Hurry back to the camp, the sky is already bright, the first vision of rising with Luohai city into the emergency medical camp.

The light suddenly came in from the door, and Li Xinyan's eyes were slightly open at this moment, holding a trace of cold light in his hands. It's a knife, to be exact, a scalpel. At this time, the soldiers of the ninth operation group, who had been watching at the gate, did not say hello to Luohai city.

Luo Haicheng takes a breath of cool air. He flies over and over. With a flash of his figure, he deceives Tong Liya and kicks her out. And Li Xinyan just completely opened his eyes, looking at the scalpel in his hand and Tong Liya flying out in front of him.

"Tong Liya!" It's the first time that Li Xinyan called this name.

"Your Highness!" Strog flew over with a scream.

Originally, the wall of the camp was made of canvas, and Tong Liya bumped into it, which was probably just the camp shaking. Strog was huge, and she had steel muscles and bones. In this rush, Tong Liya caught it, but the camp collapsed completely in the sound of clatter and exclamation.

Half an hour later, Li Xinyan sat in the command camp of Luohai city.

There is a pile of maps on the desk, which is the printed paper version of the electronic map taken by luohaicheng from the office of international military cooperation. After two months of use, the map has become a bit dilapidated, with a lot of luohaicheng's handwriting on it. Now it looks like a pile of waste paper about to go into the garbage.

"Wu Kun is a hero. I'm sorry for his sacrifice. Although he has not been the captain of the 12th operation team for a long time, he has accomplished many important tasks during his time as the captain. " Luo Haicheng sighs.

Li Xinyan just had a breakfast, holding the milk that Tong Liya specially prepared for him in his hand, slightly moved in his heart, drinking and saying: "for captain Wu, in fact, I haven't been to the 12th action team for a long time. I haven't talked with him much. In fact, I don't know much about some of his previous actions. Captain Wu should be very familiar with him. Ah, Captain Luo... I guess before you met me, your team members might have reported some situations to you. To tell you the truth, he was in danger at that time, and there was no time to say anything else... I didn't have any idea of being a captain. From then until now, I have only one belief, no more casualties, no one! But really, I don't know much about him. Now that all the players are safe, I'm relieved. But I want to know something about him in the past, so that even if I am not the captain, I can pass on his spirit to the succeeding captain of the 12th action team, so that the spirit of the 12th action team should not be lost for his sacrifice. "

In fact, Li Xinyan didn't think so completely in his heart. This is what he said on the surface. What he wants to know is, about himself, how much do other action groups know except what members of action group 12 know? What kind of person is Wu Kun in their eyes? Of course, a simple "hero" is not enough to show that he needs some examples to really understand Wu Kun. In addition, does Luohai city know what Wu Kun knows. If he knows it, it shows a problem: he has been calculated by these human beings all the time! Although tiratemis is right, the machinery City may not be counting on him, but if it is true, Li Xinyan wants to ask Lin Zicong, why? He's human, but he's calculated!

Luo Haicheng nodded with a smile and said: "in fact, according to general Lin's initial plan to set up the 12th operation team, the 12th operation team has its own purposes. According to your understanding, the 12th operation team is dedicated to accomplish some tasks that threaten the base but are not visible."

Li Xinyan nodded.

"In fact, the construction time of the 12 action groups is different. The first group was founded by general Lin when he first arrived at the base. At that time, he felt that the biggest problem of the human combat mechanical forces was the weakness of individual soldiers. Therefore, most of the first action groups were strong in individual combat. The second operation group was originally the reserve of the first operation group. Later, with more tasks and more personnel from the group army, the second operation group was established. The third operation group is a balance. The group army likes to use agents to complete the task. The law department is greedy and gives people to help. More importantly, it pays to complete the preparation of the third operation group. "

"These three action teams are actually an attempt made by general Lin in the early days to enhance the combat power of the ordinary army. It is also a manifestation of the support of the military headquarters for general Lin in the early days. "

Li Xinyan thought a little, and immediately understood the key. Lin Zicong had no background, and these people would not support him to set up any action team. Luo Haicheng said this more obscure.

