Five men and five women stood in a row, and Xu Zhibo stood aside, just like the eunuch who entered the palace draft and shouted the list of show women in "The Legend of O Huan".

Xu Zhibo did not introduce everyone, but clapped his hands and said to the ten people: "Your task today is to serve these young masters and young ladies present."

As soon as the words fell, Guo Zhao rolled his eyes: "Lao Xu, what you said is the same as the old bustard on that TV series."

Xu Zhibo didn't care: "What I'm doing now is the work of the old bustard, so naturally I have to learn how to speak."

The crowd laughed again.

Xu Zhibo turned to Mingmei again and said: "Mingmei will come back for the first time today and give you a privilege, you can be the first to pick today!"

Mingmei looked at these ten people and raised her finger to a beautiful woman.

I vaguely remember seeing this woman on what show, she has a great figure and dances very well.

"That's her."

It's not that she doesn't like handsome guys, it's just that on this occasion, it's not suitable for getting drunk or doing something too explicit, and men are bright and prefer to do it themselves, rather than someone else pimping.

What's more, it's not bad to have a beautiful sister.

She is not the same, and she is not interested in being of the same sex, she just appreciates anyone who looks good.

Xu Zhibo was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted: "Ziqing, take care of Miss Ming~"

Xue Ziqing walked to Mingmei with seductive cat steps, sat beside Mingmei obediently, and showed a soft smile to Mingmei.

Several other men and women also found people separately, the private room was ambiguous, someone played music, one of the five men called by Xu Zhibo stepped forward and picked up the microphone and sang, listening very well, it is estimated to be the lead singer in the team.

After that, all kinds of drinks were served, and Ming Mei felt a little hungry and ordered another plate of sushi.

The waiter delivered the sushi, Xue Ziqing immediately got up and served the sushi, gently picked up a beautiful and small piece of rolled sushi with chopsticks, gently dipped some sushi vinegar on the side with salmon, and then handed it to Mingmei's mouth.

In order to prevent embarrassing things from happening to eating sushi, this bar makes sushi so small that you can eat one in one bite.

After eating a few sushi under Xue Ziqing's service, he heard Wei Hang speak: "Mingmei, I heard Xu Ran say that you want to buy office buildings and warehouses, right?"

As soon as Wei Hang's words fell, Guo Zhao next to him glanced at him strangely.

Mingmei did not notice Guo Zhao's eyes, and nodded: "Yes, I got a logistics company."

Because the two were talking, Lan Lan signaled the people beside her to calm down.

Wei Hang thought for a while and said: "Bright, I have an abandoned warehouse in my hand, just in the industrial park next to the e-commerce logistics park in Beijing, covering an area of about 150,000 square meters, and there is an office building in the industrial and trade zone not far from the abandoned warehouse is also under my name, if you want to see it, I will give you 6 billion together, if you are interested, I will take you to see it in two days?"

Mingmei nodded: "Okay, just so I have time in two days."

Zhang Chao asked curiously: "Mingmei, are you planning to build a distribution station or a cargo storage warehouse?" "

It's half and half for the time being," Ming Mei considered for a moment, "first build the basic network, and then slowly expand, anyway, I am not in a hurry to monetize." "

That's a good feeling," Zhang Chao said, "Our family has some relationship with the General Post Office, and if they make any automatic delivery trolley you need to purchase, just tell me what you need to buy, and give you a twenty-percent discount."

Ming Mei raised the drink in her hand and made a toasting gesture: "I can remember, I want 400." A

150,000-square-meter warehouse needs about 25 automatic delivery trolleys, and she plans to get about fifteen distribution and storage stations in the first batch, and purchasing 400 is about that.

Zhang Chao nodded: "Okay, 400 is 800 million, after the discount is 640 million, if you can accept it, call someone to sign the contract in these two days, and I will distribute it to you in ten batches." Bright

compared with an OK gesture.

Very well, the purpose of coming to the capital has been solved.

After eating and playing for a while, Mingmei got up and went to the toilet.

Just out of the toilet, two giggling young men walked out of a private room with a good look of brothers.

Because they had a strong smell of alcohol and smoke, Ming Mei frowned and walked to the side, not wanting to bump into them.

One of the yellow-haired men saw Mingmei, his eyes lit up, and he just made a lip shape to whistle, but he was severely stepped on his foot by the blue-haired man next to him, and the whistle in his mouth became a cry of pain before it was blown out.

Bright and curious to look over.

The blue-haired man smiled awkwardly at her and dragged the yellow-haired man into the toilet.

Ming Mei no longer cares much and turns away.

The yellow-haired man who was dragged into the bathroom stomped his foot and jumped back and forth, finally felt that his feet did not hurt, stopped crying out in pain, and looked at his friend complainingly: "WC, what are you doing?" Stepping directly on people's feet? My paronychia is not good yet! The

blue-haired man rolled his eyes: "I just stepped on it when I knew that your paronychia was not good." The

yellow-haired man was puzzled: "Why?" The

blue-haired man snorted: "As soon as you pout your ass, I know what kind of fart you are going to tease, did you just want to tease people?"

The yellow-haired man spared his head: "What, you know, I'm just..." The blue-haired man

snorted coldly: "If you blow that whistle out just now, people are angry and your father can't keep you." The

yellow-haired man recovered and was stunned for a moment.

The blue-haired man continued: "Have you forgotten that today is Xu Shao's East Reserve Field, dare to make trouble on Young Master Xu's field, and live impatiently? Moreover," the blue-haired man lowered his voice: "The place where the girl went is the No. 1 private room, which woman in the No. 1 private room we don't know?" As far as this strange, judging by the age, it should be the Miss Ming of the No. 2 Courtyard of Wangfu Hutong who just came back recently, teasing this, how many dares do you have?

The yellow-haired man broke out in a cold sweat: "She, she is that Miss Ming?" The one from Courtyard Two? Brother, you are really my good brother, if it weren't for you, my father wouldn't be able to keep me!"

Mingmei didn't know what happened in the bathroom, and with Xu Ran, they sang a few more songs and chatted again.

While chatting, he found that Zhang Chao's face was not good, and Mingmei asked with a smile: "What's wrong Zhang Chao, from just now to now, he is sad."

Zhang Chao sighed: "I need to go to country F in two days, the visa has been done, our private jet is still in Citi country with my brother, I can't get used to sitting in the first class of ordinary planes, the smell is too bad, I want to wait a week for charter flights, alas."

Gu Yu frowned a little embarrassed: "Alas, Lao Zhang, we can't help you here, it's almost the end of the year recently, none of our private jets are empty, otherwise we can still borrow you."

Zhang Chao sighed: "Forget it, it's important to do things, it's uncomfortable to be uncomfortable, it's strange, I don't get motion sickness or seasickness, why do I get airsick?"

Mingmei thought about it, opened her mobile phone and asked her captain, then looked up and said, "I can help you."

Zhang Chao's eyes lit up: "Your plane is empty?"

Ming Mei shook her head: "How is it possible?" I'm using it at the end of the year, but I still have a private jet myself, and I can't use it, so I'll lend it to you first. It takes two days to apply for a route, and you can use it the day after tomorrow. "

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