(This is a note about updating and does not affect the number of positive characters.)

The author was hit, the degree is not serious, but it is also very uncomfortable. At present, the focus of the update is on another book, relying on the other book to get full attendance, so the daily two changes of this book to one change a day, rest assured, both books are absolutely constantly changing ha, like friends rest assured to read it.

Someone secretly asked the author about the emotional line of the protagonist of this book.

I thought about it, this is not easy to say, although the outline is written similarly, but there is not much to do on the emotional line, the heroine for the opposite sex first look at the face and the second look at the figure, there will be doi, but the heroine is always rational, feelings are always placed after their own happiness. Therefore, there will be no plots such as the heroine being played by the man, and the heroine being dumped by the man and licking the dog.

Is it bad to let all the beautiful men lick the protagonist?

Think of it as a female novel.

Then I wrote that if you want the heroine to push it, you can leave a message)

Liu Hao's lawyer was inexplicably pushed, and his face was not good-looking, but he still frowned and said: "Old lady, please treat yourself with dignity."

Mrs. Liu pounced on the face of the lawyer with open teeth and claws: "It's all to blame on you!" It's all to blame on you! How did our Liu family spend so much money and invite an incompetent lawyer like you to defend us? You roll me! From now on you are not our lawyer! Originally

, Liu Hao's lawyer was beaten to autism because Li Mingkang was opposite, and now he was unreasonable by this old lady, thinking that he would probably not be able to earn this money anyway, so he sneered: "Oh, is it?" You mean you want to sign a termination agreement with us? That's great. I would like to see, after you signed the agreement with our firm, which other firm is willing to do your business? "

He just regrets it now.

The defendant slandered the plaintiff, the plaintiff wanted to sue the defendant for criminal responsibility, he probably looked at it, the dissemination was not large, and the photo did not have a positive face and the like, so he was sure to make this matter a civil liability, the defendant only needs to apologize and make amends, if the attitude is good, maybe even detention is not necessary.

I never expected ah, I never expected, he looked a little less at the material, and actually missed the fact that the plaintiff's lawyer is Li Mingkang!

He now only regrets it.

However, the contract has already been signed and there is no way to change it.

He had to bite the bullet.

Now that the other party wants to cancel the contract, he is the first to raise his hand and agree.

He doesn't want to fight a lawsuit with King Li Yan anymore!

At this time, old man Liu stood up: "I'm sorry, Lawyer Feng, my wife is talking nonsense, she just cares too much about children, she is an illiterate old lady who can't read a word, don't see her in general." We still have to continue to work together.

Old man Liu's attitude was sincere, and Lawyer Feng was not good at pulling down his face, so he said with a bitter face: "Old man, let me tell you the truth, looking at the current situation, the best end for your grandson is to apologize and fine and detain for three months, and this is still under the condition that the opposing lawyer does not hold our defender accountable for his past bad deeds!"

Liu Zhigang's hands shook and said, "What about the worst?

Lawyer Feng sighed: "Three to five years in prison."

Liu Hao's eyes were horrified and asked, "Didn't that lawyer just say that he would be sentenced to less than three years in prison?"

Lawyer Feng looked at him and rolled his eyes helplessly: "I said, that is when people do not hold you accountable for your past bad deeds." If I remember correctly, your account on the confession wall has been published by you alone since you applied for registration, right? How much fabrication of facts and slander of others is in it, I think you yourself are clear. With the ability of the other party, if you can invite Li Mingkang, you will definitely be able to find the previous things, and in two days the trial, according to the rules, you can also make another appointment with the other party tomorrow for pre-trial mediation, and the last pre-trial mediation can require the other party's plaintiff to attend, if the plaintiff is willing to attend, if you win the plaintiff's personal forgiveness, then I am sure to press the matter to civil liability.

Mrs. Liu burst into laughter, and the Liu family also breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, I received a call from the court to notify the pretrial mediation, and after Mingmei hung up the phone, she sent a message to Li Mingkang.

[Do I need to go to pre-trial mediation tomorrow?]

Li Mingkang replied almost in seconds [If you still want the other party to go to jail with criminal responsibility, from now on, you don't deal with any news from Liu's family or the court, just forward any news to me. Ming

Mei understood, and replied to the other party OK.

Here, the Liu family, who were relieved before, now have uglier faces than the other.

"What does the other party mean? Not willing to mediate? Old man Liu asked on crutches.

Lawyer Feng sighed: "There is no way, tomorrow I can only strive to press you to less than one year."

In this way, the Liu family spent two days of misery.

Sunny spent two days of physical and mental exhaustion.

Mingmei did not pay attention to the outcome of the trial, and on Friday afternoon, the confession wall of Modu University, the official Weibo and the campus post bar all put such a video on the top.

At the beginning of the video, a young man with a scowling eyebrow appears in the camera.

The young man said weakly: "Hello everyone, my name is Liu Hao, I am a student of the second class of electronic information in the third class of the School of Computer Engineering of Modu University, and I am also the administrator of the school's QQ number confession wall and sticker bar, and now I apologize for the slander and rumors I have made to some classmates since I took office..." The

video continued for more than 30 minutes, Li Mingkang specially asked people to take stock of all the rumor-mongering posts that Liu Hao has published on the confession wall and Tieba since he took office, Seeing the long list of lists, the Liu family's faces turned green.

But there was no way, Liu Hao was sentenced to three years.

If this video is posted, there is still the possibility of commutation of the sentence in prison, and if it is not posted, it is almost impossible.

#Modu University's confession wall administrator department has spread rumors many times#Quickly rushed to the top ten of hot searches.

Ming Mei clicked on the hot search and looked at the comments.

"I was still posting before and saw his post, saying that his girlfriend was raised by a rich man, the one who has been secretly in love for how many years, is that a rumor or is it true?"

"I didn't watch the video seriously when I saw it upstairs, and the first person to apologize was the one."

"I'll go, I also pay attention to his post bar number, it turns out that so many melons are rumors!"

"Poor young man, he will go to jail like this."

"Doesn't the one upstairs have a long brain? This is called pathetic? It's called deserving! He is pitiful, and those who are rumored by him are not pitiful?

"But that's too serious, isn't it? Just casually sent a little picture and said something, you will be locked up for three years, isn't this the previous literal prison?

"Word prison is to be locked up for telling the truth, this is to be locked up for rumors, can it be the same?" What is called casually sending a dot picture and saying something, but people seriously find some pictures that can create rumors, send some rumor-mongering words, to your mouth it becomes a random dot picture to say something, it's really interesting.

"What did this young kid do?" Did he just send something casually, so he would go to jail? Dragon Kingdom is a country without freedom of language! I really feel sad as a Dragon Countryman! "Upstairs

, I remember that your coordinates two days ago were still in Citi Country, and now you are from Jackie Chan Country?" Changing nationality is faster than changing mothers. Reported. "




Mingmei closed the comment area, turned her head and saw Ma Mingyue Bulingbling's big eyes.

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