"Do you... Do you do this business?" Lin Zicong's face sank with a brush. Naturally, he meant selling human organs.

Laixue buttoned the box, pulled down her face and said, "day, for so many years, do you think so about me?"

Lin Zicong's face changed again. He said with a smile, "I don't think you are such a person."

"That's nature." Laixue rolled her eyes, then came over mysteriously and asked, "did you... Find anything?"

I don't know how they used to associate with each other, but in terms of attitude, they seem to have a good relationship, but they are defending each other. It's really strange. Longyi is more curious. He looks forward, hoping laixue can open the box and let him have a closer look. But Lin Zicong presses his hand on the box and says: "it... Doesn't rot!"

Laixue clapped her hands and cried, "yes! Hehe, you are a good friend. You want to go with me. When the boy brought it over, I found this problem as soon as I saw it. Ordinary human eyeballs, just put in this way, will rot in no time at all. If they rot, they will have a taste. Moreover, they are so unprotected in the box, where can they not even have a taste? No decay, that means that this thing is not an ordinary eye! I took it from the little bastard at that time to prevent him from going back. "

"Who... Would be the person selling this? And how much did you give him? " Asked Lin Zicong.

"Hey, this... Do you care?" Lai Xue looked at the box in Lin Zicong's hand. "In terms of price, it's very cheap. It's more than 1000 yuan. As for who that kid is... I don't need to know. I never refuse people here, only things. There is something wrong with it. That's because I don't have a good grasp of it. Only when there is nothing wrong with it can I enter the logistics system of the military headquarters through me. This is a principle that cannot be changed. "

After a pause, laixue patted the box: "wait, I'll get a magnifying glass. You can see the details. That's more amazing!"

Lai Xue finds a magnifying glass and hands it to Lin Zicong. Lin Zicong looks at it carefully. The eyeball has a complete structure. There is a layer of thin metal mesh outside, which envelops the eyeball as a whole. He can't understand the rest“ I need to take it back and take a closer look. There's nothing here, and there's no one suitable to analyze it... "

Laixue said with a smile: "no problem! If... Again... "Leixue twisted her fingers. Dragon Wing understanding, immediately open the briefcase, and took out five cooked fish vouchers, handed to the hands of laixue. Lai Xue patted ten vouchers in her hand and said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, it's useless for me to hold it. It's for you. It's no waste. As you know, we have been working here for a long time. We don't want to waste anything we see... "

"Of course I know. There's no need to explain this. However, I'm a little short of money recently. Otherwise, I really want to have a good look in your warehouse and see what else is precious! " Lin Zicong turned to scan the containers, with greedy light in his eyes, as if to see through all the containers.

It was almost noon, and the team members were still sleeping.

Although Li Xinyan is an artificial life, and most likely a mechanical life, he also feels very tired, so he is also sleeping.

Having seen the memory of the "past" buried in his body, which originally belonged to him, Li Xinyan is not very angry, but has a feeling that he can't lift his mind. Is it sad not to lift God? It doesn't seem to be. It felt like a gel, which stuck him in and had a feeling of suffocation. When he couldn't breathe, he was a little dizzy, so he went to sleep when everyone was sleeping.

This sleep, inexplicably appeared Tong Liya.

Tong Liya in her dream is more like the little nurse in the hospital, more like the little nurse on the top of the mountain who seems stubborn and indulgent, but more like the little nurse who takes care of people than the noble feeling in her memory. The little nurse in the dream was still very active. She came up and pinched his arm and leg. Suddenly someone called in his ear: "wake up, the mechanical animal is coming!"

Li Xinyan wakes up immediately. Although the injury on his leg is not good enough, it doesn't affect his action any more.

The operation team is hiding at the top of a hill, where there are few mosquitoes and mechanical animals, so it is safer.

Lying on the edge of the cliff and looking down, the mechanical animals in twos and threes are coming from the distance, and the dust is slowly floating up, which can be seen from a distance.

What kind of team is this?

The regular team of mechanical animals has always been a group. It is rare to see mechanical animals moving in twos and threes. If we say that this is to support the fight of the spaceship, then it should be an organized team. It should not be walking in twos and threes like this. In addition, the direction is not right. The direction of the huge ships is the west, while the direction of these mechanical beasts is from west to East. Wait a moment, approach a few, more doubtful point appeared again, these mechanical beasts, unexpectedly seem to be all injured! A few of them still broke their legs. The action group didn't believe them. They discussed in a low voice and wiped their eyes. Indeed, some of them broke their legs!

What's more surprising is that there are three or two mechanical beasts approaching one by one, and one by one goes far away. Counting the numbers, there are about 400! Four hundred, which is the total number of mechanical animals in a normal campaign.

What's going on in the west? Who has such a strong fighting capacity? There are 400 mechanical animals that have been damaged due to such a great loss. How many of them are dead? The casualties of more than 400 mechanical beasts must have been a major battle. How much combat power has the human side invested? What was the outcome of the war?

So many mysteries.

"Che, what does this have to do with us?" Yang Botao turned over and looked at the sky with his arm on his back.

"It doesn't matter. It's good to have a look! At least look, happy Strog said. He has been basking in the sun all morning, and his energy has been full for a long time, so his speaking strength is naturally stronger“ Hi, you are a mechanical soldier. You are very happy to see your own people injured! " Yang Botao bit the grass roots and said with a smile. Strog sighed a long sigh and said: "although I am a mechanical fighter, as a mechanical life body persecuted by the holy city and turned into a traitor, I can't be happy to see their pain?"

Yang Botao felt that strog's words were a little wrong, and quickly said: "Alas, now, there are too few happy things. It's hard to be happy. Whatever the reason! Happy together

Since all the mechanical animals are injured and they are retreating, there is no danger. In addition, everyone is hiding above the ground. It is impossible for the mechanical animals to find out. Everyone is chatting, so there is no taboo.

But Li Xinyan and Wu Kun scrape up the cliff together and look at the mechanical animals in twos and threes that have been walking for a long time. It seems that they can't see enough.

"Goldstone, what are you thinking? I've seen a movie. No matter what's good or bad in the movie, it's all the past. We have to face the future. The future needs to change. This kind of change is the only way to stop repeating the past! " Wu Kun said to himself and sighed to Li Xinyan. He thought that Li Xinyan was still immersed in those memories, which was his new name.

Wu Kun may have chatted with stroge in private. He has some understanding of Li Xinyan's past. With the materials he knows about Li Xinyan, he knows that Li Xinyan is not in a good mood now. As a captain, he can't just sit by.

But Li Xinyan didn't seem to hear him. He was also half talking to himself, half facing Wu Kun, pointing to the mechanical animals and asking, "you say... These mechanical animals are injured, where will they go?"

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