
Mei pondered for a moment and spoke: "That's right, my parents let me come here to develop alone, and I didn't give anything except money and some people."

"I have been inspecting for a while, I plan to open a logistics company first, the headquarters is set up in the magic capital, I plan to set up the largest branch in the capital besides the headquarters, so I plan to buy office buildings and warehouses, I want to ask you to recommend some places to me."

Xu Ran waved his hand: "You can find the right person, in three days at most, I will give you ten plans, you can choose by yourself."

"Hahaha, thank you then."

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then Mingmei was pulled into an exchange group that should be a young man on this side of Wangfu Alley.

In the afternoon, Zhang Chao from No. 5 Wangfu Hutong, Guo Zhao from No. 6 and Li Qinqin from No. 7 came to visit, followed by Lan Lan from No. 8 Weihang No. 9 and Zhou Yuanyuan from No. 10.

There were a few more people in WeChat, and Mingmei threw herself on the bed after being sorted one by one.

Socializing is also very laborious, especially not everyone is as open as Xu Ran and Gu Yu.

Ming Mei decided that the only people in this group who planned to make deep friends were Xu Ran, Gu Yu, and No. 8's guard.

These three people really came with the purpose of making friends, and the others came to visit, somewhat with the appearance of fooling the elders in the family.

This kind of cooperation can be done with more people, but social interaction in life can be avoided or avoided.

And Gu Yu....

It's a pity that such a good face, Ming Mei thought and thought in her heart, but still didn't plan to start.

She probably learned about the Gu family in the afternoon, the century-old famous family of the Dragon Kingdom, military, political and business are involved, Gu Yu is the eldest grandson of the eldest son, and the mother is also from a famous family, such a person will be very troublesome once he starts, and Gu Yu looks sincere today, but Mingmei does not believe that the eldest grandson of other brothers and sisters who are breathless from a century-old famous family will really be a naïve and simple little cute, Gu Yu and Xu Ran are mostly sesame rice balls cut black, it is okay to be friends, and a deeper refusal.

She doesn't plan to attack people of the same class for the time being.

Although Zhao Chen is also from a wealthy family, he is far from a wealthy family, not to mention that he has encountered economic problems, so it is more convenient to start. Forget the rest.

Mingmei suddenly remembered An Mingyu again.

She added An Mingyu's contact information, but she never said much.

Why don't you go out to eat and chat this time?

Bright thought.

Just then, the phone rang.

It was Xu Ran.

[Xu Ran: Bright, we have a young people's party here, come and play tomorrow! ] My cousin opened an entertainment company and cultivated a few clean and beautiful little boys and girls, I'll let you pick it first~]

[Bright: Okay! Address? 】

【Xu Ran: XX Lane x Road Night Style Bar. Bright

replied with an OK.

Seeing the bright reply, Xu Ran compared a gesture: "Make an appointment~"

A man who is very similar

to Xu Ran said: "Not bad, old girl, make friends and kung fu?"

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows: "Don't talk about me, quickly prepare your people, remind you, pick a few clean ones for people, don't send anything dirty and smelly to people."

Xu Zhibo nodded: "Don't worry~" Hearing

his cousin say this, Xu Ran nodded.

In their circle, both men and women play well.

Her cousin even set up an entertainment company, and every year he selects a large number of beautiful men and women.

After a period of training, the person in charge will interview the trainees who stay one by one, those who accept the company's pimping will stay, exchange their youthful flesh for career and money, and sign a severance pay to sign a contract to leave.

They will not force trainees to accept pimping like some tasteless companies, so the voluntary acceptance in their hearts will naturally not say it, and those who do not accept it will not receive a large severance pay because their own interests have not been affected, and if there is a contract impact, they will naturally not talk nonsense outside.

Therefore, their company has a good reputation in the eyes of ordinary people.

After a sleep, Mingmei took a look at her schedule.

Play another day today, tomorrow Li Da will come over, and the day after tomorrow will go to talk about business.

Yes, Li Da of Mingkang Law Firm is also coming over.

Although negotiating business and signing contracts with their own contract detectors are not afraid of other people's pits, they cannot be present every time, so it is important to have someone who understands on the spot.

After consulting Li Mingkang, Li Da was sent over.

I made a phone call and asked the branch of the 4S store in Modo to send a million-dollar Maserati sports car, which is not considered the top in the Maserati sports car, but it is also possible to drive it temporarily.

The matter of the driver's license has been asked by Wang Zicong, and it can be obtained in half a month at most, and the whole process is legal and compliant.

Stopped the car in the parking space next to the bar, and just arrived at the door of the bar, a young man wearing a waiter's costume walked to Mingmei: "Hello beauty~ Today our bar is chartered, do you have a private room?" "

Private Room One."

After Mingmei finished speaking, the young man was even more respectful: "Okay, this young lady, please come with me." "

Walking into the bar, after passing through the long corridor, the first private room turned was the number one private room.

Mingmei had already sent a message to Xu Ran when she got off the car, and at this time, Mingmei had just arrived at the door of the private room, and Xu Ran opened the door of the private room: "Mingmei is here!" Ming

Mei snorted, and some noisy voice came inside: "Bright is coming?" Come in and play~"

Mingmei walked into the private room, and as no accident, several other people in Wangfu Alley who had come to her house as guests were there.

"I'm sorry, am I a little late?"

Ming Mei said as she sat down on the empty single sofa on the side.

"No, no," Zhou Yuan replied, "A few of us played here before, so we came early." The

lights in the private room were a little dazzling, and Wei Hang saw that Mingmei didn't like the lights very much, so he dimmed the lights in Mingmei's part a little.

Gu Yu spoke: "Bright, you came just right, in a while Xu Ran her cousin brought a few new debuts of their company to come over, can you see if there is one that suits your appetite, pick one to take back to play?" All are adults, you can rest assured.

Ming Mei nodded, somewhat expecting it.

But after a while, the door of the private room was opened again, and a young man who looked like Xu Ran walked in.

"This is Bright?" Xu Zhibo smiled and stretched out a hand: "It's nice to meet you, Miss Ming, don't look for me if you come to the capital for any big things, if you want to eat and drink, you must find me, I know how to eat, drink and have fun!"

As soon as his words fell, the entire private room laughed.

Mingmei also smiled and shook his hand: "Hahaha, okay, okay, I want to play and find you."

After Mingmei sat down, Xu Zhibo clapped his hands, and the private room was quiet.

Xu Zhibo cleared his throat: "Dear friends, today I brought two of my more popular teams, everyone has your favorite to talk about it, don't force it!"

Li Qinqin smiled fancyly: "Hahaha, Brother Xu still doesn't believe us?" Quickly call them out~"

Xu Zhibo picked up his mobile phone and fiddled with it for a while, and the door of the private room was opened.

A total of five men, five women and ten people came in, all wearing the most visible clothes, with thin makeup on their faces, standing in a row in front of everyone, just like a draft.

Bright eyes lit up.

Can you still play like this? Interesting.

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