("Shenhao: The Beginning Trillion Losers Can't Stop" I probably looked at it, you call this the same as the beginning?) What else is the same besides Modu University? You don't say anything rational, what you worked so hard to write, others say ah, I think you are very similar to so-and-so, and then I should say a word to you, thank you, do you bring it up? I also think your ID is very similar to others, are you... Ah, don't think too much, don't spray if you don't like it, I don't know.

Ming Mei keenly felt that the man beside him suddenly tensed his body.

At this moment, Zhao Chen's expensive suit was ravaged and not in shape... - Ming Mei was so ruthless that he was even incontinent...

How can others see his appearance? It's just that he still has something in his mouth, and he can't make any sound other than gasping, so he can only lean against the wall panel and look at Ming Mei with pleading eyes.

The beautiful girl smiled mischievously, turned her body, and gently pushed open the reverse lock under Zhao Chen's terrified gaze.

Zhao Chen's panicked heart beat faster, and now, the people outside only need to gently press the doorknob to push the door open—they can see how embarrassed and dang he looks now.

But suddenly snapped again, and Mingmei closed the reverse lock again.

Only then did Zhao Chen feel that his heart had returned to its original position.

The body suddenly stopped being tense.

Only then did he find that he was too scared just now, and even kept his eyes open, and there was some tingling feeling in the corners of his eyes.

The girl who had just finished a prank pulled him up, stretched out her slender white arms to hold his waist, and touched the straight behind him from the waist line, and even rubbed it like a prank.

"Afraid of being seen?" The girl was breathless.

Zhao Chen knew that his current self might not be able to resist her, so he could only close his eyes, and then open them again, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Oh..." Ming Mei sighed softly, touching Zhao Chen's cheek: "It's really pitiful..." She said in a very light and shallow voice: "If you are afraid, then try to beg me~"

said, removing the thing that blocked Zhao Chen's mouth.

Zhao Chen took a few sharp breaths, and his jaw was a little sore, but he couldn't care about this, and pressed his throat and spoke: "Please... Please

..." "Hee-hee..." The

girl had a mischievous smile on her face: "It's still sincere." The

girl said this in a normal voice.

Zhao Chenxin suddenly mentioned the eyes of the throat.

The girl turned around and opened the reverse lock and pressed the doorknob—this series of movements slowed down infinitely in Zhao Chen's eyes, but he was powerless to stop it.

The door was opened, Zhao Chen looked at it in a daze, and vaguely heard a familiar voice say shallowly: "Miss, I sent you what you wanted."

Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment, tried to focus his gaze, and looked out.

I don't know if it's a sense of shame or a sense of ease in my heart - it's the housekeeper of the bright house.

Ming Mei walked out of the cleaning room, looked at the folds and stains on her body in the mirror, sighed gently, took the blue handbag in the housekeeper's hand, pushed the door and walked into the women's bathroom.

The housekeeper returned to that formulaic smile on his face, walked into the cleaning room, closed the door, did a simple cleaning for Zhao Chen, who was weak in his hands and feet, and changed into a new full-body suit.

Zhao Chen stood up against the wall and whispered thank you.

After another while, the door of the women's bathroom opened, and the girl came out and knocked on the door of the cleaning room: "Is it okay?"

The housekeeper glanced at Zhao Chen up and down, and replied softly: "It's okay, Miss."

Zhao Chen felt a little relieved and walked out against the wall.

Mingmei looked at the red marks on Zhao Chen's neck, and some did not want the traces left behind to be seen by others, and looked left and right.

As if seeing what Ming Mei was thinking, the butler pulled out a decorative silk scarf that had not yet been unpacked.

The casual clothes brought by the housekeeper for Ming Mei are simple upper T-shirts and lower casual denim, casual denim crotch with silk scarf decoration, Ming Mei has always disliked this kind of decoration, so when the housekeeper brought the clothes, he did not decorate the silk scarf on his pants, but packed it separately.

Originally, the housekeeper didn't want to take the silk scarf, but he just wanted to bring it in case Ming Mei needed it.

Now it seems that this scarf is just the right thing to use.

The system housekeeper's calm heart rarely had some ups and downs of joy.

Mingmei took the packaged decorative silk scarf with satisfaction, opened the bag, and tied it around Zhao Chen's neck.

Just cover up something bright that you don't want others to see.

"Now," Ming Mei tilted her head and said to Zhao Chen, "Go and say goodbye to your partner, and then wait for me at my house with my housekeeper."

Zhao Chen asked why, with a hoarse voice.

Mingmei smiled, leaned on the washbasin and said, "It takes a lot of money to fill the hole in your house and let your Zhao Group return to its previous peak, right?"

Zhao Chen was silent.

The girl smiled again: "At least this big customer you want to please now can only make up for part of it."

Zhao Chen was a little soulless.

He knew that the girl in front of him had already checked him and their Zhao family clearly.

And this also means......... He has no right to refuse.

Ming Mei looked at the man in front of her with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "As long as you stay by my side, learn to be well-behaved, make me happy, and honor me as king..."

She tapped Zhao Chen's chest with her slender fingers.

"I'll help you smooth out the hole in your Zhao family."

When Ming Mei returned to the audience in the dog fighting ring, Huang Xue's Brazilian Feile happened to bite his opponent's throat.

At this time, Huang Xue, as a contestant, was waiting for his own Brazilian Philer in the waiting hall, and only Wang Zicong was waiting for the bright light in the audience.

Wang Zicong turned his head and saw Mingmei, who had changed his clothes, walking over and sitting down.

Wang Zicong raised his eyebrows: "It's very intense."

Mingmei thought back and smiled: "It's average!" "

Far less intense than last time.

Wang Zicong said: "It's still that sentence, just play, don't get caught in it."

Ming Mei brushed the hair next to her ear and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Lao Wang, only I play with them, they can't play me."

Wang Zicong said worriedly: "Then what should you do if you encounter a high rank?"

Ming Mei rolled her eyes indecently: "I usually only pick the hands I have played."

Wang Zicong was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "It's not a secret, I'm also like this." The

two looked at each other and laughed.

Yuanji didn't know where to go at this time, and a seat was vacated, and An An, the white wolf who was originally lying on his bright feet, sat in Yuanji's original position with eloquence at this time.

Huang Xue led his Basili Feile back to his position, and joked with Mingmei on his back: "Hunt Yan is back?" Ming

Mei snorted and said congratulations.

Huang Xue immediately raised her eyebrows and smiled: "My White Fang has won ten consecutive victories!"

Basil Philer snorted twice with honor.

The white wolf An An whimpered twice, poked his head forward, rested his furry head on Mingmei's shoulder, and looked at Mingmei with water spirit eyes.

Ming Mei helplessly rubbed the hairy child's head, coaxing the child to say: "Good An'an, you can't get off, it's not fun for you to end!"

Huang Xue touched An An's lost low-hanging head with distress and said, "Mingmei, buy us An An a few fighting dogs to come back and play, see if the child is wronged!" Isn't it good that a wild animal like An An has been on a leash?

Mingmei glanced at the furry who had begun to coquette with Huang Xue, gently patted his head, and said, "Don't worry!" Something, I understand. At

this moment, there was a sudden noise from the entrance passage of the auditorium.

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