Several people talked together again, and Qin Feng went out and called away his Internet celebrity girlfriend Sydney.

After a while, Qin Feng returned, but Sydney never returned.

Looking at the appearance that several other people didn't care, Mingmei didn't ask more.

After a while, there was a knock on the door of the box.

The tall foreman walked in, holding several pamphlets in his hand.

"Young masters and ladies," the tall foreman said with a smile, "This is the auction brochure of this auction, the information is on it, I hope you can have fun today."

Wang Zicong snorted and took a few books.

The tall foreman withdrew.

There were exactly seven books, one for each of the seven people in the box.

Ming Mei probably flipped through and locked in the target to buy.

At this time, a countdown appeared on the screen of the box.

Ma Yao glanced up and said, "There are still ten minutes to start the auction.

Mingmei followed a few people to get up and tidy up their clothes - in fact, there was no need to tidy up, the group did not wear any formal clothes, except for Huang Xue who wore a dress, which was also a casual kind.

Also, anyway, this group of people are people who can brush their faces, and no one will look down on them because they are not wearing formal clothes.

When Mingmei followed them out, many people looked at Mingmei without a trace.

Bright only heard a gentle clicking sound, as if the machine was turning, and the place similar to the ball hall changed:

first the four walls rose, revealing four private rooms marking spring, summer, autumn and winter, one at the four corners of the auction hall.

The position of the middle ballroom revealed a large open space, and then the lifting platform turned, and an auction table was revealed.

After that, two teams of handsome men and women came up and quickly tidied up the venue, and a large screen rose at the front of the venue, and chairs were arranged in front of the screen.

The people who were waiting in the center of the dance hall sat on their chairs according to their serial numbers.

Mingmei followed Wang Zicong to the "Autumn" box.

At this time, Lei Zijian suddenly spoke: "The spring character box is Old Master Yang's box, hey, was I blinded just now, how did Old Master Yang bring a man he didn't know in?" Didn't even bring them Yang's grandchildren? Hearing

this, Mingmei subconsciously looked towards the Chunzi box, and saw a slightly familiar figure.

Strange, who is it?

Ming Mei thought and quickly put this matter behind her.

Walking into the box, Ming Mei saw a large screen, and the big screen was directly facing each one.

There are several small screens next to it, encompassing the entire auction venue.

The room has seven chairs, quite a sense of postmodern technology.

The chair is comfortable and has a phone-sized screen on the handle, which is used to pay money and browse auction items.

The countdown goes to zero and the auction begins.

First, a host-like person came on stage and told some history of the development of Yang's Antique Auction House, and then thanked this and that, and after some scenes, the auction officially began.

The first to be auctioned is a pair of blue flower ice green jade bracelets, placed on a red brocade box, with a high appearance value, a starting price of 1 million, and each increase must not be less than 100,000.

Ma Yao increased the price twice, and when the price of the bracelet exceeded 3 million, he did not move.

Ma Zhiyue spoke: "Yaoyao, do you want my brother to buy it for you?" "

Saying that, he added the price once.

Ma Yao shook her head and said, "It's not interesting if the bracelet of this level exceeds 3 million.

Huang Xue also nodded: "We also have this kind of water bracelet in Fengxiang Yinlou, and I will personally take you to choose a pair when you come to our factory another day."

Ma Yao nodded: "If you dare to forget, I will send your ugly photos."

Huang Xue snorted, turned her head to Mingmei and said: "Mingmei you too, if you want jewelry, come to me, I will directly let them customize it for you."

Mingmei smiled and said, "Okay, I'll trouble Sister Huang then."

Huang Xue waved her hand: "Call Sister Huang, just call me Lao Huang."

Mingmei almost laughed and pursed her lips.

Wang Zicong rolled his eyes.

The second is a Song Ru kiln vase, although it is a rare Ru kiln on the market, but the pattern is very general, 1.5 million base price, and finally more than 2 million was bought by a middle-aged man.

The third is a Mingchenghua Doucai chicken cylinder cup, the "winter" box is sold, and 5 million is sold.

The fourth is a pair of high-ice violet gold-encrusted earrings, with a tall appearance and bright eyes.

How to say, this appearance just poked at the bright heart.

At the reserve price of 3 million, Mingmei directly lost 4 million up.

Several people in the private room looked at Mingmei, and Qin Feng smiled and spoke: "You originally liked this look?"

Mingmei blinked her eyes and asked, "Then Brother Qin, what do you think I like?"

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "I thought that a girl your age would like that kind of stud earrings that are more fashionable."

Mingmei shook her head and said, "Anyway, as long as I look good, I like it, but not all occasions are suitable for wearing stud earrings."

Ma Yao nodded and agreed.

Ming Mei glanced at the big screen, and someone came out with 4.5 million.

Bright directly went out to 5 million.

This earrings of water and workmanship are 5 million to the sky.

Sure enough, the other party hesitated for a while and did not raise the price.

The bright shot was successful.

After a while, the tall foreman entered their box with a contract, signed it brightly, and paid for it when the auction was over.

After that, he took a few more calligraphy and paintings, a few bottles, and a few pairs of jewelry.

Lei Zijian took a picture of Zhao Mengfu's real handwriting, and Ma Yao took a picture of a necklace.

The next set of jewelry will make bright eyes shine.

"This set of auction items is the diamond jewelry worn by Mary Anthony, the last queen of the Bourbon dynasty of country F, including a pair of earrings, a diamond necklace, and two bracelets full of diamonds..."

Listening to the host's introduction, the light in the bright eyes became stronger.

The starting price is 15 million.

Ming Mei immediately entered 20 million.

Wang Zicong just wanted to say something, but when he saw the two words of country F in the introduction, he closed his mouth again.

Immediately someone raised the price to 30 million.

Ming Mei raised her eyebrows and entered 35 million.

The other party hesitated, and at this time, the screen showed that the "Xia" box produced 50 million.

Many people in the hall gasped.

The two men in the "Xia" box

sat side by side, looking at the door of the "Qiu" box on the screen.

"Cousin, it seems that you are bound to get this set of hand ornaments!" Feng Zian said with emotion.

Feng Zi'an is the brother of Feng Zikang, the manager of the 4S store.

Next to it is Feng Zi'an's cousin, the future heir of the Xia family in the magic capital, Xia Yang.

It can be seen that the appearance of this family is quite high.

Feng Zikang is a typical sunny and healthy type, Feng Zi'an is gentle and elegant, and Xia Yang is aggressive and handsome.

From the corners of Xia Yang's eyebrows, it can be seen that Xia Yang has some mixed blood.

"Of course," Xia Yang nodded slightly, "next month is grandma's birthday, give grandma the antiques of grandma's motherland, grandma should be happy." "

The old lady of the Xia family is a mixture of the Dragon Country and the F Country, and under the influence of her mother, Xia Yang's father married Xia Yang's mother, and Xia Yang's mother is an authentic strong woman from the F country.

Feng Zi'an nodded, and said with some doubts: "But cousin, I see that the person who bid on the opposite side is Wang Zicong's box, what if Wang Zicong wants it?" "

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