Xia Yang's brows furrowed and said, "Probably not, I don't think Wang Zicong came prepared today, more like he came to play."

As he spoke, the opposite "Qiu" box bid 60 million.

Xia Yang thought about the highest price he could afford, and raised the price to 80 million.

At this time, people in the hall exchanged ears and asked who came to the box of autumn and summer.

Bright eyes raised the price to 90 million without blinking.

Xia Yang's hand squeezed, and quickly let go, retaliating with a loss of 95 million.

Bright in the box next door raised his eyebrows and entered a 95.1 million.

Xia Yang rubbed his forehead in annoyance, knowing that the other party saw where his bottom line was.

It seems that his judgment was wrong, and the other party came prepared.

He turned his head and glared at the quiet Feng Zi'an, and cursed a crow mouth in his heart, but he knew that this had nothing to do with his cousin, and he could only secretly pass the mouth in his mind.

In the Wang Zicong box next door, Wang Zicong


Because today he came here to play temporarily, he only had a budget of about 50 million, thinking of taking some small jewelry or something to go back to make his mother happy.

I didn't expect this girl to be so generous, and she was thrown out nearly 100 million.

Qin Feng spoke: "Bright, do you have enough funds?" Not enough brother can borrow you.

Ma Yao also nodded: "I also have money." Ming

Mei smiled indifferently: "Thank you!" It's less than 100 million, and I can still afford it.

Lei Zijian nodded and said, "If you lack money, you will make a noise." Ming

Mei snorted.

Suddenly, Wang Zicong's phone vibrate.

Wang Zicong recalled that there seemed to be nothing in the auction house's brochure that he could read, so he took out his mobile phone to return a message.

[Xia Yang: What's going on, Lao Wang? Why did you suddenly buy this kind of thing? Is it the aunt who wants it? Wang

Zicong hooked his lips and replied:

[You are from the Xia Zi box? The

opposite side replied with a hmm.

Wang Zicong replied:

[It's not me, it's a sister I brought who likes it, and that sister seems to be from country F. 【

Xia Yang: Sister? What sister? ]

Xia Yang over here is scratching his head, why doesn't he remember that there is a young lady of country F blood in the magic capital Kyoto?

Just thinking about it, the opposite side replied.

[Wang Zicong: That's the one I pulled into the group.

Xia Yang opened the rich second-generation group and looked at the new people who joined the group.

"Bright?" Xia Yang muttered.

Feng Zi'an, who heard the keyword, snorted.

The two said in unison: "Do you know this Mingmei? The

two cousins were stunned.

Then, Feng Zi'an spoke: "Cousin, do you know Mingmei?"

Xia Yang was stunned for a moment and said, "Which one is bright?"

"Then what did you just say about Mei?"

Xia Yang replied: "I just asked Wang Zicong, that set of jewelry was not taken by him, but by a girl named Mingmei who he brought over to play."

Feng Zi'an spoke: "Is it a young girl?"

Xia Yang thought for a while and said, "Anyway, it's not as big as me and Wang Zicong."

Feng Zi'an rubbed his brows and said, "I know, cousin." Seeing

that his cousin didn't mean to say more, Xia Yang didn't ask more.

Just quietly remembered the name Mingmei.

The next auction item was an antique brooch, which was won by Wang Zicong for 20 million.

After that, it entered the series auction.

The first is a collection of six antique jewelry.

The first was a pair of tortoiseshell stud earrings, brought by a queen in the late Qing Dynasty, which were taken by Mingmei for 30 million.

Then there is a pair of tortoiseshell gold wire bracelets, which are rare and have a faint natural phoenix pattern on it.

The starting price is 30 million.

Ming Mei directly raised the price to 50 million, and the people in the hall exchanged heads and ears again.

Someone raised the price to 60 million.

Ming Mei looked at it, it was the "winter" character box.

Bright directly raised the price to 80 million.

What she likes, she doesn't care how much it costs.

The opposite side was silent for a while, raising the price to 85 million.

Bright directly raised the price to 90 million.

The opposite side let go, and Mingmei took the bracelet in her hand.

Lei Zijian looked at Mingmei and wanted to ask you how much money you still had.

Just come out to play, just smash out 200 million.

Several people in the box secretly passed a look.

It seems that this bright identity is not as simple as she said....

Three more auction items passed, the last of which was the gold-encrusted Four Dragons Pearl Bracelet of the Qing Dynasty that Huang Xue had always wanted.

The starting price is 50 million.

Huang Xue's eyes lit up, and the price was increased to 70 million, and the person in the opposite "spring" box raised the price to 80 million.

Huang Xue's eyes darkened, her mouth deflated, and she leaned back into the chair without speaking.

Huang Xue was aggrieved, and suddenly, someone in their box raised the price to 90 million.

Huang Xue turned his head sharply, and sure enough, it was bright.

Ming Mei withdrew the hand that entered the price, and as soon as she looked up, she saw several people staring at her.

"What's wrong?" Bright tilted head.

Huang Xue swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Mingmei, do you like this?"

Mingmei looked at her with a smile: "I don't think you like it very much?" Hearing

Mingmei's words, Huang Xue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little.

Ming Mei said: "They are all friends, I will buy them for you if you like them." Huang

Xue gasped, and the other few people's faces were also very exciting.

"A gift of 90 million?" The Ma brothers and sisters quietly changed their eyes.

"That," although Huang Xue was very happy in her heart, she thought that she had met Mingmei on the first day, and it was not good to receive such an expensive gift, so she spoke: "Forget it, right?" Old man Yang from Huacheng said a few months ago that he would buy this bracelet, and we can't compete with others. "

Although their group is talking about it, they are actually just a group of rich N generations.

There is also a group of people who have more money and energy than them, that is, their parents.

Old man Yang, but their father's generation.

An entire family's resources are available for others to deploy.

Mingmei's heart to give herself a gift is good, but wouldn't it be very disappointing if the auction was not successful?

Huang Xue likes Ming Mei very much, and does not want Ming Mei to be like this.

Ming Mei waved her hand indifferently: "It's okay, just pat and play." If you can shoot the best, if you can't, you should play.

Wang Zicong also made a look of indifference: "Hahaha, Lao Huang, it's a good thing that Mingmei wants to give you a gift!" When

he said this, he had some other thoughts in his mind.

Who is this girl named Mingmei?

With so much cash flow available, there are only a few of the most famous people in Asian circles....

Could it be from the European side....

Wang Zicong smiled on the surface, but actually ruled out one by one in his heart.

He intends to make good friends with Mingmei seriously.

Now it is basically certain that this bright is definitely not in the circle of the Dragon Kingdom.

If it is foreign, it is very likely that you want to come to the Dragon Kingdom to develop.

Is it possible for them to get a piece of the pie?

Qin Feng had the same idea as Wang Zicong at this time.

The box opposite raised the price to 100 million.

The host on the stage was even more enthusiastic, and his face was flushed.

The auction item reached 100 million, how much commission can I get?

Ming Mei didn't care and raised the price to 110 million.

Opposite the "spring" character box.

The current head of the Yang family, Old Master Yang's face was as heavy as water.

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