There is a sunset in the sky. After the fire and clouds rise, the sky gradually darkens. Although the moon is not bright, but with the stars, you can see the movement within a few hundred meters.

The mechanical beasts have long disappeared in the distance, but the traces on the ground are clearly visible. The action team followed the tracks left by the mechanical animals. In front of them was the plain area with little undulation. The owls cooed in the woods and grass. The insects in late autumn were still desperately declaring their existence. All these became the best cover for the action team.

"It's not that far, is it? We've been tracking for more than 100 kilometers. Those mechanical animals have experienced a big war and suffered damage. How can they go so far? " Zhao Xiaogang asked, Zhao Xiaogang's question seems to be other people's question, everyone's eyes turned to strog. Strog is a mechanical fighter and has received mechanical beast. He should have a say in this aspect.

Strog walked like wood, but the eyes of the infrared detector could see six routes. He thought that he could not escape the problem. He said, "if we use human technology, it's not easy to have such a large battery to support them to go so far. The batteries in holy city are much higher than those made by human beings, What's so amazing about being able to do things that human beings can't do.

The battery of the mechanical beast belongs to the critical material battery. An energy battery can store about 55 kg of energy. In extreme cases, this energy can support a mechanical beast to fight for about four days without interruption! Compared with this distance, it's so smooth and there's no need to fight. It doesn't cost them much energy. "

"Critical matter battery, what is it made of? Why can't humans study it? " Guo Tianming asked. He is more interested in these things.

Strog turned to look at him. He was surprised that someone was interested in these things. He said: "hum, human beings can't be studied. In the early days of peace between human beings and holy city, human science and technology were not bad. But after so many years of fighting, countless human scientists have died, and it's no surprise that science and technology have been lost, Human beings are regressing, but the holy city has no human interference in science and technology, and is making progress every day. It has developed many new things to deal with human beings, including advanced energy storage methods! "

"There is a kind of crystal mixture in holy city. When it is impacted by high-voltage current, it will liquefy, and the liquefied mixture will absorb more electrons due to the change of molecular structure, which is called critical material battery. This technology will use atomic technology to inject positrons into the nucleus, so as to improve the efficiency of energy storage. From the performance point of view, because there are positrons in the nucleus, the escape of positrons will take away some electrons, so the critical matter battery will emit light. Human beings can now find the energy battery of the dead mechanical beast from the battlefield, but they have no charging equipment. They don't know how to store the total energy in the battery, so even if they get the energy battery from the body of the mechanical beast, it's useless. "

"So, is your... This tattoo the same kind of battery?"

Strog nodded.

"Wow, how cool!" Guo Tianming praised it. Strog's body is in the sun during the day to charge, at the moment full of electricity, the streamline on the body flashing Yingying blue light current, looks mysterious and beautiful.

"Shh! Keep your voice down Wu Kun turned his head and motioned the crowd behind him to lower his voice. Wu Kun said that, there must be something in front of him. In front of not far behind the hills, it seems that there is something, where the sky, a little faint.

Over the hill, a flat valley appeared in front of the crowd. In the distance, where the valley is flat, there are starlight. From the light range, it looks like a larger base. This is the control area of human and mechanical city. Naturally, no human will build anything here. Therefore, this light can only be a base of mechanical city.

"Boss! What shall we do? " Yang asked Wu Kun.

Wu Kun didn't even think about it and said, "through the woods, touch ahead!"

Li Xinyan took off his clothes and threw them to strog, saying, "put them on!" Strog was stunned, but then obediently put on his clothes to cover the shining streamline. Cool things, in some cases, are troublesome things.

After two steps, strog suddenly realized a problem and said in a low voice, "don't worry. You can't go like this. Most of the eyes of mechanical animals are infrared. If we don't get to the base, we will be found! "

"What about that?" Yang asked.

Strog looked around and pointed to the valley. "If we are lucky, there will be some water in the river. We can walk through it."

But Li Xinyan said, "it's night when I'm not familiar with my life and land. It's not safe to walk in the river."

What can we do? The crowd looked at him. Li Xinyan touched the river, reached for his hand and dug on the ground, wiped it on his face, then smeared mud on his body, went back to stroge and asked, "can you see me now?" Strog's red eyes swept over him and said, "well, I'm not sure." After thinking about it, Li Xinyan grabbed some long grass from the nearby grass, tied it to his body, and asked strog, what's next?

"Well, it looks very similar to the environment. The edges are so blurred that we can't tell what it is," strogge said

After that, they all wiped their faces with mud and covered themselves with long grass. Then they ran slowly towards the mechanical animal base. The camouflage tested by strog's electronic eye cheated the eyes of the mechanical animals. Of course, strog was wrapping grass on his body and wondering that he was being used. However, this use made him feel that he could not say it. He was itching in his heart and was commanded by those high nodes in the Holy city, There's a big difference. While running, strog was thinking about why, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't come up with a reason.

As the mechanical animal base approaches, you can see that there are electronic devices scanning the valley on both sides of the hills, but it seems that there is no mechanical animal moving outside.

"Generally, right in front of the base, there will be a team of ordinary mechanical soldiers on patrol." Strog lowered his voice and pointed to the ground at the entrance to the base. There were two searchlights scanning back and forth, but there was no mechanical beast.

"It's not going to be an ambush, is it?" Yang Botao asked in a low voice.

"No Strog shook his head and said, "this T3 scale base itself holds a large number of mechanical soldiers, and this is the area controlled by the holy city. There is no need to ambush without human attack."

"T3 scale? What does that mean? " Asked Li Xinyan.

Strog said: "T1 is the smallest fighter base in the holy city, which is mainly used to support the campaign. It has the largest number, generally 500 mechanical soldiers, most of which provide sufficient combat support for mechanical soldiers. T2 has a capacity of about 1000, which is equivalent to the number of a human regiment, and it provides guarantee for overhaul, The T3 base has a capacity of about 2000, which provides all the support that mechanical soldiers need. "

“2000!” Yang Botao took a cold breath, and everyone else was surprised. This order of magnitude of the base... Touch here, it seems to be playing a game with death! Although it's the action team, not afraid of death, it's not the master who looks at the strength and doesn't deal with it.

Li Xinyan glanced at the crowd and said in a cold voice: "in my opinion, it's nothing to be afraid of. Generally, the capacity of the base is not consistent with the actual number of troops. The capacity is only that when everyone comes back, the base can ensure that everyone enjoys the care of the base. The army always has to complete the task, so in most cases, the number of troops in the base is always less than the capacity. On the other hand, don't forget that we didn't see any mechanical animals going to other places along the way, and the traces on the ground only lead to this base. If we consider that the mechanical animals are disabled and move here, then the actual strength of this base should be less! "

"Yes." Wu kundao.

Li Xinyan smiles at Wu Kun and continues: "if a base has heavy losses, in fact, in any case, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of the base. The combat effectiveness of the soldiers themselves has declined, and if they can't guarantee their safety, it will be a disaster. Let's not say what to do with the invasion of the enemy outside. Just because our own people are angry, they will destroy their bases. This is true of human beings, and other life forms are inevitable. As you can see, the mechanical soldiers don't even have patrol personnel, which shows that the mechanical soldiers are very lax in defense. Of course, it's very likely that the mechanical soldiers didn't think that human beings would come here and didn't pay attention to these defenses at all, but another possible reason is that... When the mechanical city was fighting just now, even the Sentinels were sent out! "

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