Zhao Chen remained silent like this before he spoke: "Okay."

Ming Mei hung up the phone, stretched, and walked for another half an hour, feeling that everything in her stomach was digested, only then stopped and waited for the butler to drive up.

Mingmei didn't have anything to do in the past two days, so she took the butler to play in the capital.

Ming Xing is busy, he has to ensure the development of the site, supervise the decoration of the office building, recruit people, and then go to the trade fair of the logistics association.

In the end, Mingxing is an excellent manager who appears in the system, in addition to super business ability, he also has excellent physical strength to rest for three hours and last a whole day.

So, Mingxing, who had just come out of the construction site in the morning, had eaten two bites of food casually and dealt with it, packed up and got into the car driven by the bodyguard to the venue of the logistics association exchange meeting.

Ming Xing came to participate in this exchange meeting, in addition to meeting some bosses, but also to purchase transportation equipment.

In addition to the most basic trucks, high-bay trucks and flatbed trailers, as well as special transport vehicles jointly developed by Tees, as well as delivery mail trucks necessary for distribution, will also be purchased.

In addition to transport vehicles, there are also some warehouse equipment, such as loading and unloading stacking equipment, handling and conveyor equipment, and so on.

At the logistics association exchange meeting, each company intends to launch its own new equipment or new logistics concept, and Mingxing has already prepared funds and intends to purchase on a large scale.

At the site of the logistics association exchange meeting, the venue is divided into three floors, the top floor is the exchange meeting site, the middle floor is the lounge, and the first floor is the exhibition trading center.

Ming Xing took the invitation letter and entered the venue and went to the exchange meeting site on the top floor according to the instructions.

The positions in the first row are all officials of relevant industries and senior members of associations.

From the second row, the nameplates from left to right are real mail, three links and one arrival, headwind logistics, and passage logistics.

Xu Qiang is the president of Xu's home decoration design chain. (See Chapter 28 for details)

He followed the trend a few years ago and set up a logistics company with a few friends in the mall, and the development in the past two years has been good, and he is also one of the first two groups of people who received invitations from the logistics association exchange meeting.

His place is in the fourth row.

The first row is the top few in the industry, the representatives of the top companies in the industry whose business extends to foreign countries, the third row is the leader of the industry in various regions, and the fourth row is the representative of their small regional logistics companies that occupy the top in their own cities.

Then there are those emerging companies that have not done much for the time being, but have shown strength and confidence.

He originally looked at the venue with little interest, who knew that he suddenly found that the personnel in the second row seemed to have changed.

The exchange meeting of the logistics association is held once a year, and it is good to say that after the third row, the first row and the second row may not change once in a few years.

Which brother in the industry is so powerful that he squeezed down the leading big brothers?

Xu Qiang looked curiously.

Passage logistics? What an unfamiliar name!

Xu Qiang was puzzled.

To be able to sit in the second row, at least before, it had to be the third row.

But the name of Passage Logistics, I have never heard of it!

"Mr. Wang, do you know where this passage logistics comes from?"

If you don't understand, you ask, and just next to you is the boss of the logistics company next door who used to play together, Xu Qiang whispered.

"President Xu, haven't you heard about it during this time?" That Wang Zong replied in a low voice, "The big man from the second courtyard of Wangfu Hutong has returned to China.

Xu Qiang remembered the rumors he had heard before.

But the group of bigwigs in Wang Fu Alley were too far away from him, and it was an unreachable existence for him, so he didn't ask more.

But now Mr. Wang means...

"Could it be that this is the logistics company supported by the second courtyard?" Xu Qiang questioned.

Mr. Wang shook his head: "No, this is the one who personally opened the second courtyard." After speaking, he nuzzled his mouth: "Look, the representative of Passage Logistics is their general manager, Mr. Ming Xingming, and it is said that the big man in the second courtyard is surnamed Ming."

Xu Qiang thought thoughtfully.

If it was the one in courtyard two, there would be nothing to be surprised to sit in the second row.

Rather, it is worth surprising that people are only sitting in the second row instead of sitting in the first row.

However, the surname Ming ... Xu Qiang inadvertently remembered a friend he had added before.

The fast king called Sunny is far less active than other kings, and even only pays attention to one or two live broadcast rooms, and does not take the initiative to speak in the group, but only occasionally bubbles up in the group and sends a red envelope or something.

Xu Qiang shook his head and didn't think much about it.

Does the screen name Sunny mean the surname Ming?

I'm really thinking about it.

Xu Qiang, who didn't know that he was one of the few people in the entire Dragon Kingdom who added to the bright and real WeChat, took a leisurely sip of the tea he brought and waited for the exchange meeting to begin.

Since Mingmei came to this world, only the Ma Mingyue sisters, Wang Zicong, Xu Ran, Xu Qiang, Xu Mu and Zhao Chen added Mingmei's real WeChat, and the others added Mingmei's work WeChat.

Work and life still have to be separated.

After a while, Ming Xing walked into the exchange meeting site and sat in his place according to the guidance sign.

Next to Ming Xing were several representatives of the three links and one reach, and after a few pleasantries, they exchanged business cards, and the exchange meeting was almost started.

The exchange meeting is still the same as the same, first the president came on stage to give a speech, then the official went up to explain the development of the logistics industry in the past year, and finally each row of representatives came forward to speak.

According to the custom, a certain person in charge of the General Post Office of Mingxing came forward to speak, after which the exchange meeting ended and the trade fair began.

Ming Xing is shopping here, and Ming Mei is also preparing to participate in the gathering of the younger generation here in Wang Fu Hutong.

Because it is a small party and does not belong to a banquet, Ming Mei chose to customize a casual dress in the system.

Bright click on the dress customization, the style chose casual, the fit chose a long skirt, keywords, Ming Mei thought about it, and entered "elegant and generous", "slim" and "low-key with connotation".

I don't know what kind of thing these three words can be combined with, anyway, if you are not satisfied, you can retreat, and Mingmei plans to try them one by one.

About ten minutes later, the system rang.

【Dingdong~ Hello dear host, your customized casual dress dress is complete, please open the system panel to get it. Bright

clicked to get it, and the dress appeared in Bright bedroom with a coat support.

Ming Mei changed into this dress and stood in front of the dressing mirror.

It's a very beautiful dress.

The whole skirt is made of warm white fabric of unknown material, and the black waist is simply knotted around the waist, which just outlines the bright and beautiful waist curve.

The side of the belt is a fine blue diamond. The entire belt looks black, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that this unknown designer has embroidered intricate patterns on the belt with the same unknown black silk thread, which looks like a river of stars in the night sky under the light.

The tail hem of the dress has a small and delicate embroidery, like an unknown bird after another, and the tiny red gemstones dot the bird's eyes, making them feel as if they are about to break free from the shackles of the skirt and fly out in the next moment.

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