The logistics industry, no, should say, why is the threshold of the express delivery industry low?

Because of the high demand, logistics companies cannot afford to raise the threshold.

However, logistics companies cannot afford the cost, Bright can afford it.

It should be said that the system is burdened.

If you want to raise the threshold, the best way is to do pre-employment training.

But the question is, why would anyone be a courier?

Is it for love?

No, it's to earn money.

Especially in a place like Kyoto, there are many drifters, and most of them are just able to maintain their own lives, who has nothing to spend a month or more not to earn money and come to your training?

Don't tell them that after the training is good, the work is good, and those who can't even guarantee it now won't look at the future.

Then, in order to raise the entry threshold, Mingmei decided to use the system's money to provide stable accommodation and basic salary to those who participated in the induction training.

Stable accommodation is the dormitory, the basic salary is uniformly set at 3,000, the courier must sign a contract on the day of entry, once joined must participate in a two-month training, the basic salary will be paid during the training, and those who pass the exam must join the company for at least half a year.

There are also some scattered clauses, which Mingmei has long been drawn up by Li Mingkang and others.

Bright will not exploit these couriers, but it will not give those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to paddle.

Mingmei divides the pre-employment training into cultural courses and practical training courses, cultural courses are written knowledge, and practical training courses are to take them to simulate express delivery.

The cultural class Mingmei specially hired some famous teachers in logistics majors, and there was no need to tell them how advanced knowledge was, but only some of the most basic express knowledge: such as what the signs on the express box represented, what should be paid attention to when sending express delivery... This knowledge is too simple, but any ordinary logistics student can be prepared to become a lecturer for a while, but the first Mingmei is not at ease, and the second is for the sake of points, Mingmei still plans to spend a high price to hire some professional teachers.

As for the practical training course, there are people like Wang Jianye who are responsible.

Most of Wang Jianye's batch of couriers have no energy to do express delivery, if the company is more humane can also provide them with other civilian positions, if the company does not provide it, it can only find other jobs like Wang Jianye.

However, these people have too few second means of survival, and even some hard work does not dare to hire them, so there are too few people who can successfully find second employment.

However, although they can't do it, their experience in this industry is unmatched.

Mingmei asked Mingxing to find a courier of this age group who is serious about work, has a lot of experience, has no bad hobbies and evaluations, and urgently needs a new job.

Isn't this the teacher of the practical training class?

After making the plan, Ming Mei began to implement the plan.

First of all, there is the problem of dormitories.

Arriving at the destination, Mingmei walked out of the car wearing simple casual clothes.

This is the sales office of an apartment building located in the fifth ring road of Beijing.

The name of the apartment is Peace of Mind Apartment.

Bright walked into the sales office of Anxin Apartment.

A salesman greeted him: "Hello customer, do you want to rent or buy a house?"

Mingmei glanced at the sales office and said, "Buy a house." The

salesman's eyes lit up: "Then what do you need for accommodation?" As

he spoke, he led Mingmei to the sand table.

Ming Mei glanced at it simply.

Anxin Apartment is a new apartment in the past two years, the occupancy rate is quite low, the location is not too good, there is not a big business circle and school nearby, so the price is not expensive, about 60,000 per square meter.

Because the main apartment is single, there are more tenants than residents, and a suite is about 80 square meters.

Basically, it is a two-bedroom, one-living room, one-cupboard and one-bathroom layout.

Two households on one floor, stairs elevator, one building with fifty floors.

A building is about 500 million.

Bright calculated, the price is quite right, and it is just right to use it as a dormitory building.

"Aren't these five buildings inhabited yet?"

Ming Mei pointed to the five buildings on the far left and asked.

Generally, the households that sell will be marked with the new mark, only these five buildings do not have any logo.

The sales quickly explained: "This young lady, although these five buildings have not been sold, the specifications are exactly the same as the other buildings, you don't have to worry about this." Ming

Mei nodded: "Call your manager out, I plan to buy these buildings."

The salesman was stunned for a moment, quickly nodded, stammered and said you wait, stepped on high heels and trotted to the manager's office.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a somewhat fat figure ran out of the manager's office in a fart.

"Manager, it's this young lady who wants to buy a house!"

The salesman said to the manager with some excitement.

This kind of large list, with a little slit exposed in the manager's finger, is enough to eat for several years!

The manager quickly stretched out his hand: "Hello miss, I am the manager here, are you planning to buy a house?"

Mingmei nodded, did not shake the manager's hand, but scratched the five buildings on the far side with her finger: "Just these five buildings, you bid."

The manager was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you going to take a look?"

Ming Mei shook her head: "No need. "

In fact, before coming, Mingmei had already taken people around the Anxin apartment.

The manager said no more, and showed a somewhat flattering smile to Mingmei: "Please wait in the rest area, we will calculate the price for you." "

He's not afraid to be bright and fool him and tease him.

He looked at the nobility of the girl in front of him, and the watch on his bright wrist that did not have millions of dollars, and he became more respectful.

Mingmei was respectfully invited to the rest area, and a tall and passable male salesman diligently poured tea for Mingmei.

The fat manager quickly ordered a few quick sales to calculate the price together.

About ten minutes later, the fat manager came over with a document: "This young lady, this is a detailed list of the prices of these five buildings, after erasing zero, you will be charged a total of two billion, and we accept to pay in 100 times within three years."

Mingmei directly took out a card: "No need, I pay the whole amount."

Two minutes later, the fat manager looked at the two billion funds that appeared on the company's books in amazement.

Then, he bent over Mingmei more carefully and respectfully, and his head was on his toes.

Today's commission from this business is enough for him to buy a suite in the third and fourth ring roads in full.

Mingmei found the decoration team through the fat manager and did a simple decoration for these five buildings.

A building with a hundred suites, five buildings are five hundred suites, and two employees in one suite are a thousand employees.

The scale is comparable to the company of the three links and one to that order.

At the beginning, Mingmei did not plan to hire so many employees at once, and first recruited 300 externally, radiating outward with the capital as the center.

After buying the building, Mingmei glanced at the time.

Wei Hang made an appointment for her to dinner in the evening, and she still had to go to the appointment.

Mingmei went back to the second courtyard to change into a dress, and the housekeeper drove Mingmei to the hotel.

Bright wears high heels and cannot drive.

When I got to the place, Ming Mei got out of the car and took a look.

Isn't this "a restaurant that tastes great" that day?

It turned out that it was opened by the Weihang family!

As soon as Ming Mei walked into the hotel, the driver who came to pick up Weihang that day greeted her: "Hello Miss Ming, the young master asked me to pick you up."

Mingmei followed the driver to the private room on the second floor.

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