at Xu Mu: "I'm sorry, this handsome guy on the other side, I want to fight with you."

Xu Mu spared his head in embarrassment: "That... But I don't know how to PK! I really can't sing or dance.

Brother Long said: "PK is very simple, your normal live broadcast, I also normal live broadcast, see who receives the most tips in the end, who wins." The winner can make a claim on the loser, and the loser must do it. If I win, I'm going to get you on your stomach and bark at school!

Brother Long said with a grin and something vicious.

Xu Mu's brows furrowed deeper: "I'm sorry, this anchor, I just didn't close this button and accidentally matched you, and I didn't mean to fight with you." I'm a little streamer, and I'm definitely no better than you. Brother

Long smiled handsomely: "What is this, people don't fight hard in vain!" If you don't fight, how do you know if you can do it? MC

Dragon Brother's screen showed a lot of barrages:

"Dragon Brother is handsome!"

"Brother Long can fly with confidence, and the Long Family Army will always accompany you!"

There were also some fans of Brother Long who ran to Xu Mu's live broadcast room:

"Why don't you anchors dare to fight?"

"It's just, that's too much, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid of losing to our Brother Long!"

Xu Mu's fans retorted:

"If the anchor doesn't want to fight PK, he won't fight, which law stipulates that the anchor must fight PK?"

"Our senior is an ordinary docent, and he doesn't sing or dance, so why play PK?"

The opposite side chased closely, Xu Mu wanted to turn off the PK interface, but both people had to turn off the PK to exit, and the other party was unwilling to solve the PK relationship, Xu Mu had some headaches.

At this time, Mingmei sent a barrage: "PK with him, I will press the formation for you."

Xu Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "Sister Sunshine, isn't this bad?" Bright

and indifferent typed: "Nothing bad." PK with him. "

Brother Long on the opposite side also saw the words of Mingmei, knowing that this is the gold lord on the opposite side, and at a glance at the name, he knows that it is an elderly middle-aged woman, maybe a local tycoon, some money, but his big guy is a big boss, can he have his own boss and money?

Brother Long thought nonchalantly, and said: "The little handsome guy on the other side, didn't you see that the barrage let you PK with me?" As

for what Xu Mu said was just a docent or something, he didn't believe it.

Who doesn't live stream to make money?

Also promote knowledge, I bah.

Brother Long looked at Xu Mu's face jealously, and couldn't help but think in his mind, and he didn't know how much it cost to make such a face?

Xu Mu saw the bright barrage, and finally nodded: "Okay, this anchor opposite, I'll PK with you." However, if you lose, just say congratulations to the winner, there is no need to do so desperately. "

Brother Long on the other side is not spared, although Xu Mu and Brother Long are the anchors of two districts, but as long as they are anchors, there will inevitably be competition between them.

Also in the 100,000 fans file, Xu Mu's appearance will definitely threaten Brother Long.

The audience of this 100,000 fans is just that, one less person, more cake.

Brother Long smiled coolly: "If it's a real man, come to fight with me, don't feel difficult if it's a real man!" "

Originally, Brother Long's appearance was still okay, but with Xu Muyi's comparison, it looked a lot greasy in the end.

Ming Mei glanced coldly at Brother Long's live broadcast room.

This anchor has always been unforgiving, isn't it to see that Xu Mu has few fans, so bullied?

She is going to teach this anchor to be a person today.

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