As expected, old man Yang Kangcheng was disgusted by Wang Zicong's behavior.

tm, how can a person who is almost 40 years old be embarrassed to make this gesture like a good girl?

But old man Yang Kangcheng quickly put on a fake smile: "Hehe, we people are old, can't do it, now it's the world of young people." "

Then you should give power to young people, Yang Qing complained in his heart.

Old man Yang's sharp eyes scanned a circle of Wang Zicong, his gaze stayed on his bright face for a while, and he said with a smile: "This young lady is very raw!" I don't know which one's money? Huang

Xue pulled Mingmei behind him without a trace, Ma Yao also turned slightly sideways to block Mingmei, and the corner of Wang Zicong's mouth pulled: "Old man Yang, that's my friend, surnamed Ming." "

Ming? Old man Yang carefully recalled this surname, strange, although their Yang family's hometown is in Flower City, but Kyoto and the magic capital they also know more or less, do not remember a family with the surname Ming.

But Old Master Yang still interpreted the impatience on Wang Zicong's face, and secretly cursed something in his heart that he didn't know to respect the old and love the young, and Yida would be destroyed in your hands sooner or later.

The two parties exchanged a few more pleasantries and separated.

After Old Master Yang left, Wang Zicong snorted disdainfully, pressed the elevator and waited for the elevator.

Huang Xue turned to Mingmei and said: "Mingmei, you remember, just nod and smile when you meet this old man in the future, don't talk to him more."

Although Mingmei didn't know why, she could subjectively feel that Wang Zicong and the gang didn't like this old man Yang very much, so she nodded.

Lei Zijian saw that Ming Mei was still a little ignorant, so he took the initiative to explain: "This is the head of the Yang family in Huacheng, Yang Kangcheng Yang old man." After the introduction, Lei Zijian's face showed a look of disgust: "This old man is particularly annoying, just like that... That..."

Lei Zijian was like that for a long time, and he didn't think of a suitable adjective.

Ma Yao rolled her eyes next to her and said, "It's like the kind of annoying relative who says to you who are only 20 years old every time you are only 20 years old that you can't get married if you can't find a partner again." Wang

Zicong burst out laughing.

Lei Zijian was choked, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be a little similar, so he held out a sentence: "It's right." Several

people laughed again.

Ming Mei nodded thoughtfully: "I understand, it's like the kind of annoying relative who has to say a lot of annoying things every time we meet, but you can't go back."

Ma Zhiyue snapped his fingers: "The summary is correct." Wang

Zicong rolled his eyes indecently on the side: "Every time Lao Huang and I come out to bring a companion or something, as long as this old man Yang knows, the next time we meet, we always have to use a disgusting so-called exhortation to preach to us once, snort, I can't handle things at home, how can I be embarrassed to preach to us?"

Huang Xue nodded in agreement.

"Alas, who is this young man brought by Old Master Yang today? It looks a little like his eldest grandson! Ma Zhiyue asked.

Wang Zicong shook his head in unison: "I don't know."

Bright thought thoughtfully: "I know Eh." The man's name is Yang Qing, and he is my counselor.

Wang Zicong was silent for a moment: "Words show Mei, how old are you this year?" "

It has to be 19!

Ming Mei raised her head: "I just turned eighteen two months ago!" "

Poof, it's the sound of a sharp sword piercing into Wang Zicong's heart.

"What," Wang Zicong said, "that is, you hit that poison car by me as soon as I got it?" Ming

Mei nodded indifferently: "It's the first time I'm driving on the road." "

Poof, another sound of a sharp sword inserted into Wang Zicong's heart.

He didn't think much about it, thinking that it was around nineteen.

Who would have thought that this girl had just turned eighteen?

I feel like bullying a young girl who has just become an adult.

Qin Feng asked with interest: "Which university did Mei come from?"

Ming Mei said: "Modu University, the Department of Finance." This Yang Qing is my counselor.

Qin Feng nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, it seems that the news I heard before is not from the empty nest!"

Wang Zicong thanked Qin Feng in his heart for changing the topic, so he quickly asked, "What news did you hear before?"

Just as the elevator opened, Qin Feng raised his chin: "Go in and say." Entering

the elevator, Qin Feng said: "I heard the gossip before, saying that this old man Yang has two sons, the eldest son fell in love with an ordinary woman in a family, but was separated by old man Yang, the woman who hurt the psychological problem was gone, and the eldest son also accidentally fell into a vegetative state when arguing with him." This old man Yang tried to support his second son to the throne, and the current Yang patriarch is the eldest son of the second son, and there have been rumors that this Yang patriarch has a cousin one year older than him, who is a teacher in the university, presumably this is this. A

few Ru ate a mouthful of melon.

The elevator door opened, and out of the hotel, Wang Zicong raised his hand and pressed the car key, and said to Mingmei: "I'll send you back?"

Mingmei shook her head: "Thank you, I called the driver." At

this moment, a Ferrari Rafael slowly drove out of the parking area and stopped in front of the bright sky.

The door of the driver's seat opened, and an ordinary-looking middle-aged man got out of the car.

The middle-aged man looked very honest and honest, and walked up to Mingmei: "Miss, I'll take you home."

Mingmei glanced at the middle-aged man in front of her.

This is the [Akinayama Old Driver] that he redeemed.

It is said that it has a special effect, I don't know what it is.

According to his own setting, the driver's surname is Li.

"Trouble Uncle Li to run this trip." Mingmei smiled, turned to Wang Zicong and said goodbye: "My driver came to pick me up, I'll leave first, I have a lot of fun today, thank you Brother Wang, call me next time if you have fun!"

Wang Zicong said of course with a smile, and then looked at this so-called Uncle Li without a trace.

Strange, obviously he looks like a very ordinary person, why did the glance he looked at just now seem to be targeted by some fierce beast?

Wang Zicong remembered the underground colosseum he once visited.

I don't know who got a cheetah, just from the wild to the city, very fierce, looking at people's eyes is different from those soft and coquettish leopards in the zoo.

Wang Zicong was once watched by the cheetah, and that time Wang Zicong only felt that the sweaty hairs on his back stood up.

This so-called Uncle Li... Not ordinary people.

Thinking of this, I watched this so-called Uncle Li drive a Ferrari Rafael to send Ming Mei away.

...... Ferrari Raphael?

There I go, Ferrari Raphael!

Isn't this my dream car?

This stuff is all in front of me, how did I ignore him?

Wang Zicong felt his heart broken.

There used to be a real Ferrari Rafael in front of me, which I did not cherish....

Damn, what is the identity of Mingmei, and Lamborghini poison, and Ferrari Rafael's.

I don't know if the next time people come out to play, you can ask others to drive this Ferrari Rafael and let yourself touch it!

Here, Wang Zicong is strangling, and Ming Mei over there is all the way back to Villa C1 of Hua Chengming's mansion.

As soon as I stood at the door, the door of the villa was opened.

"Welcome home, Miss."

A nice voice said.

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