Bright walked into the villa and looked at the person in front of her.

The man in front of him is about 35 years old, a handsome uncle, mature and stylish in appearance, and his voice is also the type that Bright likes.

In fact, the decathlon does not say, but also sew clothes.

Yes, that's right, the introduction book of [Almighty Butler] says that the butler is decathlon and can also sew clothes.

Also—will—sew — dress—dress.

It's a person who is moved (crossed out)

"Miss worked hard," the housekeeper smiled and took the bag in Mingmei's hand: "The water in your bathroom has been put away, you can take a bath at any time, and I will sort out the bathrobe for you in the cabinet next to the bathroom." The chef made you some desserts, feel free to call me if you need it.

Ming Mei nodded and turned to go upstairs to take a bath.

Here, Wang Zicong returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, the nanny who took care of him from childhood to adulthood gave him a hard look.

Wang Zicong's scalp exploded, knowing that his father was back.

"The old man's face is not good." The nanny lip-synced on Wang Zicong.

"Is my mom back?" Wang Zicong lip-synced to the nanny.

The babysitter nodded frantically.

Wang Zicong breathed a sigh of relief, sorted out the things he had photographed today, and went to his mother's bedroom lightly.

Opening the door, Wang Zicong poked out a head: "Mom."

Mrs. Wang inside rolled her eyes: "Say, you did something to make your father angry again."

Wang Zicong still poked his head out: "That, nothing."

Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes again: "Why is your father so weird today?" Wang

Zicong quickly took out the things he had auctioned off and coaxed his wife to be happy.

Seeing Mrs. Wang showing a smile, Wang Zicong said carefully: "Mom, when my father beats me for a while, you remember to help me pull it!"

Mrs. Wang was helpless and said, "Pull a p, let your father beat you to death." Wang

Zicong made a crying face.

Mrs. Wang waved her hand: "Hurry up and see your father, I will pull you when he hits you."

Wang Zicong cheered, and finally had the confidence to face his father in his heart.

Although he doesn't know what mistake he made today, colliding with someone?

It's not right, the fine is also paid, the apology is also apologized, and there is no big news.

Or did he say that he was accused of Old Master Yang today?

That's not to mention, his own father also hates Old Master Yang.

Wang Zicong was puzzled and knocked on the door of his father's study.

Seeing Wang Zicong showing his head, Wang Jian snorted coldly and said, "What are you doing at the door?" Don't come in soon!

Wang Zicong smiled: "That, dad, you tell me first, what mistake did I make today?"

Wang Jian rolled his eyes: "You roll in and see it yourself."

After speaking, he pointed to the mobile phone on the desktop.

Wang Zicong was puzzled, walked in lightly, picked up his mobile phone and looked at it.

It is a short video with a quick sound.

The title of the short video is [Surprise! National husband crashes Lamborghini poison beauty! Will it collide with love?

Wang Zicong looked down.

The video is probably that he and Mingmei collided, and then he and Mingmei came down with unhappy faces, and then the expressions on their faces after seeing each other were better, standing together and not knowing what to say, and then they all came to the roadside with a smile to communicate, until the traffic police came.

After watching the video, Wang Zicong opened the comment area.

"Good fellow, tens of millions of Maserati Cossa have come across tens of millions of Lamborghini poison! Just give me a wheel is enough for me to make a fortune! "

Is Lamborghini poison expensive? It all feels like rotten streets.

"It's because it's expensive that it feels rotten."

"It's not expensive, it's just a hundred million [dog head]

" "Principal Wang, did you meet love?"

"Maybe Principal Wang was touched by porcelain."

"Tell a joke, drive Lamborghini poison to porcelain."

"Why not? With Principal Wang, how many Lamborghini poisons can't be bought? "

A-Zhe, you really overestimate Principal Wang."


After reading the comment, Wang Zicong put down his mobile phone.

Wang Jian frowned and spoke: "Today, the people of the Yang Auction House told me that you brought a young girl over, is this one?"

Wang Zicong nodded obediently.

Wang Jian rubbed his eyebrows and said, "What is her identity, have you figured it out?"

Wang Zicong shook his head: "I only know that her name is Mingmei, it seems to be from country F, and she is currently the largest shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of Boucheron Jewelry." "

Ming..." Wang Jiannian muttered the surname.

"Strange," Wang Jian frowned: "Why does this surname sound so familiar to me?" Wang

Zicong said: "Anyway, I haven't heard of this surname." But this girl is really generous! After that, Wang Zicong told the matter of today's auction house.

"Annoying old man Yang." Wang Jian scolded Old Man Yang in a conventional manner, and then said, "Do you see it?

Wang Zicong was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Wang Jian sighed helplessly: "This girl is planning to use money to open the door of several of you."

Wang Zicong was stunned again, just wanted to say what kind of way a few of us had, and then reacted immediately.

Indeed, I and others really do not have many ways compared to my fathers.

But that also depends on who you compare with!

In fact, if you calculate carefully, there are really a lot of businesses that can be bridged in the hands of myself and others.

For example, this cooperation between Boucheron Jewelry and Fengxiang Silver Building.

A bracelet of more than 100 million is sent, is Huang Xue kind enough to gnaw more of the other party's profits?

Definitely embarrassed.

Wang Zicong thought for a while, and his eyes widened: "Could it be that I was really touched today?"

Wang Jian rolled his eyes: "You think too much, I have asked people to investigate the scene, it is indeed your problem."

Wang Zicong then put down his heart: "Well, I thought I was calculated."

Wang Jian choked up.

His own unlucky son, who has no other skills, is exceptionally lucky.

It has hardly been calculated since birth.

Even if it is calculated, it can be solved.

In this regard, Wang Jian is quite relieved.

Wang Jian thought carefully about the surname "Ming" again.

The more I think about it, the more familiar it feels.

Where have you heard about it?

Suddenly, Wang Jian's eyes lit up.

Wang Jian spoke: "Zicong, in two days you will accompany me to see your grandfather."

Wang Zicong snorted puzzled.

Leaving Wang Jian's study, Wang Zicong breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man went up to the second floor, came to the door of Wang Jian's study, and greeted Wang Zicong with a smile: "Young master, are you back?"

Wang Zicong snorted, suddenly thought of something, and spoke: "Uncle Wang, let me ask you something." "

The person in front of me is a veteran, but also a distant relative of his father, who is now the captain of his father's personal bodyguard, and he is a trusted person in his family.

Uncle Wang said, "Young Master, just ask."

Wang Zicong scratched his head: "That, I just want to ask, what kind of person will make you feel like a glow when looking at you?"

Uncle Wang tilted his head, obviously not understanding what Wang Zicong wanted to ask.

Wang Zicong said again: "Just today, I met a person, a very ordinary middle-aged man, I was just looked at by him, and I felt that the hairs on my back stood up. Who is this kind of person in general?

Uncle Wang thought for a while and said, "Young Master, I don't know anything else, but this kind of person is generally someone who has killed people." Wang

Zicong only felt a chill in his back.

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