However, it seems that there is no conspiracy at all from those shadows who are only seven or eight years old. Instead, they look very happy and run towards the black market. For seven or eight year olds, most of them are afraid of the dark, not to mention in such a dark situation inside the national tunnel. But why don't these children look scared and happy?

The children were running, and the action team was following. Fearing to attract the children's attention, filona said on the radio channel, "plan C4."

Plan C4 is one of the variants of plan C. It will leave one or two operation teams within a few hundred meters along the way and force the encirclement from three floors to four to five floors. Because what we fear most is the presence of irrelevant people in the encirclement. At this time, we need to narrow the encirclement and block the idle people in the outer encirclement to avoid the injury of innocent people. Most of these people are blocked between the fourth and fifth layers of the encirclement. If there are accomplices of criminal gangs in these groups, they will also be properly isolated, Therefore, this kind of change is not only the prevention of the unknown situation, but also a strategy for the action plan not to be implemented in accordance with the established way.

C4 has a weakness, which is to spread the fire.

However, it doesn't look terrible at present, because those children are the only ones who dare to appear in the tunnel at this time, so this weakness seems to be no problem.

The children are running towards the black market in front of them. Philona and the action team are following them at a distance of 60-70 meters. They are walking all the way. Seeing these children running all the way to the second floor of the target building, they stop.

Under the target building, a man in black is standing. The man in black is wearing leather armor without sleeves. He has vertical hair in the middle of his bald head. His face is disgusting. He has blue tattoos on his arm. Under the blue light, he can see that he is a monster. It seemed that he had been waiting there for a long time. Seeing the children approaching, the man laughed twice and slowly unfolded his hands. In his hands, he held several bag like objects, which looked bright and blue, like bright fireflies filled with transparent plastic bags.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, come here! This is the food for tonight. Come here, look up and drink it all! " The man looked as if he was feeding the dog, laughing as he handed the transparent bag to the children.

"Mechanical life!" Filona whispered on the radio.

But the man didn't seem to notice that someone was looking at him from tens of meters away. He bent down and asked several children, "what's up? Do the liquefiable products of these energy crystals taste good? Does it taste better than human food? It took a lot of effort to get it. You should eat it well! In the eyes of ordinary people, your body structure is no different from that of ordinary children, but if you eat like this, your body will automatically store it in the place where it should be, so that when you fight, you will have enough energy. By the way, can we fight against those robbers these two days? "

"Yes! Seven brothers! When I was fighting today, I not only knocked down two hooligans, but also took off their arms by the way! "

Several other children also scrambled to tell the results of the day, and immediately couldn't hear what they were saying.

However, one child shook his head and said nothing. He turned around and looked at the distance behind him. Then when everyone's voice was lower and bit through the plastic bag like a soft drink, he said, "but... Even if you waste a few gangsters, it doesn't seem to be much compared with today's biggest rivals!"

Man a listen to, feel taste is wrong, ask a way: "small 3, what do you mean?"

"There are people following us with some weapons. It looks more powerful." Small 3.

"What? Where are they? When did it happen? " The man is a little cautious.

Several children turned around and pointed to the dark place dozens of meters behind them, saying: "they are there! Follow us all the way, don't know what to do The children pointed in different directions, but they were all the dark places where the action team was hiding.

Oh, no! It seems that these children have been aware of the following of the action team! They are mechanical creatures, and naturally they have infrared vision. In the infrared field of vision, even if the light is dim, the shape of the human body is clear!

"Open... Fire!" Philona shivered inexplicably and gave the order to fight. Almost at the same time, the man held his finger in his mouth, and a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the black market west square.

The first was the action group's barrage, which shot at the six children and men in almost any order. Almost at the same time that filona ordered to open fire, the six children and the man rolled on the spot and disappeared under the green plants under the small building. The time difference was so small that the bullets could knock down the children of the mechanical life, but in the end, they missed the chance to nail them into the concrete wall of the small building.

There seems to be a ditch under the building, which let them escape.

At the same time, the second floor window of the small building was opened, and some tubes that looked like muzzle were exposed, aiming at the location of the action team. The bullets of the action team were fired, revealing the location. The gun tubes on the small building immediately spat out fire and fired at the location of the action team. A round of bullets shot out, immediately two members of the team were injured and fell to the ground.

Next to filona, the team leader felt that filona was not in the right mood. He immediately pushed away filona to avoid bullets and called to the wireless channel: "ground force, shoot, shoot! 56, 56, shoot from above. Make sure you hit the Mechanical creatures But the leader of the action team on the top yelled in the radio channel: "is there any mistake! Those are children

Radio channel immediately someone in the layers of gunfire roared back: "mechanical life is a mechanical beast! Don't be confused by the appearance

To a large extent, the law of the Ministry of military forbids the manufacture of mechanical life, which is to avoid the confusion in the situation that we can't imagine. In some cases, the experience of mechanical life makes people hesitant, just like the children in front of them, who let people know that it is the enemy but can't start.

With such a delay, the five members of operation 56 were in the most favorable position of the air passage, and they just lost the best position to hit the mechanical life. The firepower on the second floor building was sufficient. When someone was found on the top, he immediately fired at the stairs leading to the top, blocking the 56th operation team in the passage and unable to show his head.

At the same time, not far away from the second circle, the gunfire of the operation team started to ring nearly 100 meters away. Filona was stunned. It seemed that some of the criminals were hiding in the houses around the black market west square“ Captain! Look for cover Filona's team pulled her over, pushed her behind a low wall full of flowerpots, patted filona's face and yelled, "Captain! Wake up Philona seemed to wake up, relieved, and said, "shit, damn, how can there be a mechanical life the size of a child?"

At this time, it seems that there is a faint gunshot from another place in the distance, and it seems that the surrounding area has also been attacked“ Team 25, are you under attack? " Philona called on the wireless channel for confirmation, but there was no reply. The signal of the wireless channel is transmitted through the telecommunication channel in the tunnel. The channel is generally inside the wall and is not easy to be damaged. If there is no echo, it is possible that those teams have been attacked.

"Outside team! Is it under attack? " Filona called again on the radio, but still didn't answer. Is the communication line damaged? It seems that this possibility can not be ruled out. Since the external operation team has been attacked, the third group army soldiers who are likely to commit crimes have set up ambush in advance, and one of the contents of setting up ambush must be to destroy or interfere with the communication of the operation team of the Ministry of law.

The gunfire not far away from the passageway, after a burst of loud noise, soon quieted down. It seemed that either the operation team was killed or the other party was killed.

"03, 03, yes, please answer!" Philona is also a little restless, calling on the radio channel. But there was no reply.

Almost at the same time, with several screams, three or four members of Fiona's group and another action team were shot. A bullet hit the head of the bailiff who just pushed filona to the back of the bunker. His head immediately broke into a piece of blood and body fragments, and the blood splashed on filona's face and body. If the two sides do not move to change the shooting position, it is very easy for the other side to touch the design habit, resulting in casualties.

The blood of the bailiff splashed on filona's face, which made filona calm a little. After all, it was climbing out of the dead. The feeling of a long time suddenly overwhelmed all the emotions and inspired the fighting intuition that had never been in waves for a long time. However, philona at the same time, I suddenly understand another thing: the original not on the battlefield for a long time, the feeling of fighting will degenerate!

"Damn it! We are in ambush A bailiff yelled after the bunker“ How did you investigate? " The other asked out loud.

Filona seemed to be stained with blood, and then she came to her senses completely. She gritted her teeth and said: "this is not the problem of you long, but someone has already arranged the game here, waiting for us to jump inside!"

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