Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 163 - Tarantula Group

"Yes, but the sound is very noisy".

"Turn it off. I'll call you back later".

"Please pay attention to my advice. The investigators who handle the collapse of the building aren't locals. It's directly handled by the central investigators".

"Yes! Yes.. I understand. I'll call you back later!".

"Hold on, Aruna. Almost there". There was a sense of devastation as she lost consciousness, added with her mood and expression. This girl managed to make Mahendra's chest tighten instantly.

The car was parked carelessly in front of the hospital lobby, followed by Hendra's movement to open the door and carry his wife's tiny body while running as fast as he could.

And Aruna entered the ICU for the second time.

"Argh!". There was an expression of regret hitting the air.

"Why did you bring her home? How reckless you are!". Surya, who didn't know anything, was also disappointed by Hendra's actions.

"You know how confused I was to see her cry. Enough! Don't add more burden to my mind". This man regretted his own actions.

"You should use your brain whatever happens".

"I've said many times. My brain doesn't function every time I face Aruna". Mahendra ruffled his hair messily.



I wish you knew my pain.

A man who doesn't have his girl's love.

A husband who has no rights over his wife.

Or a hunter who can only stare at his prey.

If complaining were able to provide a solution.

I also want to chatter about the tightness in my chest.

The pain that always greets.

Deliberately ignored, so I can continue to survive.

It's not just you and him who are suffering.

Who seem to love each other and I'm the obstacle.

I'm just as hurt.

But I can't let you go because you are my breath.

Try to give me a little hope even if it's fake.

Because now someone selfish starts to fear himself.

Afraid to have to give in for you to be with him.



"Why don't you come inside, Hendra?". Surya asked, staring at his superior. That man was still sitting in the hallway while his wife had been moved back to her room.

"I couldn't approach her again. Seeing her helplessly in my arms made me very nervous. I need her to wake up first before approaching her". Mahendra complained.

"I'm grateful to see you finally found a girl who touched your heart, but I don't see happiness in her. Sorry, I have to be honest with you". Surya also sat down, staring at his friend who was getting more confused.

"I can't let her go, Surya. She… She's the only one I have right now. You know, I used to be a human who worked like a robot. Because I grew up like that, I didn't even remember enjoying life. Just like you who have to be the backbone of your entire family. Now, your younger siblings have grown up. You have led them to meet their dreams, one by one. You already feel successful. While me? What's my success other than finding someone who can be my life goal?". This profound conversation between the two men made the personal secretary pat his superior's back. If they'd been girls, one of them would've given the other one a hug.

"Keep holding on, if that's what you can do. Just like the way you survived the way your grandfather educated you". Surya supported him. An analogy that was almost the same because both of them were tiring. It was just that Surya, whose youth didn't have many opportunities to be close to women, didn't understand how heavy an unrequited heart was.



"I decided to take a leave from all work activities for a while. Right now, I want to focus on Aruna's health first". Hendra had no other choice or he would be worse, too.

"Riswan contacted me earlier. Make sure the collapse of the 7th floor library looks natural. Study the research conducted by Artur Pinto Vieira". The CEO of Wenceslas Group gave a command.

"Alright, just leave it to me". The secretary happily accepted the mandate.

"How's your plan to appear on TV stations?". Surya asked.

"There's no other way but to wait for my wife to be healthy first". Mahendra answered.

"Okay, I understand".



"Hen.. Your wife is awake". Surya exclaimed, excited.

"Really?". This man immediately rushed over to her.

"Why did I come back here? You said we're going home". This little girl was disappointed.

"Because my little girl fainted. Then what should I do?".


The aroma of coffee bursted into the room again. They smoke tobacco whose smell was strong, combined with the aroma of Gayo coffee, a type of Arabica coffee produced in the Central Aceh region, in the Gayo highlands to be precise. In international studies, Gayo Arabica coffee had the most distinctive and preferred taste compared to Arabica coffee grown elsewhere. Gayo Arabica coffee was awarded Fair Trade Certified as a token of appreciation.

The same could be felt on the tongue and nose of the coffee lovers. But not for Gibran. He was tormented with all of that. This scent had been the scent he hated the most since childhood. Each time they gathered, it meant that there would be a new pressure imposed on his father, and of course him.

"Your plan. Hahaha.. Not as great as Wiryo's grandson's rhetoric. You know how much harm will happen if their big plan materializes". One of the people he called uncle cornered himself. A habit they naturally did.

"My goal was only to disturb, nothing more. Everything must be neat and slow so it can't be detected. You know they cover up the sabotage because they don't have any evidence. It's an advantage for us". Gibran defended himself.

"Gibran's effort was very good. Instead of asking about it, which is still in process, why don't we just support him? Look at me. I use my colleagues to mobilize central investigators to develop this case". The uncle who's the second largest shareholder gave a significant boost.

"Thank you for believing in my son!". Rio, Gibran's father, said.

"I think Wenzel's blood never disappoints". The lowest smallholder was indeed very good at making uplifting words. He was like a great sycophant clinging to Rio's family, the leader of this group.

"I want a new policy in the future". Gibran was very careful. Even though he was now a controller, to be honest he was their doll who sat in classic European chairs.

"Just mention it. If your policies are good, I'll follow". One of the people Rio liked the most, Uncle Adam, gave him a response. This one uncle rarely spoke.

"While bringing down the opponent, I mean Wenceslas, how about we expand our business more widely? Not only accepting government-ordered projects and relying on the Oil Company". Gibran gave advice that he'd long held. This idea came from the way he watched Wenceslas Group's activities over the past decade. Especially since their new CEO took the lead, Wenceslas Group was transformed into the most prominent company in technological innovation and was declared to have passed the era of 'disruptive innovation' 4.0 which was the latest threat to companies born from generation to generation. It needed a lot of studies and massive system updates to face the gripping challenges of the 4.0 millennia era. Ruthless corporate killers.

(The term "disruption" was coined by Clayton Christensen, The Innovator's Dilemma, 1997. In it, Christensen introduced the idea of "disruptive innovation" in the business world. He used this expression as a way of thinking of successful companies that not only meet the needs of customers at this time, but anticipate their needs in the future. The theory explained how a small company with minimal resources was able to enter the market and replace an established system.)

(Example: let's look at Netflix. When Netflix started its business, blockbuster considered it insignificant. Blockbuster didn't see the future trend when customers wanted to watch movies. When Netflix came to blockbuster to collaborate, blockbuster turned them down. Actually, Netflix had started to see the future trend of the blockbuster market but blockbuster wasn't aware of it. Right now, Netflix was profiting in the billions and blockbuster was bankrupt.)

This absurd board-led company still hadn't been able to break through to that change. They still liked to use the old method, got closer to the power holder, ensnared them, and forced them to monopolize government projects. Any sector that became wetland would indirectly become a field for the Tarantula Group. A splinter company of the Djoyo Makmur Group during the leadership of Wiryo. There was a big disaster that was neatly buried.

Wiryo didn't necessarily understand this. The heartache of those who were forcibly evicted and the old story that had long tails.

Tarantula stood for the name of the founding board. Ta: Tanto Kristian, Ra: the initials of a woman who had now changed her identity to Julia (Rio's mother, Gibran's grandmother), N: Ndaru Dirga Atmodjo, T: Tegar Markus Salim, U: Untung Braga, M: Linus Abraham, and A: Adam Nalendra.

"I also think the same thing with you. Unfortunately, my friends are too naive in doing business. Unfortunately, we're old people who are pretentious". Once Adam spoke, the others had memorized very well that it'd contain poisonous venom that was ready to be pegged to their own colleagues.

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