Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 162 - A Complicated Life

"He's not a woman. He knows his own way home. Why should I take him home?". Juan felt that she worried too much.

"We smoked together and he started to find himself. I don't think he'll repeat the same thing". Juan added.

"I'll tell my story that is more dramatic than this complicated relationship among the three of you". Juan said.

"Do people like you also have a complicated life?". Aruna was getting sadder.

"If people see you from out there, no one will know that you're this kind of wife".

"Yes! You're right! Even my condition is more complicated than what you imagine. You only know the surface. Just like the two men in my life. They're just as selfish". Aruna explained.

"They're so selfish because they both want you. That's our nature".

This girl was silent and didn't say much. She covered herself in a jet black robe. She didn't want to be touched. Aruna was lost in her own thoughts.

"What do women like you want?". Juan investigated.

"Why did you ask that?".

"Because my girl is also in almost the same condition as you. I'm just curious".

"Sometimes I want to go far away and leave everything. I wish I could, but that's impossible".

"Oh, I see..". Juan's mind also wandered.


"Doc, how's my wife's condition?". The blue-eyed man rushed to the consulting room of the doctor who handled his wife. That girl wanted to go home soon. She wanted to do outpatient care. After all, there's a special nurse who could look after Aruna at the main house. Unless this girl needed more treatment, then the hospital was still the best choice.

"Finally, I can meet you. I suspect you have something until you come to this simple room". Doctor Bram had made a call to his nurse to deliver the medical records of the blue-eyed's wife.

"Hehe.. You know, doc! I want to take her home. Is my request possible?".

"Please have a look". Bram showed Aruna's medical records.]

"She's getting better now. Make sure her nutrition, body fluids, and activities are controlled".

"My wife can come home?".

"We'll see until tonight. If there's no significant deterioration in her body condition, she can go home tomorrow morning". Bram and Hendra began discussing proper nutrition and many things for the patient named Aruna.



"I've been looking for you since earlier. Where have you been, dear?". Hendra immediately approached his woman and helped her to hold the IV.

"Just a walk in the park for a while". Juan answered him instead because she was silent.

"Hi, you! Why is my wife gloomy?". Hendra caught Aruna's anxiety.

"Because there's a violent criminal who locks her up all the time". Hearing Juan's words, Hendra's eyes blinked.

"Do you mean me?".

"Who else?". This bodyguard was too brave.

"Yes, I'm indeed a violent criminal. I can even play with my bodyguard whenever I want. Hehe". Hendra's smile made Juan horrified and left immediately.


"Don't be sad. I'll make sure you come home tomorrow. Just take care of yourself until tonight.. Please smile. I came home earlier as you wish". But his girl still froze in silence.

What was most troublesome was that she wasn't eager to eat. Only two mouthfuls and she couldn't be persuaded to continue it.

"Geez..". Hendra sighed, trying to be patient.

"What do you want to eat? I'll buy it".

Aruna shook her head at everything Hendra offered.

_Huh.. You're the best torturer_

"Come on, Aruna. Eat more.. You said you want to go home, right?". Hendra managed his emotions in such a way as to persuade his woman. He was still continuously shaking his head. Who could test his patience more than this girl?

"Alright. I can't stand it! What do you want? Tell me! I'll obey everything as long as you want to eat". The blue-eyed tried to convince her.

"Hehe… I'm not sure you can grant my wish". Her voice was very low. She began to close her eyes, choosing to cover herself in a blanket. Not sure what happened to her. This girl had shown her sadness. She was gloomy and tired.

"You want to go home, right? Finish your meal now! We'll go home right away". Mahendra persuaded her. He did whatever he could to make that girl let go of her sadness. Aruna remained silent.

"Well, besides going home, we'll visit the Magic Letter tomorrow. You must be missing that place?". Surprisingly, Hendra's words this time were immediately responded to. She got up and sat down.

"Give me my plate! Water, too!". The CEO of the Wenceslas Group was no longer worried, but sad. Aruna took a big spoon and then swallowed it, without chewing it much. The girl pushed it with water. Once, twice, three times. Hendra couldn't bear to see it again.

