Xu Kang used his drinking skills to look at the girl in the distance without a trace, and carefully looked at it from beginning to end.

Finally, his gaze stayed on the hem of the girl's skirt.

There is a small and delicate sparrow pattern of Su embroidery, and the eyes of the bird are dotted with fine red gemstones.

The route of the bird pattern is smooth, from the beak to the tail of the bird are expressed with minimalist lines, and if you look closely, you will find that the pattern of the bird's claw on the belly of the bird is not two, but three.

Three-legged golden crow. Xu Kang thought silently.

To outsiders, this is just ordinary floral decoration.

But Xu Kang knows that this is not just a simple pattern decoration, but also a family emblem.

Red pupil three-legged wu, once the emblem of the Ming clan in the capital.

At that time, his grandfather's generation, the Ming family suddenly recalled the descendants around the world, leaving a large amount of property as the funds of the government at that time to build the capital, and the head of the Ming family took his lover and the Ming clan people only carrying a small cloth bag on the ship leaving the Dragon Kingdom and went to Europe to develop.

The Ming family is the first wealthy family in the entire capital to leave the Asian circle and go to the European circle.

His grandfather said that they could not extend their hands to the European side, and could only know from the little wind that came from the European side at that time that Ming's was like a fish in water there, and then there was no news.

In the upper echelons of the capital, several families who knew about this incident united and blocked all the news of the Ming clan, as if this behemoth that had been pressing on their heads for hundreds of years did not exist.

However, the existence of the No. 2 courtyard in Wangfu Hutong is still quietly reminding them.

The Ming Clan is like the sun and moon in the sky, even if the towering ancient trees cover the sky, there will still be a little light sprinkled on the earth through the dense leaves.

Therefore, after learning that there was a young woman surnamed Ming living in the second courtyard, although he already knew in his heart, the group of old men and old ladies above his head still used their strength to investigate this person - what if? What if Ming Mei and Ming have nothing to do with it?

However, these old men and women still only investigated the bright name and the acquisition of law firms and other information that can be found on the Internet, and nothing else.

Even in the days that followed, the few who found out that the news was just about to destroy a few supercomputers carefully formulated by the family's technicians.

Those who chased the bright news and did not adhere to the few hackers, who spent a lot of money to cultivate for decades, were beaten back to their original form, the family network system was about to collapse, and important and unimportant information began to leak, and only then did the old men and ladies stop.

Even so, afraid of the prestige of the Ming family, these old men and ladies did not dare to do anything else, but only dared to let their descendants of the concubine family go to the side to contact Mingmei.

Thinking of this, Xu Kang drank all the wine in the wine glass, and stepped forward with a hearty smile on his face: "This is Miss Ming, right?"

He asked.

Xu Ran saw that his eldest brother was coming, and he couldn't wait to introduce new friends to his eldest brother: "Big brother, look, this is the bright I told you!"

Xu Kang smiled and raised his glass to Mingmei: "I heard that the young lady is very beautiful before, and today it is indeed so." After speaking, he added: "This is not a hypocritical diplomatic rhetoric, it is completely from my heart, Miss Ming, you have to believe me."

Mingmei smiled a little embarrassed, with a coquettish charm unique to a young girl, and then spoke: "Don't say that, I'm shy." Saying

this, Mingmei was a little wary of this Xu Kang in her heart.

Ming Mei was very sensitive in her previous life, and what kind of thoughts others were holding to communicate with her, she could understand it with two sentences with others.

Therefore, sensing the temptation and caution hidden in Xu Kang's words, although Ming Mei was inexplicable, she also subconsciously became wary.

This person, you can communicate, not heart.

Just then, the door was opened by the doorman again.

It was the escort that came in.

Seeing that the younger generation of people was about to arrive, Xu Kang also knew that he must be more uncomfortable standing here at these young people who were younger than himself, so he looked left and right and saw Gu Man coming from the side, so a smile appeared on his face: "Sorry, Miss Ming, you young people have a good exchange!" I'm going to accompany my fiancée.

Mingmei followed Xu Kang's eyes and looked over: "Mr. Xu, you turned out to be Gu Man's fiancé!"

Xu Kang smiled and spoke, "Has Miss Ming already met my fiancée?"

Ming Mei didn't say much: "I've met before and said a few words."

Xu Kang didn't ask more, said sorry and left this area.


Xu Kang opened his mouth and called out to his fiancée.

Gu Man saw Xu Kang, and his face brought some joy: "Where did you just run?" Say find an acquaintance for a glass of wine, I washed my hands and you will not be there.

Xu Kang explained while taking his fiancée's bag: "I saw my sister and your brother communicating with the bright man in the second courtyard, so I went up to have a talk."

Gu Man didn't ask much about the situation, let his fiancé hold his hand, listening to the admiration of the golden boy and jade girl beside him, and his heart was somewhat happy.

Xu Kang protected his fiancée by his side while listening to the compliments of the people around him, with a standardized smile on his face.

He doesn't love Gu Man, and the two are good friends at best.

But in their class, that's enough.

He will take on the responsibility of a husband, and Gu Man will also be a mistress of a family.

That's enough for them.

Sometimes, friendship and affection are stronger than love.

Mingmei and Gu Yu separated, and were pulled by Xu Ran to get to know the girls of this generation in Wangfu Hutong.

To be honest, Mingmei didn't write them all down, just matched their faces with their surnames.

Mingmei sat down and chatted with the ladies for a while, but suddenly felt that someone was staring at her.

Mingmei turned her head and saw Wei Hang leaning against the wall with a glass of wine, while bored and beating her with her feet, while watching her in a daze.

Ming Mei smiled lightly, talked to Xu Ran about going over and talking to others, and then got up and slowly walked to Wei Hang's side.

Wei Hang wore a light blue casual suit without a tie, looking young and melancholy.

Wei Hang has just turned 20 this year, originally he was about the same height as Mingmei, and now Mingmei wears high heels and looks taller than Weihang.

"Why are you alone here?"

Ming Mei took a glass of champagne from the waiter on the side, took a sip lightly, and asked.

Wei Hang, who was in a daze, was startled, and when he came back to his senses, he saw bright and beautiful eyes looking directly at him.

Wei Hang's wrist shook, and the wine glass in his hand almost fell.

"Didn't... Nothing, I prefer to be alone. Wei Hang stammered in reply.

Ming Mei looked at Wei Hang with interest.

When I came to be a guest before, I only felt that the Weihang people were very sincere, didn't I find them so shy?

It's just that others say that they like to stay alone, and Mingmei is embarrassed to continue to stay here, so he said with a light smile: "Then I won't bother you, I'll go first!" Said

, stepping on the stiletto heel and turning around.

At this time, Wei Hang suddenly said no.

Bright turned her head.

For the first time, Wei Hang hated that he did not study and socialize well.

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