After Ming Mei finished speaking, she asked suspiciously: "In other words, you are not worthy of a private jet yourself?" The

scene was quiet for a moment.

Guo Zhao spoke: "What, we haven't reached the level of being able to match a private jet in our family."

Zhang Chao nodded: "Yes, this thing is generally matched by the head of the family and the heir, and the others use the common one."

The others nodded along.

The bright few people looked unconcerned, but several little stars who accompanied the wine widened their eyes one by one.

Private jets, can there be several in a family?

No matter what these little stars thought in their hearts, Ming Mei had a good time.

Inadvertently glanced at the watch on his wrist, and saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, and Ming Mei put down the cards in his hand: "Don't play, don't play, you guys play ha, I still have something tomorrow!"

Xu Ran brushed the hair next to his ear, and also looked at his watch: "You guys continue to play ha, I also have some things tomorrow, I will go back with Mingmei first."

Zhou Yuan took the bright card and waved his hand: "Let's go, don't send ha, bring a bodyguard?"

Xu Ran nodded: "Bring it, what about you?" Back to Courtyard 2? I'll send you, right? Xue

Ziqing heard that Mei was leaving, and quickly helped Mingmei pack up some personal belongings such as mobile phone headphones and other things, and then stood beside Mingmei obediently and quietly, waiting for Mingmei to speak.

Mingmei took the things from Xue Ziqing's hand, and walked out with Xu Ran while sorting out her clothes.

"No need to send it, my butler will pick me up."

Xu Ran didn't say anything more, the two passed through the long corridor, and at the door of the night style bar, a Land Rover stopped in front of Xu Ran, and the two left after saying goodbye.

Mingmei found that this group of rich second-generation luxury car friends in Beijing has few luxury house watches, such as Xu Ran's car is a Range Rover with more than 2 million yuan, Gu Yu drives a Mercedes, compared to what Maserati Ferrari sounds like there is no platoon, but when you see the license plate number, there is no idea of noodles.

When Xu Ran came to visit her before, the license plate number of the car was Beijing A00003, and Weihang seemed to be driving A00008 at that time.

Ming Mei vaguely remembers where she saw the post, saying that the license plate number Jing A00001 was in the hands of the first Ferrari owner of the former Dragon Kingdom, the richest man in the Dragon Country, and was later donated to the government and became a government car.

A00002 to A00010 I don't know whose hands it is, and the owners of the license plate numbers after A00011 are those rich people in Beijing who can count their names.

Now it seems that most of them are in the hands of the gang of Wang Fu Hutong.

In other words, he is also the owner of the second courtyard of Wangfu Hutong, so where is the A00002 license plate?

Just then, the system rang.

[Dingdong ~ Congratulations to the host for discovering the small Easter eggs left by the system ~ Friendly reminder, there is a garage in the second courtyard ~ ]

Bright smile.

Just then, the butler drove the Bentley to her.

"Miss," the housekeeper bent politely to Mingmei with a proper smile on his face: "I'm coming to pick you up."

Bright nodded and raised her leg to get on the Bentley.

As for the scooter that drove over, she liked it very much, and directly ordered the people at the bar to send her back tomorrow.

After returning to the second courtyard, Mingmei did not feel tired and went to the garage herself.

The garage is next to the first entrance, and passing the gatehouse is the garage.

Open the garage and there is only one car parked in the garage, except for the basic tools that some large private garages have.

It is a Hongqi car, and the license plate number is exactly Beijing A00002.

Bright eyes lit up, quickly got in the car and tried to start, slowly circled around the garage.

Ming Mei carefully studied the car again, the outside of the car looked like an antique Hongqi car, in fact, the inside had already been modified, and the glass had been replaced with bulletproof glass.

Ming Mei turned off the car, crossed her waist around the car, and finally couldn't help but call out the system.

【Is the system there?】 】

【Hello dear host, the system is in~ What questions do you have?

Ming Mei rubbed her head: "Illegally modified vehicles cannot be on the road, does this car have a license?" The

system was silent for a moment and then spoke again.

[Dear host, "Vehicle Modification Application Certificate", "Vehicle Modification Approval Review Permit" and "Modified Vehicle Road Permit" have been added to the car storage compartment for you, click xxAPP to query the electronic version.

Mingmei was relieved now, and happily took a shower and went to sleep.

Looking at my watch, it was already early in the morning.

Today I went to pick up Li Da at noon ~

Mingmei missed breakfast, and woke up and nibbled on two fried buns made by Ming Qi's wife.

Click on the system background to view, and sure enough, Ming Qi's wife also loaded the butler and chef modes.

Probably padded his stomach, Mingmei drove to the station to pick up Li Da, and then went all the way to the second courtyard.

Li Da looked at this legendary No. 2 courtyard, silent for a long time, and he was holding back his words.

You can't spit on the boss, you can't ridicule the boss, shut up and do things, the boss is important.

Li Da said to himself in his heart.

It doesn't matter if the boss is from the second courtyard or the number of courtyards, they just do things quietly.

At noon, Mingmei and Li Da had a meal, and first asked Li Da to take the company's documents to the Ministry of Transport to apply for a nationwide road transport permit.

After that, he made an appointment with Zhang Chao to negotiate tomorrow about signing a contract for the purchase of automatic delivery cars.

After that, it was about setting up branches.

Xu Ran said that it was three days, but in fact, he brought himself a bunch of materials this morning, all of which were about office buildings and warehouses.

Ming Mei probably browsed it again, had a bottom in her heart, and personally drove a trip in the afternoon, and picked a place of about 100,000 square meters as a logistics transit center.

He also made an appointment with Weihang to see the office building and warehouse tomorrow, and only after a busy day did he have a chance to rest.

Ming Mei stretched out fiercely and soaked herself in the bath.

She was physically tired, but happy in her heart.

She had something to do again.

Moreover, the money given by the system is invested in the company, and the money earned by the company is saved by itself.

Ming Mei consulted the system, and the money he earned could not be converted into points, but the existence of the banking system could not be controlled by it.

Although Ming Mei uses the system, she must be prepared that the system will leave her one day.

From thrift to luxury, from luxury to thrift, she does not want to develop the habit of extravagance and suddenly encounter the embarrassing situation that the system leaves and has no money to spend, so while the system is still there, use the system's money as money to make money, and the money born is her own.

In this way, even if the system is gone, he will not be afraid.

Also, this time back to the magic capital will arrange the learning things, where there are wealthy heirs who will only eat, drink and have fun, in addition to some basic piano chess calligraphy and painting, there are some diving horse skills and so on to learn.

And today I vaguely remember that Lan Lan mentioned a private horse farm, of course, to learn to ride a horse, you have to buy a private horse farm, and then buy a horse... No, horse farms can be bought, horses can be exchanged from the system.

There is also his own cute white wolf An An, because he is coming to the capital, so he asked Huang Xue to help take care of it, Huang Xue came to pick up An An that day with joyful dancing, and I don't know how An An has been in the past two days....

Thinking about it, Mingmei felt a trace of sleepiness, dried her body and went to bed.

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