Bright rarely had some childlike heart, gently circled in front of the mirror, and took two more steps.

As the bright walk, the bird pattern on the hem of the skirt seems to flutter its wings, and every arc that ripples between the swings of the skirt is a pair of wings.

Bright is satisfied.

With a silver stiletto heel, and selected a set of necklaces and bracelets from the various silver and gold jewelry sent by Fengxiang Silver Building, looking at her completely different self in the mirror, Ming Mei felt very satisfied.

It's almost a haircut.

So, Ming Mei took off the dress and put it away carefully, and a message was sent to Ming Qi.


Liu Shuling is a well-known hairstylist and makeup artist in the industry.

She is one of the top image designers in China, how many Tianwang and Queen level figures lined up to hope that Liu Shuling would make a look for them, as long as Liu Shuling recorded a class, how many image design studios in the whole dragon country lined up to buy with money.

She is almost 50 years old this year, and she saved enough money for her to squander her life a few years ago, so she retired at home early.

Liu Shuling has no children and no daughters, only two or three students, all of whom are filial to her.

She felt that she was not old, but her heart was old.

On this day, after teaching her three students, Liu Shuling lay leisurely on the recliner and dangled, drowsy by the heating in the flower room.

Feeling a little sleepy, Liu Shuling yawned and walked out of the flower room, intending to go to the sofa for a nap.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Liu Shuling was a little puzzled.

She has no father, no mother, no children and no daughter, she is alone in this world, and now there are only three of her students who will visit her door, but her three students will definitely say something in advance when they come to visit.

So, who is visiting?

Liu Shuling looked outside through the video phone in the house, and saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man standing at the door.

"Hello, may I ask you?"

Liu Shuling asked.

The middle-aged man glanced at the camera with a standardized smile on his face: "Hello Ms. Liu, my surname is Ming, I took the liberty to disturb, because your private phone did not get through, so I came to visit."

Liu Shuling glanced at her mobile phone, she doesn't like to play with her mobile phone, so she accidentally pressed mute and didn't find it.

I saw a tail number, four eights, and called himself.

I made two phone calls in an hour, each time half an hour apart, and I didn't answer myself.

"Mr. Ming," Liu Shuling addressed the middle-aged man at the door, "Is there something wrong with you?"

Ming Qi spoke: "Hello Ms. Liu, I came to ask you to make a look for our young lady."

Liu Shuling opened the door and invited Ming Qi in.

"Mr. Ming, please sit," Liu Shuling said as she poured Ming Qi a glass of water.

"You know," Liu Shuling sat down on the side, "I'm already planning to retire." "

The implication is that I won't shoot without enough money.

Ming Qi smiled lightly, took out a bank card, and put it in front of Liu Shuling.

"The password is six zeros, which will be a number that will satisfy you."

Liu Shuling clicked on the mobile banking on the spot to check the balance of the bank card, and Ming Qi still had that standard smile, without any disdain for Liu Shuling's philistine appearance.

Liu Shuling doesn't matter, she is not a person who needs to establish any noble person, she is essentially a businessman, and money is the most important.

Looking at the string of zeros behind, Liu Shuling showed a satisfied smile.

"You're on this trip, Mr. Ming."

Liu Shuling said with a smile: "In this month, my three students and I were at our disposal. Ming

Qi nodded: "At one o'clock in the afternoon in three days, I will personally come to pick you up."

Liu Shuling nodded.

Three days later, Ming Mei waited for the image designer to come to her door after lunch.

Before Liu Shuling entered the door, she was shook by the gate of the second courtyard.

"Wangfu Hutong No. 2 Courtyard?" Liu Shuling looked at the door number on the side and raised it in her heart.

Will there be a lack of image designers around such big people?

But Liu Shuling has been in the workplace for so many years, and she has not learned anything else, only one thing, that is, to be quiet when it should be quiet.

Ming Mei played a game in the dressing room when she heard a knock on the door of the dressing room.

"Please come in."

After Ming Mei finished speaking, Ming Qi walked into the door of the dressing room with a middle-aged woman who was maintained and isolated.

"Miss," Ming Qi bowed slightly to Ming Mei: "This is Ms. Liu."

Mingmei looked at Liu Shuling and nodded slightly at her: "My appearance is for you." After

Liu Shuling's initial surprise, she immediately entered the role.

"Miss Ming, it's an honor to serve you." Liu Shuling said, "Without further ado, you first change into your ceremonial costume, and I will style you." "

Wang Fu Hotel

, Xu Ran and Gu Yu were waiting here early.

Originally, with their status, no one dared to say anything even if they were late - although this was a gathering of the younger generation in Wangfu Hutong, there was also a difference in status between the younger generation, and the heirs of the concubine line and the children of the collateral lineage had a big difference in status.

However, they were worried that Ming Mei, who had just joined their circle, would not be able to do anything, so they waited here early.

"Oh, look, is that a bright car?" Xu Ran looked at the Bentley who had just stopped at the door.

Gu Yu glanced at it: "Just look at the license plate." Five eights, not who she is?

While speaking, the bored two greeted and walked into the door under the guidance of the doorman.

Xu Ran looked Ming up and down, and then his eyes lit up and flew to Mingmei's side.

"Wow, Bright, you're super beautiful today!"

Xu Ran sighed.

Mingmei raised her eyebrows: "How?" I usually don't look good? "

She didn't mean that," Gu Yu explained, "It's just that your dress today is indeed different from usual. He

spent this time with Mingmei and found that Mingmei dressed in basically three styles: casual clothes, casual skirts, and women's suits.

Not at all like the eldest lady in other families, I can't wait to dress up for three or four hours when I go out.

Always plain, occasionally put on light makeup, tie a ponytail and go out.

Unbridled with collagen on his face.

This was the first time he had seen Ming Mei wearing this more formal dress-style dress.

The bright appearance does not belong to the small family jasper, nor does it belong to the enchanting charm, it is the kind of bright and square look, wearing too plain clothes looks faint, wearing too bright clothes but falling, but the white dress in front of you sets off the girl just right, the color is darker and more colorful, and the decoration is more, it will feel vulgar.

Right now, just right.

The beauty of the clothes themselves does not hide the beauty of the girl, but the two complement each other.

With so many thousands of dollars present, there was no one who could compare with the bright at first glance.

Gu Yu looked at Ming Mei with appreciative eyes, and then scanned the venue without a trace.

Many of the men and women in the other families looked a little eager to try, but they did not come forward to talk because of their bright identities and the two of them.

Here, the three of Mingmei were chatting happily together, and on the other side, Xu Ran's eldest brother Xu Kang was also looking at Mingmei without a trace.

Xu Kang is the eldest son of the Xu family, and unlike the others, the Xu family has long appointed Xu Kang as the heir.

Therefore, Xu Kang also knows more than others.

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