The world of lines.

Li Xinyan, with a stick in his hand, sat down on one rock on the hill and knocked on another.

With each knock, the junction of the stick and the rock will make the same "bang bang" sound of the stick on the rock as in the real world.

Sound is invisible in the immaterial world, but with each tap, some lines fall off the stick. The intersection of the rock and the stick looks empty, but there is interaction between them, because the stick has not been poked into the rock by Li Xinyan.

"The world is not a perfect one. But because of its imperfection, there are other possibilities. At the beginning, it took me a long time to figure out the intention of his Highness the son. " Tiratimus put his hand into his sleeve and watched Li Xinyan knock on the rock. He stood on one side as if he were a stone statue.

"There is a saying among human beings: one sand, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi. The three thousand popular world may not be as perfect as the world you live in. Of course, some people in your world say that he is also imperfect. If he comes to this world, he will probably realize what is really imperfect. Here, there is no face to confuse people, there is no peerless light and shadow, but only line segments and the light to maintain the existence of line segments. The reason why there is no such space is that the space itself is used for evolution and calculation rather than for display. His imperfection is that he gives all the performance to the calculation of possibility. "

Li Xinyan stopped the action in his hand, breathed deeply and didn't answer. The stick in hand collides with the rock. Although there is no reaction at the intersection of the two, the falling line on the stick shows that the principle of physics is still valid in this space.

Since the physical principles are effective, it means that physical experiments can still be carried out in this space.

Tiratimus continued: "the most perfect calculation in the world is not one with a core, but one without a core. If you hit the stone with a stick, who will be responsible for the result generation? In many worlds, there is no intermediate controller, because the result of such a thing is likely to be limited by the thinking of the intermediate controller. If the intermediate controller has too many things, it will collapse. So the best way is to let the factors involved in the process of hitting stones with sticks complete the output of the result according to mathematical probability and physical principles. In this way, if new factors are involved, all the results may be different from the previous results. "

"It's a mathematical principle, but it's also a physical principle, but fundamentally it's also a philosophical principle. Just think of the real world you live in. Isn't nature evolving gradually under the interaction of many factors

Li Xinyan still didn't answer, the stick stuttered on the rock, and two lines fell down. But this time, the line did not fall on the ground, but drifted two or three meters away with the wind.

"So, virtual space is a good thing. It doesn't have to have all the factors as you live in the real world. It can remove some unnecessary things, such as the plane color and some characteristics here, and give the performance of evolution computing to the needed computing. In this way, some designs need to be verified in practice, Then we can calculate in this space and get the simulation results that can be shared with the real world. "

"Hum, so is it some of my physical factors that are calculated in such a space?" Li Xinyan suddenly beat the stick and asked fiercely.

Tiratimus was slightly surprised, and then said with a kind smile: "this... When you first designed your body, it should be said that it was like this. Otherwise, how can we deduce the results of some genes generated after billions of years of evolution in the real world? However, as a result, you can rest assured that what I insist on is always free will. There is no... Ah, there is no imposed will in your genes! Oh, don't worry about those handles. They only exist in specific RNA. They only keep their own information and don't do anything else. "

Speaking of this, Li Xinyan suddenly thought of something, stood up and grabbed tirathamis, asked: "gene? You mean... Before I was killed by mechanical animals and transformed by human beings, I was a man you made? So, what am I now? "

This question has been in Li Xinyan's mind for a long time. He has never had a chance to ask because he has no object. It seems that tiratimus knows a lot, and Li Xinyan thinks about it at this point.

Tirathamis did not answer. With a thump, a man fell from the sky and fell straight beside Li Xinyan a few meters away.

It's strog.

Strog looked at the world, saw tiratimus and Li Xinyan in front of him, knelt down on one knee to tiratimus, bowed his head and said, "Your Highness! Your Highness the son It seems that he is not unfamiliar with such a space, nor curious. After the ceremony, he said to Li Xinyan strangely: "Your Highness, you'd better go out first. If you don't go out again, the one outside will probably open your body!"

It's already bright. 800 meters north of the camp of the ninth operation group, on a wall with some architectural features, three huge lights are still shining on the entrance. Looking down from the entrance at an angle of 45 degrees, it's an inclined shaft hundreds of meters long. There's a light every 30 meters in the inclined shaft. From the wellhead, you can see that the inclined shaft looks like something on the ground.

Luohai city is taking six or seven people out of the inclined shaft. Each of them has a headlamp on his head. It seems that they are not agents, but mine workers.

As soon as luohaicheng stepped onto the well, a member of the action team ran to him and whispered in his ear for a long time after saluting him. As soon as Luo Haicheng's face changed, he was a little surprised and said, "what? Where are they now? "

"Right in the camp."

"Captain! There's more to report! " The team member stopped Luohai City, who wanted to go to the camp, and continued: "Captain! Do you remember the order you gave before? The place where we met them was more than 30 kilometers away from the explosion center. At such a close distance, we didn't see any action traces of other operation groups or army groups around. Moreover, a group of mechanical forces were attacking them at that time! "

"So close!" Luo Haicheng couldn't help exclaiming“ Well... Judging from the whole situation... This explosion is closely related to them in all likelihood! My god? How can our operation team have such a large combat capability? wait! Did you just say... Did you see Wu Kun in the team? "

The soldier nodded: "that's right. On the way back, we can't ask directly. Each action team has its own action route and plan. Action teams can't disclose action matters to each other. This is discipline. But every time we mention this topic, we can see that the members of the 12th action group are a little depressed. So, we privately guess that Captain Wu Kun has probably died in his duty! "

Luo Haicheng pondered for a moment and said, "go! Go back first. Group four! It's your turn to go down the well! Xiao Zhang, tell them today's progress and key survey sites! "

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