Ming Mei slid her nails over her thin shirt, and said with a smile: "Instead of accompanying these people who may not necessarily cooperate with you to eat and drink, and trying to get closer, it is better to..." Zhao

Chen lowered his eyebrows and looked at the girl leaning on his arms, the girl's eyebrows were curved into a beautiful arc, and he couldn't see the bright star-like eyes through the thick and curly eyelashes.

"Why don't you try... Flattering me like last time..."

Saying that, the girl held Zhao Chen's shoulders and let the two look at each other face to face.

"Maybe you coaxed me to be happy, and I invested in your family's business~

" Zhao Chen looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, and smiled helplessly: "Bright... Our family's business is a big hole, even if you bought a house last time hundreds of millions of dollars are all invested in it, it is only barely filled, the follow-up will be more money, maybe you can take it out, but I may not be able to bring you the benefits that can satisfy you. "

Zhao Chen was born in this class, naturally he didn't believe in love at first sight.

He believes that there are feelings between people, but he does not believe that feelings between people can exceed the interests of these hundreds of millions.

What's more, it may take ten or two billion in the follow-up to make up for the previous hole in order to return the Zhao Group to its original size.

Apart from the body, he could not offer more to the woman in front of him.

He is also not confident, thinking that the pleasure that his body brings to women is enough to make up for the money.

Mingmei chuckled and held Zhao Chen's wrist.

The other hand pretended to reach into his pocket, and actually exchanged a bank card without a password with a denomination of 500 million from the system mall.

Ming Mei took out her bank card and stuffed it into Zhao Chen's hand.

Zhao Chen looked at Mingmei with some doubt.

Mingmei held Zhao Chen's hand - of course, the woman's slender and white palm could not fully hold the man's hand, but it was shallowly wrapped, and the man's palm was the bank card.

"This card doesn't have a password," Ming Mei said with a smile, "There are five hundred million in it."

Zhao Chen breathed heavily.

It only takes 300 million cash flow to get their family through the current difficulties and get closer to returning to the top.

The bright fingers touched Zhao Chen's Adam's apple again, touched all the way to the lower abdomen, hooked Zhao Chen's trouser belt at once, pulled Zhao Chen into the single room where the cleaning bathroom tools were placed on the side, threw the sanitary tools out, freed up enough space, and sent a message to the housekeeper at home through the system.

The system housekeeper of Hua Cheng Famous Mansion

scanned every house in the villa one by one, his eyes were like the kind of eye scanners in science fiction, and a blue electronic light flashed from time to time.

He is inspecting the owner's territory - and then checking the villa, whether there are monitoring dead ends, whether there are sanitary dead spots.

He is the perfect steward and must keep the master and the master's territory in the safest and clean state at all times.

With a ding-dong, the system manages the computer built into the brain to receive the system's message.

A data stream appeared in the eyes of the system housekeeper, and after about 30 seconds, the system housekeeper obediently lowered his head and said, "Yes, master."

After raising his head again, his eyeballs returned to a normal human state, and the system housekeeper packed the hygiene dead spots and monitoring dead spots he had just checked and sent them to the system nanny.

But for a moment, there was a gentle sound of footsteps at the door.

The expressionless system nanny pushed the door in.

The system housekeeper and the system nanny looked at each other, the same data flow was handed over to each other, the system nanny nodded, clearly knew what sanitary dead ends and monitoring dead ends still exist in this villa, and then went to the cleaning room on the side to take out the cleaning items and carefully cleaned them.

The system housekeeper turned around and went to the bright bedroom.

Even if Ming Mei was not inside, the system housekeeper said according to the system settings: "Master, I'm in." After

pushing the door in, he took out a casual outfit similar to the style Ming Mei wore today from the bright wardrobe with the whole wall.

Later, according to the physical records left by Zhao Chen when he stayed overnight last time, a message and rich funds immediately poured into the mobile phone of the general manager of the Givenchy Modu main store.

In less than an hour, a men's suit that perfectly fit Zhao Chen's figure was delivered to Hua Chengming's residence. With a perfect smile, the system butler signed for the men's suit, packed his clothes, drove the brightly newly redeemed Koenigsegg CCR, and galloped all the way to the underground casino.

Go back an hour.

Mingmei pulled Zhao Chen's trouser belt, dragged him into the cleaning room, and pressed him on the wall panel.

Thanks to the conscientious cleaning staff here, the walls are very clean.

Bright smile: "Do you know how to coax women?"

Zhao Chen shook his head, and he could still see some confusion and well-behaved on his face.

Mingmei chuckled, put her head on Zhao Chen's shoulder, and asked softly, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Zhao Chen still shook his head.

Mingmei's eyes widened and she glanced at Zhao Chen up and down.

"You're not going to be in front of you, are you?"

Bright chuckled and said.

Zhao Chen only felt his face blush to the root of his ears, closed his eyes and nodded.

Mingmei laughed: "Is it me the first time behind?"

Zhao Chen not only felt panic burning on his cheeks, but also a little embarrassed, and there were some strange emotions.

He still nodded obediently.

It is also strange to say that he is obviously taller than the woman in front of him, but he can't resist this woman.

Bright stroked his obvious abs, as if the master was patrolling his territory.

And the thing of looking up and saluting....

"Oh." Ming Mei pretended to sigh, as if she had never played with this thing before.

Zhao Chen gasped, his back pressed against the wall tiles, and he turned his head slightly, not looking at the girl in front of him, quite like Ren Juncaijie.

Just then, the bathroom door was pushed open again.

The sound of the two women talking and laughing, the light footsteps of the woman, the sound of pushing open the bathroom door... Zhao Chen's eyes widened, and he wanted to say something, but he was covered by Mingmei.

Zhao Chen looked over, and saw that the woman in front of him showed a somewhat playful smile, took out a small bag from the cleaning liquid locker beside him, and slowly opened it.

Zhao Chen's eyes widened.

Inside there... It was what he experienced in the villa last time....


Ming Mei sighed that the system is really easy to use.


here, Huang Xue looked at her watch: "It's strange, why hasn't Mingmei come yet?" It's almost my turn.

At this moment, Huang Xue's mobile phone rang.

Huang Xue opened her mobile phone, it was a WeChat.

[Lao Huang, I met a little cute ~ go back later~] Huang

Xue immediately understood, leaning back: "Good guy, is this a peach blossom?" After speaking, he handed the phone to Wang Zicong.

Wang Zicong first showed an indescribable smile, and then thought of something, taking Huang Xue's mobile phone to edit a message.

Here, Ming Mei was biting a lollipop, and Zhao Chen was tied behind his back and leaned on the cabinet to breathe.

[Huang Xue: OK, but you are careful that there is a professional little white face who specializes in fishing for rich women, the kind that cheats food and drinks and cheats money, you don't fall ps, I am the old king]

Bright smiled and replied an OK.

Mingmei bent down to untie Zhao Chen's body, watching him even stand up with trembling legs, and it was rare to be kind enough to support him.

Just then, someone knocked on the door of the cleaning room.

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