Old man Yang Kangcheng's face was as heavy as water, and he secretly cursed a group of ignorant little cubs in his heart.

Old man Yang Kangcheng raised his hand: "Add 5 million each time, out." "

The young man on the side entered 115 million.

The opposite side quickly raised the price to 120 million.

The man looked up at Yang Kangcheng.

This man turned out to be a bright counselor, Yang Qing.

"What are you looking at me for?" Old man Yang Kangcheng snorted coldly, "Out." After

Yang Qing made an offer, the other side raised the price to 130 million.


In the end, the dispute ended with Ming Mei spending 150 million to win the bracelet.

Old man Yang Kangcheng over here was not so angry.

He looked at Yang Qing, who was silent on the side, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, you kid talks a lot at school, why don't you open your mouth as soon as you get home?"

Yang Qing glanced up at his grandfather, lowered his head again, and said after a while: "I don't know what to say."

Yang Kangcheng laughed: "You don't want to talk to us, right?"

Yang Qing lowered her head and was silent.

The Yang family in Huacheng, since Yang Kangcheng's father made his fortune, has been a veteran wealthy family for decades.

At that time, Yang Qing's mother was born generally, but she fell in love with Yang Qing's father at first sight, and the two soon had Yang Qing.

Then, the old man Yang Kangcheng, who valued the door very much, became an evil mother-in-law and separated Yang Qing's parents.

Yang Qing's mother died depressed, and Yang Qing's father also unfortunately fell in a dispute with Yang Kangcheng and fell into a vegetative state.

Yang Qing lost his parents at a young age, and he had a grandfather who looked at him unfavorably everywhere.

Yang Kangcheng didn't even want to admit that Yang Qing was his eldest grandson, and the eldest grandson who claimed to be the eldest son of his second son and the one-year-old cousin of Yang Qing Jr.

Although Yang Qing lived a rather depressed life, he also didn't worry about eating and wearing, but he hated the people of the Yang family more and more.

So he went to work as a counselor at university, and finally escaped from the Yang family with financial freedom.

Now, Yang Qing's uncle, the second son of old man Yang Kangcheng, began to fight with the old man for rights, and old man Yang, who has held the rights of the Yang family for many years, began to feel dangerous, but the daughter who married out did not give birth to a son, a total of three grandchildren, two were born to the second son, at this time old man Yang Kangcheng remembered the son of the eldest son, his real eldest grandson Yang Qing.

He intends to train Yang Qing and the titular eldest grandson to fight in the ring.

During this time, Yang Qing had a miserable life.

He originally did not want to be taken by his grandfather to fight with his second uncle, but he just said yesterday that he was unwilling to receive a notice of suspension from the school today.

He said that a student reported a problem with his course and suspended him for a week to reflect.

It soon became clear to him that it was his grandfather's handiwork.

He thought about quitting his job and changing schools, but cover letters were piling in.

Yang Qing's heart was cold.

I had to return to the Yang family and become a target for my grandfather.

Today, Old Master Yang took Yang Qing out to "see the world".

"The person who paid the money on the other side should not be that Wang Zicong." Old man Yang Kangcheng turned the walnut in his hand and squinted his eyes and said.

Seeing that his grandson didn't say a word, Old man Yang Kangcheng smiled lightly and didn't mind at all: "Their group, I have seen, Wang Zicong is coming temporarily today, should not prepare so much money, not to mention the Ma family brothers and sisters, if the boss of their family comes, it is possible, these two are not possible." As for the Lei family's and the Qin family's, they have always looked down on this kind of antique, and large antiques are still possible. As for the girl from the Huang family," the old man Yang Kangcheng sneered: "Their family has recently gathered funds to expand their business, and she doesn't have so much liquidity in her hands. Old

man Yang Kangcheng had the appearance of a girl in his mind.

"That girl is somewhat likely..." he thought carefully.

Yang Qing remembered the familiar voice he had accidentally glimpsed before, and his brows furrowed.

The girl seemed to be her own student.

How did he get mixed up with Wang Zicong, the eldest young master and eldest miss?

Here, Mingmei handed the auction transfer contract of the bracelet to Huang Xue.

Huang Xue took it stunnedly, her face full of disbelief -

unexpectedly, it was really bought for me?

She looked at Mingmei, and the girl was looking at her with a smile.

Huang Xue had a strange feeling in her heart.

Not only Huang Xue, but also the others present also had a strange feeling in their hearts.

In the past, they took money and smashed people.

Unexpectedly, this time, it was the turn of others to take money and smash them!

This feeling... It's weird, but it's not bad.

Huang Xue signed her name and remained in a trance until the end of the auction.

Mingmei took a few more things, and the tall foreman stood in front of Mingmei with a smile on his face holding a card machine.

Ming Mei looked at the bill, yes, he spent more than four hundred million today.

More than 4,000 points arrived.

The auction is really a good thing, Ming Mei looked at the points in the account, Meizhi thought.

After a while, the tall foreman came over with a few handsome male waiters, each of whom was holding a box in his hand, which was something that had been auctioned off brightly.

"Miss Mingmei," the tall foreman smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth: "These are your auction items, do you bring them back yourself or do we deliver them for you?"

Mingmei glanced around, picked up the box of Four Dragons Play Bead bracelet and handed it to Huang Xue: "Give, Lao Huang, your bracelet." Huang

Xue took the bracelet and almost took a bite on it to see if it was real.

Ming Mei filled in the address and delivered the rest of the things back.

I opened the system mall again and started buying, buying, buying, buying.

【All-round Butler】Redeem one 2000 points.


【Universal Chef】Redeem one 500 points.

Buy two.

【All-round babysitter】Redeem one 200 points.

Four in the evening.

【Akinayama Old Driver】Redeem one 200 points.

Although the name is strange, but the functional classification is driver, buy.

The drop location is changed to home.

Turn on your phone and send a message informing the housekeepers that it's time to leave.

The housekeeper sent a lot of things, all of which were handed over, and then left the keys at the security office and left.

Mingmei directly hit the salary on their card.

Turn on the home monitoring and confirm that they have all left and chose to put the things exchanged in the system at home.

Ah, perfect.

Now at home there is no need to worry about finding out that something is wrong.

After Mingmei dealt with the things on the system, Wang Zicong and his group were almost cleaned up, and the people in the hall were almost dispersed, Qin Feng pushed open the door, and Mingmei's group left one after another.

As soon as I reached the elevator, I heard a cough next to me.

Bright and several people turned to look at an old man wearing a Tang costume and carrying a cane, and a young man stood next to him.

Bright and take a closer look, hey, isn't this my counselor?

In other words, my counselor's surname is also Yang Yi.

Yang Qing also saw Mingmei, his brows furrowed, and he quickly let go.

The position where the girl was standing was faintly the center of Wang Zicong's group, and it didn't look like the things he had made up before.

It turned out that there were rumors in the class that the bright in the deputy class leader's dormitory was a rich second generation, and the news was true.

Old man Yang Kangcheng smiled and nodded with his crutches: "Xiao Wang, bring your friends to play?" Wang

Zicong's annoyance flashed in his heart, and this old man called Xiao Wang Xiao Qin when he saw them when he was old, making it seem as if the two were close.

I hated it in my heart, but a shy smile immediately appeared on my face: "It turned out to be Grandpa Yang, I haven't seen Grandpa Yang for a long time, Grandpa Yang has been in good health recently?" "

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