The bright unified reply is that the parents are in country F, and the family has a lot of business.

No more will there be, they will play the edge, and the bright will too.

Seeing that Mingmei's attitude was serious from the beginning to perfunctory later, several bosses later sighed helplessly, knowing that the Miss Ming in front of him probably had little patience for socializing, so he quietly retreated.

If you can't make friends, it's okay, just don't annoy people.

There were finally fewer people around him, and Ming Mei breathed a sigh without a trace, and sat down on the sofa used to rest.

Gu Man had been sitting here for a long time.

Seeing Mingmei coming over, Gu Man laughed and pointed to the pastry plate on the table: "Splendid Hotel, other general, this pastry is first-class powerful, you must taste it." The ancestor of the Jinxiu Group behind the Splendid Hotel was the cook who followed the last founding emperor of our Dragon Kingdom, and later the descendants entered the palace as imperial chefs, inheriting hundreds of years of pastry craftsmanship, and the Guo family in the sixth courtyard in the most difficult years of their business paid 2 billion and they did not sell. Ming

Mei looked at the pastry, the appearance was an ordinary round pastry, there were some small patterns printed on it, but it was very small, one was the size of an adult man's thumb, and the reserved lady was just right.

Is it that delicious?

Ming Mei ate one curiously and was immediately planted.

"It tastes great!" Bright sigh.

When she came here, the dragon liver and phoenix pith did not say, at least the mountain and sea delicacies were eaten once.

In my last life, I ate all the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Pastry alone, can compare with the taste of this pastry the size of the thumb in the hand, not to mention a handful, can only say that there is none.

"It tastes great, doesn't it?" Gu Man also took one in his hand and took one bite directly.

"It's a pity that the master who did this accepted a total of ten apprentices, each apprentice only made a hundred a day, and sold a box of two at a time, of course, it was much larger than this, and today was a special situation, so I did more." I have money and no leisure to eat such delicious food every day. Ming

Mei said that it was a pity, but she actually had some thoughts in her heart.

Gu Man has money and is not idle, and he is also rich and idle during this time, but there are people around Mingmei who help run errands.

Now the people around Mingmei, Ming Xing, Ming Xing, Ming Qi, and the bodyguards also have their own tasks, but Ming Qi's wife and children are still idle, these people are ostensibly a family, but in fact they are the perfect nannies from the system, and they generally nest in their own house without Ming Mei's order.

Isn't that something to do?

Tomorrow, I will grab pastries for myself.

After eating a few pastries, Gu Man suddenly spoke: "This kind of wine will be boring, right?"

Mingmei nodded: "It's quite boring." So I ran here.

Gu Man laughed: "There's no way to be bored, at least stay here for an hour." Otherwise, tomorrow the social circle will spread that the two of us are arrogant and ignore people.

Ming Mei shrugged: "I don't care."

Gu Man asked, "You are the only one in your family?"

Mingmei nodded: "My parents are just my children." "

Whether it is the reality of the previous life or the setting of this life, it is like this.

Gu Man snorted enviously, and smiled bitterly: "I am the eldest sister of our family, and there are several younger brothers and sisters below." Although I don't have to inherit the company, I have to maintain a good social image. "

More importantly, she is destined to become the face of the women of the Gu family, to be an elegant and beautiful Gu family daughter, with a good reputation, to help younger siblings open up social circles and marriage partners."

Mingmei took a sip of water, as if she was tired of casual asking.

Gu Man smiled and ate another pastry.

It's useless to be tired, who makes himself the eldest daughter.

Then wiped his hands with wet wipes: "Don't talk!" You slow down first, I'm going to go and walk twice to prove that I'm involved in their social interaction. "

A drinking party that was extremely boring in bright eyes went on like this for more than an hour.

There is no face-beating link between the wise Bimei in the novel, there is no melon, no gossip about a person around the group, either talking about the company together, or talking about business together, or like Gu Man, selling his younger brother and sister who can already enter the social circle.

Ming Mei ate the last pastry on her plate.

The last thing that attracted her in the entire banquet hall was gone.

Ming Mei sighed and cleaned her lips and hands.

Ming Mei did not wear lipstick today, only pink lip gloss, Ming Mei's own lips are pink enough, wipe off lip gloss is also very good.

Ming Mei didn't plan to touch up her makeup, got up and walked towards the elevator.

Seeing that Mingmei got up and planned to leave, several of them who had greeted him before came over one by one to say goodbye.

"Miss Ming, this is going to leave?" Mr. Li came over with a wine glass.

"Hmm." Ming Mei responded, "There is a contract to be signed tomorrow, and I have to go home early today."

Mr. Li didn't say much: "Miss Na Ming go slowly." After

walking out of the hotel, the temperature dropped more than a little, and the housekeeper brought Ming Mei a thick tweed jacket, Ming Mei took off her suit jacket and put on a thick tweed jacket, the jacket was longer, and it also covered the suit pants on the lower body, and it looked like a pair of casual pants from a distance.

Looking at the sky brightly, the days are short and the nights are long in winter, and the sky is already dark at this time.

The housekeeper drove the Maserati sports car today, and Ming Mei just sat in the car for ten minutes and called to stop.

The housekeeper had a question mark on his face, but still quietly did not open his mouth and stopped the car.

It is away from the Splendid Hotel, next to the business district and a night market street.

Mingmei asked the housekeeper to wait for him here, and he ran to the night market street to buy a lot of food.

Then walk slowly on the road, eating as you go.

The housekeeper wanted to follow Ming Mei at first, but Ming Mei had asked him to stay in the car on the grounds that he was looking at the car, so he drove the car behind Ming Mei at the slowest driving speed ever.

Ming Mei ate a bunch of oden, was appetizing by the delicious soup, and ate meat dumplings one after another, and ate some stewed skewers.

After destroying what was on hand, it was completely dark.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Ming Mei wiped her mouth and connected the phone.

It was Zhao Chen.


Bright faintly spoke.

Zhao Chen over there hesitated for a moment and spoke: "Where are you now?" Ming

Mei stepped on the thick heeled foot and kicked a stone: "In the capital." What's wrong?

Mingmei thought that Zhao Chen had encountered something or something wrong with the family's business, so she would call herself.

Zhao Chen slowly spoke: "It's nothing, it's just, I suddenly want to call you."

Mingmei stopped and fell silent, and Zhao Chen over there was also silent.

"Hey," Ming Mei suddenly laughed, "You guy, shouldn't you suddenly fall in love with me?"

Zhao Chen's face over there suddenly turned red, and although he couldn't see it, Zhao Chen still subconsciously lowered his head and said nothing.

Ming Mei sneered: "Sober up, big handsome man, you just suddenly burst out a lot of hormones for me who invaded your flesh, and when this strength passed, I would become an ordinary beautiful woman next to you, at most a rich beautiful woman, and your feelings for me would naturally fade when the time came."

Zhao Chen immediately said no.

After speaking, there was silence.

Wouldn't it really be?

"Please, handsome man, do you know why I agreed with you for four months? Because after four months your face is not new to me, and the feeling I give you is not new to you. When the time comes, it will be good for you and me. "

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