Brother Long publicized it in various fan groups, and notified his gold owner, ready to fight this PK.

The tips of the fans are all received, and the tips of the gold owners are all refunded.

It is the consistent style of these influencers.

Brother Long and Xu Mu pressed the start button at the same time.

Brother Long's music exploded, and Brother Long picked up the microphone and stepped on Doudou's shoes and shouted Mai.

"Knife, angry slashing snow wing eagle, mountain, heroic soaring into the sky..."

the lyrics of Tuhi sounded.

Xu Mu's ears that were also stimulated by the sound of this explosion hurt for a while.

The opposite tip began, and Mingmei's side did not show weakness, directly withdrew and recharged 10 million to come in, and clicked on the space battleship.

[User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on Space Battleship x10] [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on Space Battleship x20] [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on Space Battleship x30] [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on Space Battleship x40] [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on

Space Battleship x50]

The opening 500,000

is sent, Some people in Xu Mu's comment area also sent gifts one after another.

Who are Xu Mu's fans, most of them are school students, how many are rich?

Mingmei immediately sent a barrage: "You don't need to send gifts, I am enough alone." The

barrage on Xu Mu and Brother Long's side exploded:

"I'll go, domineering side leak!"

"Woooo 98 years of training Latin, the waist is very powerful!

"It's crazy, do you really think you alone can beat our Long Family Army?"

"The madness is boundless, with such a name, most of them are middle-aged female tycoons or demolition households!" Be careful to spend all your pensions!

"Good fellow, all I know is sexism, ageism, and name discrimination here?"

"Long Jiajun obeys orders! Give this rich woman a little color! At

this time, a barrage in red font floated by, "This is red", a barrage in green font floated by, "This is green", a barrage in yellow font floated by, "This is yellow"A barrage in purple font floated by, "This is purple"

More colors of barrage

floated by,

and many people played terriers.

Xu Mu looked at the gift special effects on the screen, felt a little calmer, cleared his throat, directed several dolphins to make various movements, and continued to explain.

Brother Long on the opposite side did not hesitate, and continued to sing vigorously: "A tear of cinnabar, who can experience the loneliness of the king..." The

gold lord on Brother Long's side also began to exert his strength.

[User "Brother Hao" sends spaceship x10 for the main broadcast] [User "Ye Proud, Nai Me"

sends spaceship x10 for the main broadcast] [User "Social You Brother Wang" sends spaceship x10 for the main broadcast] [User "Wordy Mountain King" sends spaceship x10 for the main broadcast] [User "Forgot Tired and Forgot Love" sends spaceship x10 for the main broadcast

] [


The handsome little king "sent the space battleship

x10 for the main broadcast] [User "Kanye" sent the spaceship x10 for the main broadcast]

The fund bar under the screen of Brother Long is now slowly surpassing Xu Mu.

Ming Mei changed her hand and continued.

[User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on Space Battleship x110] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on Space Battleship x120] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on Space Battleship x130] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on Space Battleship x140] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on Space Battleship x150] [User "Sunny Bright" as the main broadcaster on Space Battleship x150



"Sunny Bright" Deliver Space Battleship x160 to the main broadcaster]

Countless special effects exploded on the screen.

Kuaiyin has an unspoken rule, when someone in a live broadcast room sends more than 100 space battleships, the anchor will be defaulted to the day's home page anchor, and the live broadcast room will randomly drop 50,000 yuan red envelopes, every 100 space battleships will drop once, the money drawn can be withdrawn, can be rewarded.

Outside, many people watching the live broadcast were attracted by this red envelope rain, and they clicked into Xu Mu's live broadcast room to pay attention to Xu Mu and grabbed the red envelope.

Even Brother Long on the opposite side has many fans who have been attracted to grab red envelopes here.

For most people on this live broadcast software, they do not have such a strong centripetal force for the anchor they follow, and most of them are the anchors who bring high-value enjoyment to the audience and bring happiness to the audience, so the audience rewards him.

What really attracts the audience is not how this person is, but the way he shows.

Therefore, the fan cohesion of Internet celebrities is far less than that of the fans of those real stars.

There were even some bad intentions who brushed up in Brother Long's live broadcast room: "Come to the anchor next door live broadcast room to grab red envelopes!" The barrage, the angry Long Jiajun cursed.

Brother Long's gold lords were also overshadowed by the limelight, and they were very angry in their hearts, and they increased their efforts.

But it wasn't until Mingmei's side had sent 300 space battleships and three red envelope rains that there was one red packet rain on Longge's side.

Brother Long was angry, and took advantage of the effort to drink water and rest, and quietly contacted his biggest gold lord.

Xu Qiang is a big self-made boss.

From a construction worker to a billionaire now, he has always been a textbook self-made model.

Having money, just happened to encounter various live broadcast software to do a hot job, Xu Qiang invested in an Internet celebrity studio on a whim, held several successful Internet celebrities, and made a lot of money.

Xu Qiang actually found that it was much easier to make money with this than to make money by talking hard about business.

This time, he looked for a spirit guy who can shout Mai, his appearance is passable, his voice is passable, a little packaging and publicity, he attracted tens of thousands of fans, got a little welfare, what kind of fan group, and formed a dragon family army.

The prototype of tens of millions of Internet celebrities came out.

Xu Qiang's these Internet celebrities, there are quite a lot of gold owners, generally send a few gold owners to deliberately stir up public opinion, make up some face-punching plots, and then let these gold owners give tips, so as to attract those fans to reward.

At that time, the money of the gold owners will return the same way, and the fans' money will be divided equally according to the proportion.

Small Internet celebrities like Brother Long, who have hundreds of thousands of fans, can make them tens of thousands of pocket money a day, but big Internet celebrities like Xu Qiang's tens of millions of fans can bring them millions of profits a day.

Therefore, Xu Qiang took a heart for these Internet celebrities.

Xu Qiang was smoking a cigar and hugging his girl, when he received the news of his small Internet celebrity.

Click on it and take a look, someone wants to cut off their own financial path, is this worth it?

How many gold lords have beaten this side by a gold lord on the other side, and they are still particularly crazy?

Anyway, his own tips to Brother Long will be returned the same way, it is better to take advantage of this time to spend more money and completely hold Brother Long, isn't this another cash cow?

Xu Qiang thought about it and felt that it was feasible.

So he replied to Brother Long: "I'll come right away." After

speaking, he clicked on the avatar of the sunny Kuaiyin user with the screen name.

Not long after registration, an ordinary sun avatar, gender woman, not a single work, except for the likes of a few Internet celebrities, there is no dynamics.

Strange, when did Kuaiyin come out with such a female tycoon?

Xu Qiang thought incomprehensibly.

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