Li Xinyan's fist clenched more tightly, but tyratomis unexpectedly did not continue to speak, but looked at the distant star sea, silent for a long time.

After a long time, Li Xinyan's hand slowly loosened.

Li Xinyan doesn't fully agree with tirathamis, but there is no doubt that he has no power to resist all this. So what about anger?

"Do you know what this space is for?" Tiratimus first broke the silence and asked.

Li Xinyan sighed and replied, "how can I know?"

Tiratimus asked, "what? Don't you feel familiar? "

Li Xinyan shook his head.

"Well. I'm relieved. "

Li Xinyan was full of doubts: "don't worry? What do you mean

"Since you have been to the past, it shows that the way of dealing with that space is reasonable. My residual consciousness should have said to you that every consciousness is independent when it is generated. If you force the past consciousness to you, it will not do you any good. Therefore, I choose to let you see your memories of previous lives in that space, Now it seems that this kind of treatment is correct, at least in terms of character, you do not have some of his inherent paranoia

"Now the space we are in is also a space created according to you... Ah, no, the original thinking logic of the saint son is similar to the process of separating his memory fragments. The original storage here is the thinking memories that the saint son thinks should be preserved. But at that time, for the sake of the stability of this space, I carried out some processing on the most external structure to prevent his Highness the son's thinking extension from sticking to the world structure. "

"Thinking... Memory?" Li Xinyan took two steps forward and stood side by side with tirathmis, looking at the world from left to right.

Since he can seal up his memory in an independent space, it is not difficult for him to create such a space. Li Xinyan has a deep admiration for his ability.

Tiratimus said with a smile, "yes! Thinking memory. At that time, his royal highness, the way of thinking not only had the solidification advantage of 12 nodes in the mechanical world, but also had the physical advantage of human neuron thinking, because his body was biological. Under this condition, he created the thought compression algorithm, that is, to remove some interference from the knowledge system, or to interface the interference, to use the independent space to simulate the main thought for calculation and analysis. The typical application of this method is the simulation design of weapon equipment. Because, at that time, he was most concerned about how to repel the siege of the mechanical city by the aircraft carriers made by human beings. "

"Is there a big difference between aircraft carriers designed by human beings and aircraft carriers designed by mechanical city?" Li Xinyan asked with a frown.


Tirathamis nodded: "in fact, the ultimate goal of weapon shooting is to kill the opponent. That's why weapons of different uses are produced. In the war of those years, the goal of mankind was clear. They also built the weapons that damaged electronic equipment most seriously, but the mechanical city was inferior to mankind in this respect. Why? We also studied, and finally came to a conclusion, that is, the individual advantages of biological life. Each consciousness and body of biological life body are independent, and there are slight differences between them, which determines that they have differences in coping with the attack of the same weapon. The weapons of mechanical city can eliminate those human beings who are deficient in a certain aspect, but it is inevitable that there will be super human beings who can endure in this aspect, The same way of attack in the subsequent attack will often reduce the attack effect

"It's a bit similar to the drugs that humans use to resist germs. If you use too much, it will fail. This is a skill that biological life has an advantage over mechanical life! In this case, the way for human beings to deal with the bacteria is to constantly develop new drugs, while the way for Macheng to deal with human beings is to constantly develop new weapons. Ah, of course, this is not to say that human beings are bacteria. I don't mean to belittle human beings, but to make the situation clear. "

"Your Highness's idea of genius was supported by me and 12 nodes, so we created an independent space to run thinking level weapon design. When reconstructing the body of your previous life, I simplified it according to the design of that year, created this space, and then hung the space handle in your body. In fact, I didn't expect it to be awakened, but felt that what originally belonged to you should not be forgotten... "

Talking about the body problem, Li Xinyan suddenly interjected and asked, "do you mean my body before I was transformed by human beings? Isn't the body an organism? How can there be something about mechanical life? "

Tyratomis was a little stunned, but then he laughed awkwardly: "this... There are hundreds of millions of cells in biological life. It's not difficult to do something about the genes of some cells... It's not difficult to hide some data..."

Those fragments of Wu Kun's memory pop up in Li Xinyan's mind.

A soldier skillfully put his head into a box, and the number on the box began to rise rapidly from 0%. The number hasn't changed to 100%. The blue light in the box seems to overflow. The soldier presses the box tightly with his hand.

At this moment, the picture turns again, and the doctor appears again. She looks around at some data in front of a computer and doubts: "we've searched for them three times, but there seems to be no useful information in them. These are all his materials in human society. What about his memory in the mechanical city? Why not at all? "

As soon as the picture flashed, a man with mechanical equipment in his hand was furious: "you fools! You must have made some mistakes in the process of implementation! I told you all, you still made a mistake! Now restore him to mechanical life, some of his important memories have disappeared! What shall we do? "

The picture flashed again, and the general who had given the soldier's badge in front of him sat down in his chair and said, "Hey, so? Let's hold a meeting. Since we haven't found anything, and you all say that you haven't made any mistakes, that is, we have made a collective mistake, and we have to solve it collectively. Holding a meeting is not to find out who is wrong, but to see how to deal with the aftermath. After all, that guy is also a human life, and some of our practices also violate some moral bottom line... "

It turns out that when building Li Xinyan's body, tiratimus did not implant the memory into Li Xinyan's biological head, but put it in some gene fragments!?

"Yes! Specifically, it's RNA, which can be kept continuously, but it's hard to crack. Moreover, even if it's cracked, they only get some handles. The real kernel can only be obtained by connecting to the mechanical City, so they can't get what they want at all. "

Tirathamis had not finished his words when he suddenly felt that he was flying. Turning around in the air and looking back, Li Xinyan was surprised to find that he was holding a stick composed of a section of lines and roared: "I'm not a tool! You have no right to use my body to do what you want to do! That's my body! My body

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