The two got into the car and rode into the dust.

"Miss, how much did you buy that car? I will pay you the money for returning to the factory. (The words in parentheses do not occupy the number of positive words, I checked on the Internet that these luxury cars were hit, and they can only return to the factory, which is equivalent to buying a new one, after all, I haven't bought it, and I don't know, people who understand it are my nonsense)

" Mingmei smiled and said: "Wang Shao is polite, no need to accompany, just make a friend." This car was a gift from my family, and I don't know how much. Wang

Zicong quietly said, his bar mitzvah is also a car, but only more than 20 million, and the girl next to him received several times her own gift!

What he didn't know was that in the identity of Ming Mei in this world, he also received a private jet as a gift at the age of eighteen.

Otherwise, I'm afraid my jaw will drop.

When Wang Zicong got on the car, he sent a message to the Yang Antique Auction House, saying that he would go, and he would bring a friend to make everything ready for food, drink, and fun there.

Wang Zicong brought Mingmei to the door of the Yang Antique Auction House.

Ming Mei glanced at the gate, it was a hotel, and the sign hung with the four big characters of Yang's Hotel. The doorman saw Wang Zicong's car and quickly stepped forward to guide Wang Zicong to the parking space.

Wang Zicong and Mingmei got off left and right and walked into the Yang's Hotel.

As soon as he entered the door, a tall foreman came forward with a smile on his face: "Wang Shao, this auction has you here, it is really brilliant!" After that, the tall foreman turned his gaze to Mingmei, his eyes with some doubts: "I don't know who this young lady is?" "

The tall foreman can sit in this position, his vision is naturally different from others, he can see at a glance that the bright is not simple, and he is definitely not Wang Shao's new favorite.

Which big young master do you see with a little lover, and the little lover is still wearing casual clothes with a look of indifference?

It's just that he doesn't know what to call this young lady.

The tall foreman has worked in the Yang Antique Auction House for so many years, whether it is the magic capital or Kyoto big and small celebrities, I don't remember such a person.

Wang Zicong's face was a little serious, but he really introduced to the tall foreman: "This is Miss Mingmei Ming, my friend, I brought her here today to play." The

tall foreman immediately had a sincere smile on his face: "It turned out to be Miss Ming." Wang Shao, your private room has been packed for you, or the old place. Wang

Zicong snorted and entered the elevator with Mingmei.

There were only Wang Zicong and Ming Mei in the elevator, and Wang Zicong opened his mouth to explain: "Miss Ming, the auction venue is on the tenth floor of this hotel, Yang's Auction House is the largest antique auction house here in the magic capital, if Miss Ming is interested in coming here to play in the future, just report my name."

Mingmei looked at the elevator, just now Wang Zicong swiped a card I don't know what to do, the elevator's video phone interface showed the word number ten, but the elevator's button is only nine floors high.

It seems to be the one that the tall foreman gave to Wang Zicong just now, and I don't know what card.

Ming Mei smiled and nodded: "Then there will be more disturbances after that." Wang Shao doesn't have to be so polite, just call me bright.

Wang Zicong smiled cheerfully: "Hahaha, that relationship is good, I will call you bright in the future, you don't want to shout Wang Shao and Wang Shao, call me Brother Wang or my name." The

two came to the tenth floor with a smile, and the elevator opened, and it was another look.

Less like a hotel, more like a place similar to a dance hall.

There were quite a few people in the venue, and there was no mysterious person wearing a mask like in the TV series novel, and the three of them gathered together and didn't know what they were talking about.

At this moment, the system suddenly rang

: [Dingdong ~ Congratulations to the host for unlocking the special scene "High Society on TV"] [Congratulations to

the host for winning the following rewards: Dance

Mastery Card x1] [Etiquette Mastery Card x1] [Playing Card Mastery x1]

Huh? These are good things.

Click on the introduction of the dance mastery card.

[Dance Mastery Card: Still struggling to practice ballroom dancing? Still feeling lost that you step on your dance partner's feet while dancing? Own me and make you the most beautiful boy in the show! The

corner of Mingmei's mouth twitched.

The etiquette mastery card, as the name suggests, is the so-called etiquette integration of these high society.

Poker mastery is the card that Bright is most interested in.

As long as you use it, you can integrate the playing cards you have on the market, not to mention becoming a gambling king in an instant, but you have an additional skill, that is, you can see at a glance whether the other party has done tricks.

Good stuff, Bright Beauty thought.

Wang Zicong originally looked unenergetic, but the moment the elevator door opened, his back straightened and his shoulders opened.

If the original Wang Zicong looked like a listless young master, then this Wang Zicong looked a little more elite.

Wang Zicong and Mingmei came out of the elevator, and many people's eyes looked over.

The gaze that stayed on the bright face was extraordinarily much.

Bright and calm.

Wang Zicong glanced at the venue and said to Mingmei: "There is still a period of time before the auction starts, Mingmei, do you want to come and meet the others with me?" Old Qin Laoma is also here, I will introduce you to each other.

Mingmei nodded: "Then thank you Brother Wang." After

speaking, I always felt that Brother Wang shouted out strangely.

Wang Zicong came to a private room with Mingmei.

The private room is quite large, with two card tables, an electronic screen, and a relaxation area in the middle.

On the sofa sat three men and three women.

Ming Mei looked around, there was one Qin Feng who often appeared in front of the media with Wang Zicong, and there was a bright one who did not know, but it seemed to be very similar to the boss Ma who was engaged in social networking sites to make games, it should be the horse Shao.

The other man was bright and couldn't recognize who it was.

One of the three girls is a big Internet celebrity on the Kuaiyin platform, and the other two are not known.

They pushed the door in, and three men and three women on the sofa looked over.

"Oh, Wang Shao is here!" The big Internet celebrity of the fast sound platform said delicately, and when he saw the bright light, he got stuck and didn't know how to speak.

Wang Zicong ignored the big Internet celebrity, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, everyone, I'm late."

Qin Feng pointed to the beer on the table and said, "Oh, these bottles are yours."

Wang Zicong smiled bitterly: "Old Qin, don't play with me, I didn't call the driver today, I came alone, and I didn't dare to drink any wine."

Qin Feng saw the brightness behind Wang Zicong, and the presumptuous smile on his face converged a little.

He could see that this girl was definitely not Wang Zicong's new favorite or something.

So he put on a serious guest-like smile on his face again, got up and asked: "Lao Wang, who is this?"

Several others also turned their curious gazes to Bright.

Wang Zicong smiled and said: "Come, let me introduce you, this is Miss Ming Meiming, my new friend." Ming

Mei had some formulaic smiles on her face: "Hello, my name is Ming Mei."

At this time, one of the three women with short hair spoke: "Miss Ming, how did you meet Wang Zicong?"

Ming Mei was about to speak, Wang Zicong picked up the stubble: "Hey, you still said, today I didn't look away from my Masala Ticosa knocked people's poison, fortunately bright and generous, didn't think much with me, otherwise I have to lose my pocket money in the past few months." "

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