(In learning to get the bib and buckle group, to be honest, I have applied for the bib for many years without saying a word, generally go to the mobile game super talk to copy the lineup, the buckle has not been used for a long time, is studying how to get it, two or three days to solve ha, when the time comes, you like to see it will be put inside, do not charge numb, count as fan welfare)

(here I apologize to my friends first, you spend time reading my novels, but I use these things to affect your perception, I'm really sorry.)

But I don't plan to delete the words in parentheses, because it concerns me and the reputation of my novel, and I don't want the second novel I wrote in my life to be labeled as plagiarized.

@那个叫温以玫的, since you dare to copy in vain, don't say anything that you can't bear and so on, do you want to reflect on why you yourself don't dare to let others agree with what you say? What is the reason for me to copy a male frequency harem Shenhao novel?

Well, maybe in your eyes I have a lot of reasons to plagiarize, I said that sentence, there is a plate to take a plate, and if there is no plate, obediently listen to me scold you.

Don't think I'm tough or something, I'm the author, but I'm also the one who was copied by empty mouths, since you, the person who copied empty mouths, can't get more evidence, don't blame me, the victim, for attacking you.

At the beginning of my previous chapter, there was the book that I plagiarized, and there is nothing the same except for a magic capital university, and I think the four words of magic capital university are not original by that author.

Several of my favorite authors before were copied by empty words, and they couldn't quarrel with others, and they were so angry that they withdrew from the circle, I thought about what would happen if I encountered this kind of thing, now it's okay, finally I caught people like you, there is a plate, no apology, this is the only choice you can choose.

If you are draining the book, you and your relatives and friends are screwing firecrackers into the sky, and if you are not draining but can't take the color palette, you still put firecrackers spiraling into the sky with your relatives.

Don't say what the color palette can't prove plagiarism, what's the matter, the palette can't prove plagiarism, your eyes can prove it? How many degrees of myopia give you confidence?

(Looking at the comments, some friends are worried about how this affects me, please rest assured, my two novels already have a complete outline, I am also a manuscript party, there is nothing that can make me break or stop or not write)

Several people turned their heads and looked, only to see a group of security guards surrounded by black pressure, and I don't know what happened, there were some noises.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Wang Zicong poked his head to see the excitement.

Huang Xue patted him on the head: "Enough for you, there are not many matches today, and the rest are a few teams that are not very famous, and there is nothing to see."

Later, he asked Mingmei: "Mingmei, are you going with us for one night or going home?"

Mingmei thought of the people who were still waiting for her at home, so she laughed lightly: "There are still people waiting for me in my family, so I won't play with you." Wang

Zicong looked like I understood: "Lao Huang, this is what you don't understand, accompany us to hi, how can there be a beauty who is interesting?"

Huang Xue suddenly realized: "You understand, bright, don't worry, we won't disturb you at night~"

The three said and laughed while leaving from the exit passage next to them.

At this moment, the three of them seemed to faintly hear an increasingly noisy noise next to them, and some people were shouting to be careful.

Ming Mei turned his head to look, and saw a tall Caucasian dog rushing towards him across the crowd, followed by a bunch of frightened-looking waiters.

Mingmei's eyes widened, and she hurriedly flashed to the side -

but at this moment, a white lightning bolt jumped up, and steadily and accurately pounced on the Caucasian dog, howling rapidly, and then sharp and sharp teeth penetrated its throat.

It was the White Wolf An'an.

In less than five seconds, the white wolf An An was like a white lightning, killing the vicious dog that dared to attack its owner.

By the time everyone reacted, the white wolf An An had obediently squatted next to the corpse of the Caucasian dog, his big fluffy tail swept around excitedly, and the snow-white hair on the side of his mouth was stained with the blood of the fierce beast.

Wang Zicong reacted and scolded dissatisfiedly: "What's going on?" Whose dog is this? Why is no one watching after the competition?

While saying, while giving Huang Xue a look, Huang Xue nodded secretly, and touched the bracelet on his hand without a trace - there was a small tape recorder hidden on the inside of the chain strap of the bracelet, which could only be unlocked and used with Huang Xue's fingerprint.

The beautiful female manager who came in with the bright three before could no longer be said to be pale, it was simply pale.

