Filona's parking location is not a big parking lot on the black market, but a taxi stand that provides public transportation during the day. At night, there are occasionally some vehicles here, but the drivers will go home to sleep instead of staying in the car.

From here, we can see the biggest exit of Xifang, the south entrance of Xifang. There are two stone lions on both sides of the south entrance of Xifang, which are placed by the black market managers and are mainly used to suppress evil spirits.

Filona's car parking position is very tricky. Looking inside the south gate from here, you can just see the door of the two-story building of the black market west square target.

"0505, this is 01. Are you in place?" Filona and the bailiffs are not in a hurry to get out of the car. Instead, they ask in the wireless channel through their headphones“ 0101, 05 are in place. " The fifth group responded.

"How long will plan a be completed?" Asked philona. All action teams should not stay more than 5 minutes after arriving at the place where the task is performed. In such a quiet place, staying too long may mean exposing the action and arousing the vigilance of the executed object.

In terms of time, the fifth group is the first to start. They are mainly responsible for cutting off the main power supply line, reducing the overall light of the black market, so as to facilitate other groups to take action in the dark. This part of the work should have been completed when the main force arrived, but it seems that something is wrong, and the light of the black market has not dimmed.

"There's a bit of trouble here. There are too many lines. We can't tell which line is the main one controlling Xifang. We're investigating." The fifth group answers. The black market itself is a place that doesn't obey the rules. It's common to pull and build privately. Municipal power lines are usually pulled more disorderly than spider webs, so it's difficult to distinguish the direction of the original lines. These bailiffs are too law-abiding, and some of them don't know how to adapt to the law. Filona is a little embarrassed, and criticizes: "what do you do so clearly? Just set a fire and burn it! Transformer overload in the middle of the night is nothing new. It's strange if someone looks for the line in the dark! "

The wireless channel didn't answer. After a while, the black market lights went dark, and 60% of the lights disappeared.

If the light is too bright, the action is easy to be exposed. In these places, it is easy for the executed object to escape, but if the light is dimmed first, it will not be noticed by the executed object. But the illegal construction of the black market seems to be too much. The main power supply lines have been destroyed, and 40% of the lights are still on. Naturally, this problem is also under planning. Soon, half of the remaining lights went out, and the overall brightness of the black market went down. That's the credit for group six.

"Team nine, September. Plan B, go ahead." September 9 refers to nine action teams. They are assigned to take the lead in occupying the favorable positions near the black market west square of 23 country tunnel. These positions have good vision, key positions and are conducive to shooting. Plan B is the scene control immediately after plan a changes the scene environment.

Not long after that, all eight groups of the radio channel got an answer: "0101, my group is in place." There was only one group - 19 operation group hesitated to send a question: "0101, I found 156 tramps 80 meters in front of the group. How to deal with the request. "

tramp? Philona frowned. She frowned and hesitated. It's true that there are poor people in the black market. But generally speaking, the black market is not spacious. There are many people coming and going every day. Those businessmen are eager to be crowded, so they usually drive the poor away from their shops. Moreover, the management of the black market is more conscious and will drive these people to a more remote corner, The black market west square is a typical black market center of 23 countries. How can there be more than a dozen tramps?

"Take a closer look and see if there is any abnormality?" Asked philona.

"Careful observation, no abnormality." The 19th action group answers. But filona was not satisfied with the answer and asked, "did they find you?" The 19th action group replied, "No. The road here is a gentle slope. We are moving from low to high. There are many eaves and the light is not clear. They should not have found us. "

Since there is no exception, philona made a quick decision: "OK, if you don't find it, you can offset the control points according to the plan." Although the appearance of the national underpass where the black market is located is much worse than that when it was just completed, especially in the black market, the situation of illegal construction is very serious, but the basic width of the underpass is still better. In this way, there are some gaps between some illegal buildings. These places can be used as good sentinels to offset the control points, In fact, it would be better to change the post where the situation is not very good.

"Got it." 19 action team answers. It's not a good behavior to drive the tramps out in the middle of the night. These guys have no belongings. It's not fatal to fight. It's better not to move them, although their appearance makes the implementation of the plan imperfect.

"Attention, main battle group, plan C is in operation. The auxiliary team should block the main road for escape. " Philona added.

The main battle group is the core team of the operation, accounting for half of all the operation personnel. The underpass of the black market in the underground city is not very spacious. Five people in each team are easy to move, so the main battle group is divided into 30 groups and divided into stairs to encircle the west square of the black market in an all-round way. From the four corners of the world, the main battle group will move to the two level building from the East, West, North and south. On the main road, some auxiliary action groups must be left behind to block the road surface. On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent others from breaking into the encirclement ring. On the other hand, if someone tries to catch the suspect in the encirclement circle, he will find that he must first break through this barrier.

As for the peripheral sentries, their main function is always to observe the peripheral conditions, if necessary, to delay the pressure on the periphery of the encirclement, and to use guerrilla tactics to disturb the attention of the executed.

This is the three-tier iron net against organized crime!

After giving the order, filona made a sign, and all got out of the car and went to the South Gate of the black market west square. A bailiff had doubts and asked, "director Fei, don't we use night vision?" The lighting level in the black market is only 20%, which is not very good. It is equivalent to the night with moonlight under natural conditions. If night vision devices are used, the lighting conditions will be appropriately strengthened“ Use that. You can't run away when the bullet comes. Because they use tracer bullets. "

Walk not 30 meters, in front of a room suddenly click, opened a door, the door drilled a shadow. As soon as filona waved, everyone stopped, and five or six surprised voices sounded in the earphone: "hmm? It's strange, how can children show up? " The location of the shadow in the direction of filona's moving happens to be in the dim light, while the action team in other directions may have better sight conditions and can distinguish the shape and size of the shadow. However, how can there be children?

The public security conditions of the black market are not good, and the appearance of children is even more dangerous. However, why are there still children?

Is... What is the plot of this criminal gang?

"Don't beat the grass to frighten the snake first, follow behind, feel forward and see clearly." Filona whispered on the radio.

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