After all, it was a God. Two flashes in the air led him back to the hill. The world is unique, and the forces between the lines do not seem to be enough to destroy the lines that make up tirathamis, so his body is still intact. But Li Xinyan's performance made him a little surprised, but when he thought about it, instead of getting angry, he laughed.

"Well, it's a pity that there is no pain in this world. Otherwise, as a God, you will really be knocked unconscious." Tiratemis, as if nothing had happened, fell beside Li Xinyan, turned his lips and joked.

Li Xinyan ignored him. Although tiratimus has no malice in this matter, and even hopes to help Li Xinyan, Li Xinyan doesn't want to. The two lines on his head are jumping, which is the position of green tendons.

"Well, anyway, it seems that the general direction of things is right. Well, I really admire myself more and more." Tyratomis rubbed his chin with his fingers and looked up and down at Li Xinyan, as if looking at a perfect work, although Li Xinyan is just a bunch of lines in this world.

The underground world.

Mercenary headquarters.

The headquarters of the mercenary Corps does not look like an office like other parts of the military headquarters in the underground city. It looks more like a church built in the underground world.

The main hall of the headquarters and the antique style auxiliary halls on the left and right sides are Gothic buildings. There are many decorations carved inside and outside, including flowers, fairy tales, and even the 12 barrel thick columns standing outside the door are directly on the dome from the ground. On the top are the clouds and dragons on the surface of the Huabiao. Although it is not pure European architecture, everything is perfectly combined, It looks noble and solemn.

To tell you the truth, this kind of design has the flavor of a temple, but the mercenary Corps always go their own way. Even if they build this place into a real underground temple, even the military headquarters can't say anything.

In the center of the main hall stands a statue of the goddess of victory, with a pair of wings around her body and a slight nod. The spear in her hand points to the sky without hesitation. General statues always hold their heads high, and the posture of the goddess of victory is more firm. No matter who stands in front of her, he will be shocked by the will pointing to the bright lights.

The center of the temple is not a desk, but rows of prayer chairs. It seems that prayer is more important than everything for the mercenary regiment.

The offices of the mercenary corps are located in the office areas behind the main hall. Each office is not too large, which is similar to those of the military headquarters. However, the style of these office areas, whether they are corridors or independent rooms, is consistent with that of the main hall in front of them. There are murals of mythical figures on the walls, and even the chandeliers are installed very carefully, highlighting those murals very appropriately, Let the whole space smell like a clergyman's residence.

A slightly larger office at the end of the corridor, with a statue of Zeus carved on the door, is lengling's office.

Leng Ling is a little impatient. Her fingers are gently teasing a small golden bell hanging under the desk lamp on the desktop. The bell is made of special alloy, and its sound is clear but long. Several long bar hammers are added to the bell, and each one will have a different rhythm when it hits the bell cover.

"... so, after saying so much, do you want me to do it?" Lengling wears a dark purple uniform, which is not available in the regular uniform series. Only lengling has such a uniform in the military headquarters.

Sitting on the reception sofa were three officers with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Hearing this, they immediately moved forward and said yes with expectation.

There was a tinkle of bells, which sounded like the sound of ice.

Leng Ling was satisfied with a smile and said: "however, it's not a good time. Have you been in the Research Institute for a long time, and you have been confused about the actual situation of the military headquarters? Oh, no, you have been in the group for a longer time than you have been in the military headquarters. You should say that you are not thorough enough about some rules or rules in the military headquarters... "

Before Leng Ling finished speaking, one of the black and thin commanders could not control himself. He was so excited that his hands were trembling slightly. He cried: "general Leng, you can't say that! You should know that the cost of studying the mechanical life body is almost the same as ours! It's the last step to input d5801! At that time, in order to be able to keep secrets, we did not upload all the data to the server of the military department. This accidental attack damaged the server of the Research Institute, but lost more than half of the data of d5801! It's a great loss to put it in any research institution. How can we just ignore it? "

"However, if we let the military department intervene in this matter, no, even if I directly intervene, as long as we let the military department catch a little bit of details and know the illegal contents, the consequences will not be easy to deal with!" Leng Ling's tone was flat, but her tone was so soft that she could fall out of the ice“ It's not easy for the mercenary corps to come to this day. What do you think I did a few days ago to make friends with the group army, to make profits from logistics and to provide support? That's changing the reputation of the mercenary corps at the base! Compared with the mercenary corps, the loss of research election is nothing! Can you afford to push the military headquarters and No. 4 forward at this time and screw up the important things at this critical time? "

"But we're going to put up with it this time? The loss of the research institute is not just the research results of mechanical life! Our research institute also lost 30%! Besides, there are two experts in this field! If we can't get a statement back for them, won't other people feel cold? " The thin black officer was reluctant to give up. He smashed his fist on the sofa and banged it.

Leng Ling was not affected by his excitement at all, and still said calmly: "all the research institutions of the mercenary corps are built with money. Every researcher enjoys a salary 30% higher than that of other research institutions outside. If he dies, why don't he recruit more? You have full initiative in this respect. This is not a problem, is it? "

"General Leng! How can you say that? " The next three officers almost jumped out of the sofa. Leng Ling's words are too cold to stand still. Besides, they belong to the mercenary Corps. The destruction of the Research Institute will fundamentally affect the scientific and technological strength of the mercenary Corps. Leng Ling used to attach great importance to the scientific and technological strength, which is the basis for the combat strength of the mercenary Corps to surpass that of the group army. But now Leng Ling seems to care nothing about the loss of the Research Institute, It's hard for them to understand.

Leng Ling put down the bell, thought about it, took a piece of white paper to write some words, pushed forward, and said: "well, if you are really angry, take this note, go to find commander Lu of the second group army, and let him do it."

"General Leng! The academy is in the name of the mercenary corps! How can you make us go to outsiders? What's more, you just said that it's not good for the military headquarters to know some things. Then let's go to the group army and expand this matter. " The thin black officer worried. The other two officers also had blank faces.

Leng Ling shook his head and twisted his fingers. With a slight twist of his slender fingers on the table, the paper was picked up by him. I don't know what technique he used. With another push, the paper was like a boat floating in the air and magically flew in front of the black handed general.

Leng Ling's tone was not good, and she said, "let's see the content first! Hum, it's not convenient for me to cure them, but it doesn't mean that no one can cure them. They are so poor there that even turning them upside down can't recover the loss of a department on your side. It's better to let them also lose some money than to tangle with each other in compensation. In this way, everyone will be in balance? There are always many ways to solve things. You seem to have been in the Research Institute for too long. It's time to change your mind! "

The thin black officer shivered for some reason.

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