The recycling center is very large. There are many large containers in it, so the light is a little dim. The containers are piled up in a mess, leaving only a distance of more than one person as a passage. The passage branches like a labyrinth, leading to an unknown depth. The International Military Cooperation Office of the military headquarters is like the face of the military headquarters, bright and charming. This is the butt of the military headquarters, which is annoying but has to exist.

The container is not very high. It is painted with different marks, representing different classification of goods. Although the door of the container is a little old, the hinges on the door have been damaged in some places, and they are simply tied together with iron wire, but all the containers are locked with iron bolts, and nothing can be seen at the corners. It seems that the administrator is very diligent, At least the goods are sorted out in order, and they are not stacked at will. Compared with those waste recycling stations outside, they are not in the same level at least.

After a short walk, suddenly a light appeared in front of my eyes, and a 20 meter square free area appeared. In terms of the free area, the tables are arranged a lot, accounting for more than half of the area. The rest of the area is equipped with some necessary electrical appliances. It seems that it has been for some years. I don't know whether it is recycled or originally configured.

There was a man at the table, writing with great care. As soon as Lin Zicong entered the area, he said with a smile, "Shelley, I'm here again! Do you want to miss me? " When he said this, he made a face rarely.

"Shelley is the name of a dog," the man said, turning around in anger! My name is laixue

As soon as the man turned around, longyi's face changed slightly. Although it was not the first time he saw this man, his appearance still made him want to stay away.

Laixue's half face has no meat. The burned skin is like the root of an old tree. It climbs from the front of the neck to the cheek of the other half of her face, like a combination of a skeleton and a patient.

Lin Zicong didn't feel anything. With a smile, he untied the button on his uniform and took a breath. He looked at the diary on the wall and said, "these two words seem to be very smooth when you read them upside down and in the right direction. How could I be so clever when you named them in Chinese?" With the expression of "God, please help me", laixue rolled her eyes and muttered: "it's really boring. People in your class just like boring things when they're OK." He got up, went to another table, turned out a book for bookkeeping, threw it on the table in front of Lin Zicong, and said, "here are the records of this month, which were just sorted out yesterday. In order to sort this out, Xiao Zhang has been blind for seven nights

"Yo? This month seems to be a little more. How did it get thicker? " Lin Zicong sits down nearby, drags the account book on the mobile phone, turns his head and winks at the Dragon Wing behind him. Dragon Wing understanding, open the hand of the briefcase, from the inside out of five red tickets, to laixue in front of. Lai Xue received it and glanced at it. There was a flash of light in her eyes, but she still showed a smile on her face. She was not satisfied and said, "Oh, it's something new, but it's only a ton less."

"Just a ton?" Lin Zicong immediately held out his hand and said, "well, give it to me. I'll give you something again. I still have some jade wares I've made recently. Well, it's better than this. I'll send them back to you later."

When lescheton changed his face, he held the ticket in his hand and hid it behind his back, as if he was afraid that Lin Zicong would really take the ticket back: "don't try to coax me again. Now the price of meat is one price a day. Besides, you are instant food. You don't have to sell it in the market. I don't want to change it. Those jade can't be eaten. Besides, I have a lot of them here."

Lin Zicong nodded and said with a smile, "I knew you would say that. I don't dare to say anything else. One of you is right. These things can't be bought outside. Hehe, because they are produced in my factory. Only if I want to, can I buy them outside. "

As soon as Lin Zicong said this, laixue immediately opened her eyes and said, "really?"

Lin Zicong said, "what do you do with this? In the future, there will be more places to rely on you. I don't have much to take with a little things. If you like, I'll send some to you every month. "

Before Lin Zicong's voice, Lai Xue decides to come over in two steps. She pats Lin Zicong in the palm of her hand and says, "it's a deal!"

Lin Zicong's face looked like "I knew you would pout like this". He didn't stop, but he was still pandering. They clapped their palms together.

Longyi's chin is falling. His surprise is not Lin Zicong's attitude, but such a small space. There is only less than one punch around his body. He has not come yet and retreated to the original position. No one can pass through the position between the small tables! I didn't see how laixue passed in front of him. Laixue passed him and patted Lin Zicong's palm. How did he do it?

Lin Zicong rubbed his palm. He was ready to open the account book to see it. Lai Xue pressed his hand and said in a mysterious voice: "since it's here, there are still some interesting things. Do you want to have a look?"

Lin Zicong was not infected by him at all. He frowned and said, "I haven't read the information yet."

Laixue still pressed the account book, said: "this is not urgent, you have a lot of time anyway, go back and take a look, I said this thing, you can't put it down, go, go with me to have a look."

Lin Zicong looked a little hesitant. After thinking about it, he said, "well, if you say something precious, look at it."

Long Yi wants to laugh. For new things, he doesn't think it's in line with Lin Zicong's character. Seeing this hesitation, he really doesn't know what the hell Lin Zicong has in his stomach.

The recycling center of the logistics department is a magical place. Valuable things don't appear here, but things that look worthless but haven't lost their use value are sometimes sold here. However, how many people can tell what is really valuable? In this way, in fact, it's a bit like Taobao to come here, rummage through those containers and find some strange things in them.

Long Yi has been around Lin Zicong for a long time. Naturally, he knows that Lin Zicong is a person who likes Taobao. After calmly analyzing Lin Zicong's performance, he only comes to a conclusion: Lin Zicong is playing tricks. When a person who likes Taobao meets another person who lives in the "treasure mine" every day, how can he resist the itching in his heart?

A moment later, the three came to a container. There is no mark on the container. Laixue goes in, turns for a long time, and finally takes out a box, which mysteriously opens in front of Lin Zicong.

Dragon Wing surprised, inside the box, is a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes.

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