Seeing the woman in front of him turn around, Wei Hang took a deep breath, a large number of words arranged in his heart, and finally only spit out a dry sentence: "I don't mean to want you to leave."

Wei Hang looked at the girl in front of him

and only felt that his heart was beating fast, never fast.

Every time, as soon as he saw her, Wei Hang couldn't help but talk to her.

Before in the night style bar, Wei Hang looked at Mingmei and the others talking and laughing, and after thinking about it, he remembered the topic of warehouse.

Wei Hang has suffered from severe autism since he was a child, and even if he is almost better later, he still does not talk much.

At the gatherings of the younger generation on weekdays, he used to act as a beautiful male vase, eating, drinking, and clapping, but in fact did not say anything.

It was Wei Hang's brother who was going to visit before, but Wei Hang's brother happened to have something, and Wei Hang's elders wanted Wei Hang to know a few more friends of the same age, so he asked Wei Hang's cousin Lan Lan to take Wei Hang to visit.

Originally, Wei Hang was irritable about this kind of coping visit, but all the dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared the moment he saw the bright light.

Why, is there such a person in the world?

Wei Hang watched Mingmei communicate with his sister and thought to himself.

So beautiful, so good-sounding, every move attracted his attention so much.

At that moment, Wei Hang turned into a small moth, and the brightness was the brightest candle flame in the space.

At that moment, Wei Hang just wanted to turn into a moth, burned to ashes by the scalding heat of the candle fire, and finally only the heart remained.

Originally, Wei Hang did not want to come to such a social gathering, but when he heard that Mei was also coming, Wei Hang took the initiative to participate in a party for the first time.

Wei Hang's parents happily dressed up their son and sent him to make friends.

Hearing Wei Hang say this, Ming Mei stopped and stopped in front of Wei Hang.

"Are you uncomfortable somewhere?" Ming Mei asked, "Your face is a little red now." Have a fever?

Wei Hang subconsciously touched his forehead, and quickly put his hand behind his back: "No, that, I've always been like this."

Mingmei didn't know whether to believe it or not, and her slender fingers lightly pressed against Wei Hang's forehead.

Wei Hang immediately stiffened into a piece of wood, and did not dare to move.

"No fever." Bright said.

At this moment, Xu Ran came over.

"What are you two whispering here?" She asked.

"I didn't say anything," Ming Mei replied, "Wei Hang blushed, I thought I had a fever." Hearing

Mingmei say this, Xu Ran glanced at her strangely, and the corners of his mouth looked like he wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

Wei Hang clenched his fists nervously, stammered that I wanted to go to the toilet, turned around and left.

After Wei Hang left, Ming Mei looked at Xu Ran inexplicably: "What's wrong with you?" The corners of his mouth are grinning to the root of his ear.

Xu Ran turned around: "Mingmei, let me tell you, you are not allowed to tell others that I told you."

Mingmei nodded, whether in her previous life or in this life, she was a friend worthy of being trusted with secrets.

"Weihang likes you."

Xu Ran said.

Ming Mei was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head with a smile: "It's impossible, we have only met a few times."

Xu Ran's eyes widened, looking Ming Mei up and down, and then he looked very hard, and his strength was very lightly patted Mingmei's waist.

Looking at Mingmei's originally beautiful eyes widening like a cat, Xu Ran snorted twice in a good mood and said, "Hey, hey, don't you have a little AC for your own appearance and charm?" Can we count our circle on a hand like you? It's normal that people will fall in love with you at first sight! Ming

Mei glared at Xu Ran with a snort, raised her hand and pinched the flesh on the side of Xu Ran's face: "It's good to say at first sight, but it's not good to see the color."

Xu Ran thought about it, but he didn't find that the bright light on the side began to wander the world.

Bright and carefully recalled.

Wei Hang's appearance is very high, and he can have more than 80 points, which is the same as Xu Mu.

Because he is the youngest son in the family and does not have to inherit the family business, he is particularly favored at home and has grown up with thousands of pets since childhood.

The personality is also very shy, thin but not the kind of skinny, he just happens to be in his arms....

Moreover, the sound is not bad.

Think about it, Escort is not bad?

Bright and wandering.

Wei Hang hid in the bathroom for more than ten minutes before coming out to wash his hands, and then leaned back on the sink and looked at the bright WeChat on his mobile phone.

Click in and exit, click in, and exit.

A line of words was typed for half a day, and finally all of them were deleted.

"Gotta tell her personally."

Wei Hang thought so.

After the banquet, as soon as Ming Mei walked to the car, Wei Hang chased after her.

Wei Hang cautiously shouted flattery.

Ming Mei turned her head after hearing this, saw that it was Wei Hang, and tilted her head in confusion.

Wei Hang looked at his bright eyes, and his face instantly turned red again.

Wei Hang was glad that it was dark at night, and Ming Mei couldn't see the look on his face clearly.

"That, bright," Wei Hang said, "my brother transferred to me a restaurant in his hand, the chef of that house is very good, can I invite you to dinner the day after tomorrow?"

Ming Mei smiled and nodded.

Wei Hang returned to his car hand in hand, his hands nervously pinching the pants on his knees.

After returning to Courtyard 2, Ming Mei took a shower and rested.

It's just that I can't sleep while lying in bed.

Wei Hang invited her to dinner, and he knew what he wanted to do.

Only, can Wei Hang accept her concept of treating her partner?

The next day, Mingmei didn't think much about the defense for the time being.

Because Mingxing began to prepare to dig people.

The person Ming Xing fancy is called Wang Jianye.

Wang Jianye, one of the earliest express brothers in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Now I am almost 50 years old, and I can't do it.

He has completed 30 years of service and can already apply for retirement.

But he did not dare to retreat, could not retreat.

He is almost 50 years old this year, however, the family's mortgage has not yet been paid, the children are still in school, and his wife's salary plus his retirement salary is not enough to support the family.

So, Wang Jianye is looking for other jobs recently.

Ming Xing stared at him.

It's not for him to deliver the express - to put it bluntly, people who are almost 50 years old, even if Wang Jianye wants to continue to deliver express Mingxing, he does not dare to accept it.

Ming Xing planned to let Wang Jianye go to the class.

In the process of investigating the market, Mingxing found that the evaluation of the logistics industry is uneven, because of one point.

The threshold for express brother is too low.

There is a joke on the Internet, I am a pig farmer, I put on a courier overalls and I can deliver the delivery.

Although it is a joke, it also reflects the low threshold of the courier brother.

Although the employees in the logistics industry are not all express brothers, the most employees in the logistics industry that ordinary people can contact are express brothers.

Therefore, many people know that the children of relatives and friends have applied for logistics-related majors, and the first sentence is that you have to send express delivery!

Logistics students literally cried to death.

Students majoring in logistics cannot all go to express delivery, and the demand for express brothers is large, and the threshold is lowered.

I vaguely remember that in the first two years, the courier brother who had three links and one delivery did not know what it was to prevent violence signs and fragile goods signs to deliver violently, smashing the cup that the customer bought for tens of thousands of yuan, causing the customer to take the courier brother to court.

There is a lot of this kind of news.

Mingxing has been thinking about how to avoid this kind of thing.

Inadvertently learned of the existence of Wang Jianye and these people, Mingxing's eyes lit up.

If the threshold is low, then it is better to raise the threshold.

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