Xu Qiang ignored the feeling of depression in his heart and sent a message to Mingmei: "Friend, do you want to add our king group?" Most of the people who recharged the king on the fast sound platform are inside. Ming

Mei thought about it and sent a hmm.

Then Bright was pulled into a group chat.

"Welcome newcomers."

"Welcome newcomers."

"Sunny day? Good name. Welcome newcomers. "


Ming Mei posted a "Hello everyone, I am a user of the Kuaiyin platform Sunny Sunshine. Nice to meet everyone. "

Hello hello ~ I am the boss of the Five Elements Game, I can cooperate if there is a demand~"

"Hello newcomer, I am the boss of xx Real Estate, and I can cooperate with something."


After reading a few messages, Mingmei turned off WeChat, ignored these people, and continued to play games.

While fighting, Weibo and Toutiao pushed the news.

#神秘富婆快音平台豪爽打赏上千万! #爆

#震惊! This woman did such a thing, which made countless fast netizens shout out pain! #爆

#快音又增新的国王! Let's take stock with the anchor what is the identity of the kings of Fast Eagle #Hot

#神秘女子主播PK时豪爽散钱上千万, the happiness of rich people you don't understand #Hot

good guys, this is on the hot search.

Mingmei did not care about these hot searches and continued to play games.

At this time, the headquarters of the Kuaiyin platform

"General Manager, you can calculate it!" The person in charge of the title system of the Kuaiyin platform said with a look of excitement.

The general manager of the Kuaiyin platform sits in front of the computer, and the background program is putting the bright account data.

"General manager, after our supervision, this user called Sunny should not be the studio's popular account! It's a personal account!

The general manager of the Kuaiyin platform's eyes lit up: "Is it?" Can it be confirmed? The

person in charge nodded: "Basically, it can be confirmed, general manager, this sunny has only given a dolphin trainer Mumu a tip since registration, at first I thought it was a packaging team or something, but this dolphin trainer Mumu verified the official number today, it is indeed the aquarium official, not the packaged Internet celebrity, this sunny reward so much money This dolphin trainer has not returned it, it should be a pure reward, not a favorite!" The

general manager of the Kuaiyin platform immediately waved his hand: "From now on, you personally find someone to be this sunny responsible for docking customer service, be sure to serve the sunny comfortably, let this sunny obediently stay on our platform, don't run to the tigerfish again!" We have already been swallowed by Tigerfish with 50 million large customers! The

person in charge nodded: "Don't worry, the general manager, I will personally dock with her!" The

general manager of the Kuaiyin platform was relieved and automatically ignored the age of 18 years old for the bright verification in the background.

The person in charge thought it was sunny and verified with his daughter's ID card.

He never imagined that the sun would be an 18-year-old girl.

Here, in the afternoon, Mingmei took a dumpling from the cafeteria and looked at her mobile phone while eating, and suddenly, there was a small red dot on the Kuaiyin platform.

Mingmei immediately clicked in.

Ah, this damn obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At first glance, it was sent by the back-end customer service.

[Dear user "Sunshine" Hello, congratulations on becoming the owner of the "King" title of this platform, which has the following privileges: 1. Automatically top during private chat. 2. There are special effects when entering the live broadcast room, click to view the underline 3. Exclusive one-on-one customer service, 24 hours to reply at any time. 4......]

Mingmei took a general look, and sure enough, his background had an option of private customer service.

Click in, and a dialog box immediately pops up.

"Dear Owner of the King's Title, how can I help you?"

"Is the maximum amount of your gift 100,000?"

Bright asked directly.

The other party was obviously stunned for a moment, and only replied after tens of seconds: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Mingmei thought for a moment and asked, "I want to customize a gift, okay?" I pay for it, you just make it for me, a gift that only I can use.

The other side was obviously stunned for a long time, and only replied after about a minute: "Dear user, hello sunshine, I am the person in charge of the design department of the fast sound platform, how can I help you?" "

The person in charge is out? Bright hooked her lips.

"I want to customize a gift separately, the amount is 500,000 yuan at a time, only I can use it, can I?"

The other side quickly replied: "Okay, but the design fee is your personal responsibility." If you want, please tell me what you need..." Bright

and the person in charge of Kuaiyin chatted until the evening, and finally decided what kind of special effects they wanted.

Handing over the money, I just opened my phone when I came back from military training the next afternoon, and the background prompted me that I needed to update.

Clicked Update, about a minute or two later, opened it again, and there was an extra gift in the background.

Ming Mei hooked her lips and looked at what time she probably had to brush the gift.

Heck, it's Friday in two days.

Bright thought in a good mood.

However, Mingmei's side was in a good mood, but Liu Hao's side was in a bad mood.

"What do you say? Do I still have to go to jail? In the first mediation before the trial, Liu Hao slapped the table with a panicked face and asked.

"Yes, Liu Hao." Li Da said expressionlessly: "According to article 246 of the Criminal Law, whoever fabricates facts to slander others shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, surveillance, or deprivation of political rights. As early as when we discovered your rumor-mongering post, we had already warned you, and the specific evidence was in the screenshot provided by us, you not only did not listen to the advice, but also threatened us with a ban, and used the trumpet to provoke disputes, which has seriously violated the law.

Liu Hao's face turned ashen: "What if I am willing to apologize?" Shall I go to Mingmei-san to apologize? Can I kneel for her? Please, I can't go to jail, if I do, my life will be ruined!

Li Da sneered in his heart, so afraid of going to prison, then why did he do something illegal at that time?

Liu Hao's grandfather knocked on the crutch and spoke solemnly: "Mr. Lawyer, please say bluntly, what price do we have to pay to keep Liu Hao from going to jail?" "

At what cost? Li Da suddenly showed a smile on his face and said: "Sorry, our side does not accept any pre-trial mediation, Mr. Witness," Li Da turned to the official who saw the court, and said with a smile: "We do not accept any pre-trial mediation, and we feel that the other party does not have the attitude of admitting mistakes." Can we leave now? The

witness officer nodded, looked at the battery of the voice recorder, and said after confirming that it was still sufficient: "In this pre-trial mediation, No. 0856, the plaintant's claim, Mr. Li Da, the lawyer representing Ms. Ming Mei, is: Ms. Ming Mei does not accept any pre-trial mediation, and does not feel the defendant Mr. Liu Hao's attitude of admitting his mistake. The defendant, Mr. Liu Hao's lawyer did not express his claim for the time being, and after the judgment of this witness, the pre-trial mediation ended here.

The Liu family panicked: "Wait, Mr. Lawyer, you can't leave now, Mr. Lawyer, we are willing to pay any price, as long as Liu Hao does not go to prison, you can do anything, you don't leave now!"

However, despite the obstruction of Liu's family, Li Da directly pushed open the door of the mediation hall and walked out.

The Liu family was like a funeral, and suddenly, the old lady of the Liu family pushed Liu Hao's lawyer fiercely, and cursed and cursed in her mouth: "It's all to blame on you!" "

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