"If action groups 1, 2 and 3 are an attempt, then action groups 4, 5 and 6 are an attempt to really go deep into the social field. In fact, the main functions of the action team are more obvious in the three action teams. After a base has been built for a long time, it is necessary to maintain the stability of the base in order to make everything better. The society in non war state is still better managed, and the management organization is also very complete. But this is not the case during the war. The ordinary police force recruited from the society alone, It's impossible to suppress some illegal people who want to take advantage of chaos and robbery! In addition, a lot of materials in the underground base need the support of the black market, but these people can't be completely indulged, so we must enhance the error correction ability on the basis of normal stability maintaining forces, so we need special forces to complete these things, so the emergence of the fourth, fifth and sixth operation teams is not surprising. General Lin also won the full support of the social management department because of the establishment and performance of the fourth, fifth and sixth action groups. "

"The success of things is often the result of the simultaneous development of many aspects. The success of abnormal management means in the social field gradually increased general Lin's reputation in the military headquarters, and then the seven, eight and nine operation teams were established. This is inevitable, but it is also the cornerstone of moving towards a higher goal. Therefore, when this ability and result appear, some opposition voices will gradually disappear. And general Lin will be able to really start to achieve his set ultimate goal - direct combat against the mechanical city. "

"Operation teams 7, 8 and 9 are completely quasi independent military organizations established with the support of the military headquarters. Just like us, our team has completely independent military operation power. When we receive tasks, we can have the same equipment support, command system and logistics system as the group army. We must carry out daily training of internal cooperation in order to fight when necessary without the cooperation of friendly forces! "

Luo Haicheng said very easily, but Li Xinyan frowned: "so, isn't it the concept of cannon fodder regiment?" Without cooperation and support, it means great danger to fight with the team of the mechanical city. What's the difference between them and the cannon fodder regiment“ No friendly cooperation "! That's just a light sounding statement!

Luo Haicheng was a little stunned. He gently rubbed his forehead with his fingers and said with a smile: "maybe... That's right. However, for such a long time, we have not become cannon fodder! "

Li Xinyan heart suddenly a shock, can not help but stand up, a right hand, respect a standard military salute.

"Sit down, sit down! What are you doing! " Luo Haicheng frowns and smiles bitterly.

"Don't be like this, everyone is for victory..."

After a pause, luohaicheng seemed to be more relaxed. He continued: "as for the 10th, 11th and 12th operation teams, they are actually an attempt made by general Lin according to the actual situation in the new situation."

"Try?" As soon as Li Xinyan sat down, he heard the word again. I don't know why, when he heard the word "experiment", he always felt a little harsh.

Luo Haicheng nodded and said, "yes, try. In fact, our war with the mechanical city is not an ordinary war, but a war that needs the strength of science and technology. Unfortunately, our predecessors ignored this point, which led to our humiliation in the process of war. The intelligent machine created by human beings, on the contrary, wanted to destroy its creator. This is a sad point in the hundred year war. Where are our mistakes? In fact, it is a mistake in the understanding of the power of science and technology! In fact, the 10th, 11th and 12th action teams are set up to make up for the deficiencies in this area and see if we can regain some control over important event nodes in this respect!... "

Hearing this, Li Xinyan sighed deeply and said, "I understand. So, is it... The targets of operation 12, including those Mechanical creatures? For operation 12, in many cases, it is to destroy mechanical life rather than save them! If so, in fact, Wu Kun's sacrifice... "

"His sacrifice, in any case, is great." Luo Haicheng did not wait for Li Xinyan to finish, directly interrupted him, once again and gave a final conclusion.

Although Li Xinyan's face is calm, half of Li Xinyan's heart is sad for Wu Kun's use of himself. The other half is a kind of pain that can't be explained. According to Luo Haicheng, the task of action group 12 is to eliminate some mechanical life in special circumstances. However, he Li Xinyan is alive, he is also a mechanical life!

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