The beautiful female manager trotted over in a few steps and bowed to the bright three: "I'm really sorry, Wang Shao, Miss Huang, Miss Ming, it was our negligence that caused this accident!" Ming

Mei smiled back: "What you said in this face, is it not your negligence or my negligence?" Which dog is this from? Is it a competition? If so, why not be optimistic about the finish? If not, why is there no collar? The

beautiful female manager kept bending over: "I'm very sorry, Miss Ming, we frightened you," the beautiful female manager said while looking at the well-behaved white wolf next to her without a trace—if you ignore the blood stains on the white wolf's mouth, this white wolf is indeed well-behaved and cute.

However, the beautiful female manager is not blind, and she can see clearly how terrifying the bite force of this white wolf is just now.

If this Miss Ming is dissatisfied with this, even if he lets this white wolf bite himself to death, I am afraid that no one will say anything, and even the boss will apologize to Miss Ming because of his unfavorable supervision of the guest's fighting dog, which caused Miss Ming to be angry, and then lose some money to his family at most, and then casually find a reason for himself to die....

It's not the first time the boss has done this.

Underground casino, the largest number of visitors.

The female manager took a deep breath and explained to Ming Mei: "I'm very sorry, Miss Ming, this is the fighting dog that the guest asked us to take care of, it was our guard who had a problem with it, so that this animal disturbed you, in order to express our apologies..."

Wang Zicong and the two pulled their faces, accompanied Mingmei and the manager for a long time, negotiated compensation, and finally left with an unhappy face.

After the three left, the female manager finally straightened up and looked ruthless - not to the bright three, of course, but to the security captain who finally caught up behind her.

"Manager, how is this going to end in our report?"

The security captain asked with a frown.

Usually when encountering this kind of thing, he has to write a report on it, but how to write this ending? Are these three distinguished guests satisfied with the results of their processing? But this expression doesn't look like it!

The beautiful female manager snorted coldly: "The end? What tail is knotted? Thank God of your security team that these three have a strong bodyguard by their side, otherwise they would not be able to accompany a single hair of others if they put your entire security team on board! The

female manager calmed down, carefully recalled today's events, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.

This Caucasian dog is a construction company owner's dog, has always been intelligent and sensible, the personality belongs to the docile one in the fighting dog, she originally thought that the person who took care of this Caucasian dog accidentally smashed it when carrying dog food to be so irritable, but now that I think about it, things are not quite right, even if it hurts, with the character of this Caucasian dog, at most yelling in place, it will definitely not rush through the crowd to bite others.

What's more, he stared straight at that Miss Ming and bit it!

Definitely problematic!

The female manager's eyes sharpened, and she called out to the security captain: "You go and call the dog trainer Yuanji!"

After walking out of the underground casino, Wang Zicong said to Mingmei with a guilty face: "I'm really sorry, Mingmei, I brought you here to play but let you encounter this kind of thing."

Mingmei shook her head and didn't care at all: "It's okay, this has nothing to do with you." Wang

Zicong still felt a little guilty in his heart.

Ming Mei is no one else, but a friend in the same circle that he recognizes.

It is clear that he is the host, bringing friends to play, who knows that he encountered such a thing.

He felt a little guilty in his heart.

Seeing Mingmei being picked up by the smiling driver, Wang Zicong glanced at Huang Xue beside him.

Huang Xue inexplicably returned a look to him.

Wang Zicong spoke: "Old Huang, you and Mingmei are both women, can you see what jewelry Mingmei likes?"

Huang Xue thought for a while: "I only know that with a bright personality, I prefer to wear watches rather than bracelets, and the rest is not very clear." What's wrong?

Wang Zicong said: "In the end, I proposed to come to see the fighting dog, so that people were almost injured, and I couldn't get by without buying some gifts for others to accompany me!" Of

course, his guilt only existed among his friends of the same class.

Not the same class, who cares?

Huang Xue smiled again: "Aren't you known as the national husband? Having so many girlfriends, you can't even see what people like?

Wang Zicong scratched his head: "What, I used to buy gifts for my girlfriend to pick expensive ones, I always have to be more rigorous with Mingmei, I buy things for people Mingmei to make amends to others, and not to deal with my girlfriend." Huang

Xue thought about it, so he followed Wang Zicong to the mall for a sweep.

That night, [National husband joined hands with Miss Fengxiang Yinlou to sweep the mall, sweet exchange suspected love] was on the hot search, and then it was removed in less than half an hour.

That's all for later.

When Mingmei was picked up by the driver, Zhao Chen was still sleeping in the bedroom.

The housekeeper cleaned up the room on the left of Mingmei and became Zhao Chen's bedroom.

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