Hearing Wang Zicong's words, the other people looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces were much more sincere.

Originally, they only thought that this girl was brought to the world by Wang Zicong, but now it seems that she should be in the same circle as them.

So they shed that formulaic look and became more sincere.

In the same circle, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

At this time, the man who was unrecognizable spoke: "Hahaha, Lao Wang, they all said that you should pay attention to driving, don't drink last night, right?"

Wang Zicong rolled his eyes: "What kind of wine to drink, stay up all night." Come on, Bright, I'll introduce you to these things.

"This is Qin Feng, you must know it."

Mingmei nodded, smiled at Qin Feng, and stretched out her hand: "Hello Qin Shao, it's nice to meet you."

Qin Feng snorted and said, "Call Qin Shao, just call me Brother Qin." I open a small investment company, and I have related matters to find my brother, and my brother will help you solve it.

The smile on Mingmei's face became even sweeter: "Then you may have to trouble Brother Qin in the future."

"Hey, what's the trouble, just find him if you have something, this is the second young master of Huateng Company, called Ma Zhiyue."

Ma Zhiyue spoke first: "Just call me a pony." People around me call me that. After that, he laughed.

The last man spoke first: "Hello Miss Ming, my surname is Lei, my name is Lei Zijian, and the chairman of Rice Technology Lei is my father."

After getting to know the three boys, Wang Zicong turned his gaze to the three girls: "You must also know this, called Sydney, who is currently Lao Qin's girlfriend." Wang Sicong pointed to the big Internet celebrity on the fast voice and said, and then introduced the remaining two girls to Mingmei in a very serious tone: "The short-haired one is Lao Ma's sister, called Ma Yao," The short-haired girl in jeans smiled at Mingmei, and Mingmei also returned a smile.

"The one in the skirt is the future successor of Fengxiang Yinlou, called Huang Xue, you can call her Lao Huang."

Huang Xue rolled Wang Zicong's eyes and pulled Mingmei to her side: "Little sister come to sister's side, don't learn badly with this bad man."

Wang Zicong didn't mind Huang Xue saying this at all, and also did it to Qin Feng's side: "Come and come, everyone, you will be friends in the future, a toast." Saying

that, he took out the beer glasses one by one and poured beer for everyone present.

Lei Zijian rolled his eyes: "Don't think that you can avoid us punishing you for drinking like this, don't drink this time, and next time, I don't believe you don't bring a driver every time." Wang

Zicong, who originally wanted to avoid this penalty by distributing beer to everyone, had a bitter face, but he amused several people present.

Bright has changed a little to Wang Zicong.

She originally thought that Wang Zicong was the kind of eldest young master who was self-respecting, but she didn't expect that it was quite comfortable to deal with people, and she was also very good at enlivening the atmosphere.

Of course, it's who to divide.

For a few of them, Wang Zicong spoke and did things without leakage, and he was very comfortable with each other.

But for Sydney's kind of Internet celebrity, Wang Zicong doesn't have much to pay attention to.

When he introduced this Sydney just now, he didn't care, and Qin Feng didn't care at all how his friend introduced his girlfriend, and now Sydney's face was very stiff.

Several people were chatting happily, and suddenly, Sydney, who had been ignored, smiled and asked Mingmei: "Oh, after talking for so long, I still don't know what Miss Ming's identity is?" Sydney

was very dissatisfied.

She is also Qin Feng's girlfriend, Wang Zicong, a few of them don't have a good face for themselves, this one called Mingmei doesn't look at himself!

He is a big Internet celebrity on Kuaiyin, and he can earn tens of millions a year!

What kind of Lamborghini poison, it is rotten to listen to, presumably it is not a very expensive car, presumably Wang Zicong is also because of guilt, so he brought this girl to insert into their circle.

Therefore, Sydney turned the dissatisfaction in her heart to brightness.

Hearing Sydney's words, Qin Feng's face turned pale.

In their circle, it is rude to ask others their identities if they are not introduced by themselves.

This Sydney is really spoiled.

Qin Feng was very bad both in his face and in a bad mood.

The smile at the corner of Wang Zicong's mouth also pulled down, and he glanced at Sydney coldly.

The corner of Mingmei's lips almost revealed a smile.

Is this the prelude to the legendary face-punching plot?

Just then, the system clicked again.

[Dingdong~ The system perceives that the identity of the host is questioned, how can this be? Now prepared for the host 25% of the shares of the famous jewelry brand Boucheron in country F, congratulations to the host for becoming the largest shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of Boucheron! Click to view Boucheron Jewelry]

Bright blinked a few times and received all the news.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Ming Mei tilted her head and smiled sweetly: "Is this aunt so curious about me?" A

word of aunt made Sydney's face freeze.

Ma Yao lowered her head and almost laughed.

The smile on Mingmei's face was more: "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I haven't introduced myself yet." My parents' identities are not easy to reveal to everyone, my words," Mingmei looked at Huang Xue and said with a smile: "Presumably Sister Huang will see me again in a few days, I am the largest shareholder of Boucheron Jewelry and the chairman of the board of directors, this time the cooperation between your Fengxiang Silver Building and our Boucheron Jewelry is represented by me." As

soon as the bright words fell, the room was quiet for a moment.

Huang Xue first smiled and took Mingmei's hand: "Oh, in this case, the two of us have a lot of connections, leave a contact information for my sister in a while, and my sister will play with you when I am idle~" Mingmei


Ma Zhiyue took out his mobile phone and said, "What are you doing for a while?" Without further ado, add it now, come to our group brightly, go out and call you!

So, in Sydney's increasingly stiff smile, several people added friends, and Mingmei was pulled into their group.

The name of the group is very simple, it is called the second generation game group of Modufu.

There were more than a dozen people in the group.

As soon as Ming Mei entered the group and changed the name of the group, Wang Zicong asked everyone: "Come out to welcome the newcomer!"

Qin Feng also followed suit: "Come out to welcome the newcomer!" Huang

Xue, Ma Yao, and Ma Zhiyue himself also sent news with the wind.

Someone immediately replied: "@明媚 welcome newcomers!"

"@明媚 Welcome newcomer!"

"@明媚 welcome newcomers!"

"@明媚 welcome newcomers!"


Mingmei said hello to everyone in the group, and then chatted with everyone in the box.

"By the way," Ma Yao said suddenly, "Do you know that there is a pair of jade bracelets in this auction?"

Huang Xue's eyes lit up for a moment: "Is it the pair of gold-encrusted Four Dragons bead bracelets of the Qing Dynasty that were said to have been retrieved from abroad some time ago?"

Ma Yao nodded.

Huang Xue's eyes brightened, but then there was a little loss: "I like it very much, but it's a pity that the money is not enough, alas."

Wang Zicong sighed and said: "Don't think about this, the old man of the Yang family in Huacheng has already set his sights, you can look at something else."

Huang Xue sighed sadly: "Well, who let me have no money." Fortunately, the pair of ruby earrings I fancy before have been auctioned today, otherwise I would have died of sadness today.

Ming Mei blinked, and had an idea in her heart.

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