(When the previous group is full, I will build a new group, and then hang up

the new group number, if the previous group is full, everyone refreshes the article from time to time to see the new group number) (The answer to the four groups 649244739 is that it doesn't matter) (The

group is over here, I will call you after getting the bib in two days, the group is the same as the thing put

in the neck) When Zhao Chen opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

...... It's not my home, it's not the house I last lived in.

Zhao Chen got up, his body was still a little sore, but it was much better than the last time.

Yesterday, after saying hello to the patron sloppily, he was taken to the outside of the underground entertainment city by the bright housekeeper, and after getting on the car, he had a low-grade fever and the whole person was groggy.

He vaguely remembered what the housekeeper said: "Mr. Zhao, if you feel uncomfortable, you can sleep for a while." Then

he said something that he didn't hear very clearly.

Then he closed his eyes and slept unconscious.

I opened my eyes again and was in this room.

The decoration of this bedroom is very simple, but you can see some grace and luxury from some unobtrusive corners.

It stands to reason that the simple and elegant cannot be integrated together, and it seems that the designer of this house is very strong.

Zhao Chen could clearly feel that he had been cleaned up from top to bottom and inside out, and he also changed into a soft silk dressing gown, and he felt a little ashamed and a little stimulated in his heart.

He has followed the rules since he was a child, and he has never done such an exciting thing....

Zhao Chen rubbed his waist and looked at the pillow.

Next to the pillow was a bedside shelf with new clothes and personal items such as his mobile phone wallet.

Zhao Chen glanced at his mobile phone, which was full of missed calls from his family.

His scalp tightened, but before he could react, his sister called again.

Zhao Chen coughed twice, drank another sip of water, felt that his throat was better, and then pressed the connection.

The young girl over there cheered happily, "Brother answered the phone, dad, come quickly", and then Zhao Chen heard his father's footsteps, and then he should have taken his sister's phone and was silent over there.

"Dad." Zhao Chen pretended to shout calmly.

“...... Where did you go yesterday? Zhao Chen's father spoke, his tone full of questions.

“...... Sorry, Father, I'm going back at noon today. Zhao Chen looked at the current time, and Gu left and right said to him.

"Your Uncle Zhang said that you only called him and said that there was some urgent matter to leave, and then there was no one to find again, do you know that your Uncle Zhang is now doing overseas trade on a large scale, as long as he invests in our business this time, we can completely slow down?" What's more important than that?

Zhao Chen's father was a little disappointed.

He originally thought that Zhao Chen was a person who knew how to prioritize.

Zhao Chen lowered his eyes: "Dad, I met the customer who bought our office building last time, and she invested in our chassis funds. Over

there, Zhao Chen's father's eyebrows stretched a little: "Is it?" How much did the other party vote? Participation or dividends?

Zhao Chen said: "The other party invested 500 million, it should be planning to participate in the shares, and we have not yet discussed this clearly."

Zhao Chen's father nodded: "It's all good, it's all good, Xiaochen, you must talk to others about this matter, you know?"

Zhao Chen snorted and hung up the phone.

Over there, Zhao Chen's father just returned the mobile phone to his daughter, only to react that something was wrong: "No, what business to talk about overnight?" "

I remembered that the last time Zhao Chen went to sell the office building, it took a day to come back, and I felt that something was wrong in my heart, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

Zhao Chen hung up the phone, breathed a long sigh of relief, found the card that Mingmei gave him yesterday, and transferred the funds in the card to the company's account through mobile banking.

About ten minutes, it should be the bank side consulting about the bright funds over there.

After that, I took turns receiving calls from the bank manager and the head of the company's books, arranged the funds, and then got up and pushed the door open.

As soon as he walked out the door, a nanny wearing a housekeeping uniform appeared.

"Mr. Zhao." The nanny's voice was soft, but it seemed to lack some emotion and seemed cold.

"Do you need anything?"

The babysitter asked.

Zhao Chen shook his head: "No, thank you." After speaking, he spoke again with some hesitation: "That... Excuse me, is it convenient for me to go down now? The

nanny said with a straight face: "Mr. Zhao, the young lady said that you can move freely in this home."

Zhao Chen nodded and said thank you.

The nanny bent slightly and left quietly.

Zhao Chen inadvertently saw the nanny wearing a middle-sleeved housekeeping uniform that was convenient for work and inadvertently exposed an arm with smooth muscle lines on it.

Zhao Chen opened his mouth and closed it again.

People of his class know what to say and what not to say, and what to see as if they didn't.

He took a few steps forward and stood at the railing of the aisle on the second floor, through which he could see the beautiful girl in a house dress nestled on the sofa, as if playing a game.

He pursed his lips and descended from the stairs on the second floor.

When he went downstairs, his waist was a little sore, but Zhao Chen felt that it was still bearable.

"Ah," the girl heard the footsteps, turned her head, the corners of her mouth shallow hooked a smile, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be a lot wetter: "Awake?" When

Zhao Chen saw the girl, he remembered how he was ravaged from head to toe by the girl who looked weak and harmless in front of him yesterday, and somewhere in his body seemed to miss the feeling of knowing the essence again...

Zhao Chen hid the changes in his body and snorted gently.

Mingmei got up and adjusted her sitting posture, and patted the empty seat on the sofa next to her: "Sit next to me."

Zhao Chen obediently lowered his head and walked over to sit next to the girl.

Mingmei leaned sideways against the body of the man next to her, sensing the tightness of the body beside her, and gently sneered: "Don't be so nervous, I won't do anything to you today."

Zhao Chen's beautiful peach blossom eyes looked at the girl in front of him, and he wanted to ask what our relationship was now, but he still slowly spoke: "I'm not nervous, it's just... Subconsciously.

She tilted her head slightly, stood up and picked up a beautifully wrapped gift box from the table, and handed it to him: "I just remembered that we have known each other for so long, and what should have happened has happened, and I haven't sent you anything yet." Check this out, like it?

Zhao Chen hesitated and took the gift box.

Removing the outer packaging and seeing the logo inside, Zhao Chen's eyes shrank slightly.

...... It is Roche's logo.

Roche is the first private workshop in the Dragon Kingdom to start making custom suit dresses, because both the earliest head of Roche and the later successor are particularly good, even if this brand is not obvious in the people, but in their class, if anyone can wear Roche's customized suit, it must be the focus of the scene.

Especially this logo... It is the private logo of the head of Roche.

Only the suit or accessories made by the person in charge himself will be marked with this logo.

Zhao Chen glanced at the smiling girl next to him without a trace, and the speculation about her life in his heart went up another level.

This girl is becoming more and more mysterious....

Opening the gift box, inside is an amber tie clip with a somewhat vintage style.

It is set with a circle of small diamonds, which are extremely good-looking.

Zhao Chen put down the tie clip, and only felt that his heart was beating a little fast.

"Thanks, I love it." Zhao Chen said.


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