(This is used to quarrel with Wen Yumei, who said that there was a plate that I plagiarized, and Wen Yumei, who spiraled to heaven, ascended to heaven

) Mingmei had studied the system mall before.

The system mall shows what is bright and does not have.

That is to say, for example, the system mall has a [Guzheng skill mastery].

If Ming Mei learns guzheng, and Bright Guzheng skills exceed the proficiency level that the system can provide, then [Guzheng Skill Mastery] will disappear.

Bright eyes shining and swiped the skill card of the mall.

Set a small goal to make five of the skill mastery cards disappear!

Just do what you say, Ming Mei called the butler, and so and so on.

Besides, the female manager on the underground casino

side had a gloomy expression and asked Yuanji in front of her: "Yuan trainer, can you be sure?" Yuanji

rolled his eyes: "Of course it's for sure!" I have seen this technique a lot, and based on the monitoring and the autopsy of the Caucasus, I can clearly confirm that this Caucasian dog was fed to the point of canine excitement, and then the noble guest who was pounced must have a taste that attracted it, so it made it crazy. The

female manager frowned: "But the distance between that distinguished guest and this Caucasian dog is quite far, can you smell it too?" Yuanji

nodded: "The nose of dogs is very sensitive, according to your statement, it was more than ten meters away at that time, for dogs, don't say more than ten meters away, hundreds of meters away It can smell the smell." The

female manager thought for a moment and nodded.

After that, the cause and effect of this matter, as well as their speculation and surveillance video fingerprints, etc., were packaged and sent to the three of Mingmei.

Mingmei clicked on the news and scanned it from beginning to end, not knowing what kind of mood it was.

Myself this is... Counted?

Who will it be?

Ming Mei thought carefully about the people she met after crossing over.

Liu family?

No, they don't have that.

So who else?

Bright and puzzled.

At this moment, Wang Zicong sent a message.

[Wang Zicong: Bright, don't worry, I will solve this matter.

Ming Mei returned a question mark past.

[Wang Zicong: It should be done by the surname Bai. Ming

Mei found this person in her mind and replied: [

Ming Mei: Can you be sure? [

Wang Zicong: The fingerprint is the fingerprint of his dog's leg. That dogleg is an illegitimate son, and now the family is the original owner, he owes a large amount of money outside, the other party has a bit of power, and the original partner is naturally unwilling to make a move for the illegitimate son. But the surname white can. The money he owed was returned, and I checked it, and the account number was opened with the surname Bai using the account of one of his girlfriends. 【

Wang Zicong: Sorry, last time I won him a large amount of money, he should have wanted to take revenge on me, but he didn't dare to make a move on me, nor did he dare to do anything to Lao Huang, he should think that your elders are not here, and his hand can't reach this side, so he started on you. I'm sorry. Bright

lowered her eyes.

I suddenly remembered that there is a thing called [Truth Exposed] in the mall, and it costs thousands of points to redeem it once, and there is a refresh time, and the refresh time is uncertain.

Ming Mei opened the mall, found [The Truth Comes Out], looked at his own points, and bought this just one or two thousand points left, so he gritted his teeth and bought it.

Using [Truth Revealed], Ming Mei saw the truth of the matter.

Wang Zicong was right, it was indeed the so-called Young Master Bai who did it.

Bright open her eyes.

[Mingmei: Thank you Lao Wang, it's just that this matter, I plan to solve it myself. ] 【

Wang Zicong: How do you plan to solve it?】 How long have you only been in the magic capital, do you have enough connections on your hands? [

Mingmei: Don't worry, I still have the ability to punish him. No connections. There

was no news over there, and after a while, Wang Zicong called.

As soon as Ming Mei picked up the phone, Wang Zicong over there began to speak: "Ming Mei, listen to my brother's advice, it is not easy for your elders to make a move on this matter if they are not here, leave it to me, I can force him to kneel and kowtow to you." All aspects of the Dragon Kingdom are strictly managed, you must not be impulsive!

Ming Mei chuckled: "Don't worry, Lao Wang, I have a sense of proportion."

Wang Zicong knew that he probably couldn't persuade Mingmei, so he sighed and said, "Okay, then brother won't say much, but you should be careful!" If you need anything, tell your brother, tell Lao Huang, and we can help everything we can. After

the two finished talking, Mingmei put down her mobile phone.

After that, open the System Store.

I remembered what I accidentally glimpsed when I bought White Wolf An An before.

【Rabies-infected wild dogs 200 points x1】

Bright directly exchanged three of them and put them on a barren mountain outside Kyoto.

I bought a pet obedience potion in the system for another month and spent 300 points.

Ming Mei looked at the points, and the points were almost bottomed out, but Ming Mei didn't care.

Isn't saving points for this kind of time?

According to the time, you can hear the good news in about two to three days.

After doing all this, Ming Mei stretched and lay down on the sofa.

There was a little confusion in my heart.

She clearly realized that she was now remembered by some people.

Do you want to hire some bodyguards?

No, no, the bodyguards will also be countered.

Mingmei suddenly remembered the origin of her butler and others, and once again opened the system mall and searched for bodyguards.

There are dozens of types of bodyguards, there are bodyguards with high appearance and can resist taking them out, there are bodyguards who look ordinary in all aspects and will not be noticed at all, but in fact they are super capable of fighting, there are bodyguards who specialize in cold weapons, and there are guaranteed tickets that specialize in firearms...

However, Ming Mei still set her sights on the last one.

【Custom bodyguard】.

As we all know, customized ones are the most diao.

Accumulate points, save points.

Suddenly, the doorbell at the gate of the villa was rung.

A nanny went to open the door, and after a while, two babysitters came over with a few gift boxes.

A nanny bent over Mingmei and spoke: "Miss, someone sent a few gift boxes, saying that they were sent to you."

"Put it on the table."

Ming Mei glanced at a few gift boxes.

It is Blancpain's bag.

Blancpain is a well-known brand of world famous watches, founded in 1735, and is recognized as one of the world's oldest watch brands.

Ming Mei carefully used the fruit sticker on the table to clip the shipping label on the gift box.

No wonder Mingmei is cautious, after all, she just knew that someone had malicious intentions towards her.

The shipper is a Blancpain brand store, and the person who remarked the purchase was Wang Zicong.

At this moment, a message came from the bright mobile phone

: [Wang Zicong: Did you receive the gift? ] 【

Bright: What are you suddenly giving me a gift for?】 [

Wang Zicong: It should be to compensate you for being scared yesterday. No refusal, I'm offline.

After that, Ming Mei sent two question marks, and the other party acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Ming Mei thought about it, withdrew two more question marks, and sent a [Thank you, I smiled.

Ming Mei returned her gaze to the watch.

It is a full series of women's watches of Blancpain's main brand women's watch "Luck Fairy" in the past two years.

There are eight in total, beautiful at first glance, one word at the second glance, expensive.

Ming Mei picked out a watch with a white strap and a silver dial and replaced the Patek Philippe in her hand.

"Put the rest in the storage room." Bright instructed the babysitter.

The two babysitters bent over quietly, taking the remaining gift boxes while searching their brains for how to maintain the watch.

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