"Stop! Stop it, Aruna". The blue-eyed pulled her plate.

"Don't take it! You said you'd let me visit the Magic Letter outlet? Let me finish it". Aruna kept her plate.

"Oh my God, Aruna. STOP! I can't see it!". The movement of pulling the plate spilled the glass of water all over the bed. The girl was teary, staring at the water spills. A strange behavior that made the other person sad.

Hendra approached her and hurried to hug her. He stroked the girl's hair in his arms while saying: "don't be like this. I beg you..". Hendra looked at her face, rubbing her tears.

"Give me your hand". Next, Hendra removed her IV and hurried to find the girl's jacket. Since he couldn't find it, the blue-eyed used the coat that he was wearing to wrap it around her tiny body.

He tried to make a call while tidying up some items: "Surya, prepare my car and please take care of the administration, including my wife's room. I'll bring Aruna home now".

"As far as I know, it's tomorrow?". Surya asked.

"I'll explain later!".

Hendra lifted the girl's body and took her down the hospital hallway to his car in the basement: "Stop crying! We'll go home just like you requested!".

This man put Aruna in the seat beside the driver. He put on the seat belt and positioned the half-reclined seat. He was fast and immediately sneaked in behind the wheel.

He drove his car fast, followed by another car behind. The car of the bodyguards.

"Hendra, I'm thirsty". That quiet request made someone's eyes look for the nearest mini-market. As soon as he saw it, he rushed out to buy his wife's order and came back as fast as he could.

"Can you wake up?". Aruna's body movements were immediately helped by the blue-eyed.

"Calm down.. I'm not as weak as you think. I'm just in a bad mood". She said in between her attempts to sip the water.

"Yes! It's too bad until I no longer see a girl excitedly beat me just because I accidentally touched her lips". Hendra was still reluctant to drive his car as if he was observing something.

When Aruna got up, she understood what Hendra was observing. This was the place, the place where many stories began. Perhaps, they only needed to move the Bentley another 100 meters. That was where the crazy CEO stole her first kiss.

"Is this marriage that tough? Without realizing it, it's not just me who has changed. You've changed a lot, too. I miss the old you who was so excited". Hendra's words were just ignored.

The blue-eyed man touched his wife's face as the cell phone rang. Riswan's call was just as important.

"Come on.. Hurry..". This girl's voice sank.


"Aruna..?!". Hendra checked her more carefully. She began to fall asleep again.

"Can you hear me?". Riswan at the other end needed to say something.

"Yes, Riswan. Yes, just talk!". The blue-eyed put down his cell phone while touching the loudspeaker button for the mayor on the other end. His hands were busy checking how she was sleeping.

"We have to move quickly. The investigators are still continuing the background checks on the 7th floor collapse".

"Ah, shit!". Hendra found out that Aruna passed out. He had tried to confirm and it turned out that she wasn't just sleeping.

"Oh, yeah. Damn it". Riswan kept misunderstanding.

"Riswan, just talk.. I'll hear it". He said it again as he went back toward the hospital. The Bentley Continental sped away like crazy.

"I think we need to install equipment that supports our statement about the experiment that we mentioned yesterday".

"Hello?!". Once again, Riswan questioned Hendra's whereabouts, who seemed not to respond to his statement.

"Just talk! I'm listening". The caller didn't realize Mahendra was racing down the street, leaving the bodyguards' car behind. He pressed his horn.

"Ah, right. One more thing! My advice about the appearance of you and your wife related to your wedding. Hmm.. Blue Oceans?? That spectacular wedding needs to be raised to the public to divert the issue". Riswan had stolen his concentration. The screeching sound from the car brakes made Mahendra's cell phone fall to the bottom of the car.

The blue-eyed wouldn't have time to take that cell phone: "Hello, Riswan. Can you still hear me?".

"Yes, but the sound is very noisy".

"Turn it off. I'll call you back later".



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