I woke up again, lay in the massage chair for half an hour, and took a shower to eat.

Before eating, I looked at my watch, it was already nine o'clock, and Li Da had already gone to talk to Zhang Chao's people about the contract.

Someone who does something is cool. Mingmei sighed.

Ming Qi's wife made small wontons, one by one, they were large and fragrant, and the delicious taste went straight to the heavenly spirit cover when bitten.

While eating breakfast, Ming Qi came over with a bunch of things.

Bright and close, there are all kinds of invitations and invitations.

"Miss," Ming Qi said, "this is the invitation and invitation letter received from yesterday to today, I have classified it for you, can you see if there is anything you need to go to the appointment?"

Ming Mei wiped her hands and took a bunch of envelope cards.

This stack of envelopes is a variety of invitations, probably the birthday of the daughter of this family, the engagement banquet of the son of that family, the birthday of the old man of this family...

Ming Mei probably browsed it, picked out some who were clearly following the trend, picked out a few perfunctory, and the rest of the invited Ming Mei wrote down their names one by one, and went to the study next to the main house, found out the beautifully packaged letter and wrote a reply, and asked Ming Qi to buy gifts one by one to reply.

Her gifts and cash arrived, and people didn't go.

The money for buying gifts is, of course, the loser's fund of the system, and another sum of points credited.

After replying, Ming Mei went through the invitation again.

Probably invitations to company openings or company annual meetings, these bright letters wrote replies and then gave gifts in beautifully wrapped letters as before.

Then there are some special invitations....

This is an invitation letter from the Kyoto Logistics Association here, probably saying that this month the Logistics Association has an exchange meeting between logistics industry practitioners, and the bosses of several famous companies will come.

Ming Mei thought about it, this can let Ming Xing go.

And this, an invitation letter from the auction house.

[Dear Ms

. Mingmei: On the day of xxx, 20xx, Christie's Kyoto Branch will hold an auction of donated items from the "Animal Protection Association" on the top floor of Splendid Restaurant...]

Mingmei got to know about this so-called auction of donated items.

It is probably a group of rich people donating a lot of things, and then Christie's auction house auctions on behalf of the auction, and part of the funds obtained from the auction are returned to the rich and part is donated to the animal protection society.

Isn't this another way to bring money back?

But Ming Mei looked at the auction manual sent over together, and there were some things on it that Ming Mei was very interested in.

Take a look, the auction will be in a week.

The QR code on the auction manual was added with the WeChat of the person in charge.

【Head of Auction at Christie's Kyoto Branch: Hello Ms. Mingmei, the Bank is very honored to have you here. Would it be convenient for you to provide us with the license plate number you used on the day so that we can arrange a parking space for you. Ming

Mei sent her license plate number. Of course, it was the license plate number of the Bentley driven by the butler.

That red flag is too formal and not very good.

On the other side was another bunch of diplomatic rhetoric, and Ming Mei replied with a hmm and left it alone.

After that, there was also an invitation letter to make Ming Mei care more.

The invitation format is not very formal, but the signature is signed by several other people in Wangfu Hutong.

I learned from Wei Hang that this is probably a social banquet for the younger generation of the upper class of Wangfu Hutong and Kyoto, and there will be no elders.

This letter is bright and intends to go in person.

Since she planned to go in person, Ming Mei exchanged the etiquette mastery and dress from the system.

The dress made by Roche has not yet been measured, so naturally it cannot be taken in hand.

But there are also customized dresses in the system, the points are not expensive, and Ming Mei plans to exchange one to deal with it first.

Originally, Ming Mei planned to teach himself etiquette, but there was one thing that could not be learned - that is, temperament.

The real wealthy aristocracy has a temperament that is difficult to ignore in front of outsiders, especially on the Kyoto side, and cares more about these.

Bright in his previous life was free and casual, and he was used to staying in the wild, his temperament is indeed different from ordinary people, and when he was with Wang Zicong and others, he could fool the past with that kind of free and casual temperament, but when he was with Xu Ran, it was not so easy to fool the past.

Temperament is such a thing, you can never learn.

I can only please Goldfinger.

In the system mall, ordinary etiquette mastery only makes you proficient in etiquette, but the advanced [etiquette integration encyclopedia] comes with a special buff.

"Noble temperament buff".

Ming Mei found that since she discovered this special buff, the system mall classification has an extra "special" word at the end, and the consequence is very special when clicked.

"Queen temperament

buff", "murderous buff", "one minute super physical strength buff

" and "luck buff"

In this way, the so-called aristocratic temperament is still the most ordinary order here.

However, the most common order here is 1,000 points, so the [Etiquette Integration Encyclopedia], which can be exchanged for only 800 points, is particularly affordable.

After redeeming, Mingmei closed her eyes and accepted the extra things in her mind, and then couldn't wait to go to the changing room.

The changing room has a floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Ming Mei slowly walked into the changing room and sat on the changing stool.

Ming Mei used the extra knowledge in her mind to make such a simple action, and immediately found a difference from before.

Before myself, a simple sitting posture, just like the training in the etiquette school, norms, standards, but too stiff.

However, now I am only a few steps from the door to the changing stool, my legs are graceful, my posture is generous and smooth, and the posture of "sitting down" is no longer just for sitting, but also to show its own strength and beauty.

In the afternoon, Mingmei followed Zhang Chao to see it, and finally planned to take down this abandoned warehouse and office building.

The warehouse cannot be said to be an abandoned warehouse, when one of Zhang Chao's relatives wanted to do the warehouse leasing business, but the address was not well chosen, and there was not much money, so he simply stopped working, and was ready to take the site out to recover funds for other things. The equipment was emptied, but the warehouse did not need to be rebuilt.

The office building in the industrial and trade zone would have been more expensive, but when it was built, it encountered a break in the capital chain, and Zhang exceeded the price and pressed the price, and the result was put on hold and never used.

Sunny was happy with the location and price.

Mingmei contacted the professional appraisers here through Li Mingkang, and the contract could be signed after verifying that the warehouse and office building were fine.

One more thing.

At the same time, Ming Xing sent a message to Ming Mei.

Ming Mei clicked to see it, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

At noon the next day, Ming Mei drove to the private room of a restaurant with great taste.

The restaurant is called "a restaurant with great taste".

Somehow, Mingmei suddenly remembered the "hot pot restaurant that tasted very good" that she had taken Ma Mingyue and the sisters to eat when she first entered school.

This similar naming style won't be opened by a boss, right?

Ming Mei carefully looked at the plaque at the entrance of the hotel, although the decoration style is different, but the lower left corner has the same pattern.

Or is it really the same family?

This boss is quite trendy.

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